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Crystal Tipps

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Everything posted by Crystal Tipps

  1. I have Radio 2 on at work and Ken Bruce featured Tom Jones' new album last week - def worth a listen as I heard some good tracks!
  2. It's been a few years since we visited Perth - it's almost law to have a photo taken outside the Lucky Shag!! It's also been 3 years since we made it to an Aussie National - have a great time! We're not jealous at all! Maybe next year.... Enjoy Chim¨ne (and Neil)
  3. Great version! Have been playing it a lot on Radio 2 over the last couple of weeks or so - kept missing who it was, so now I know! Thanks
  4. Only managed to get to Shotts once - it was fancy dress so it was all a bit surreal! (no change there then!) Ran out of petrol on the way there, so ended up cramming 5 of us into a taxi - much to the drivers amusement .... ho hum! Great night though - some cracking tunes were played.
  5. Wow! Was at work this morning and my ears pricked up when I heard this on Radio 2 (it's on the Ken Bruce Show as record of the week - even though it's Richard Allinson covering this week!) Unfortunately the Trevor Nelson soundclip wasn't available, so not to be detered, I found a small sample on the De Angelis Records site https://www.de-angelisrecords.com/ It's a shame it fades just as the harmonies are coming in though.... Happy listening
  6. Spot on It takes a real talent to be that observant and capture the moment and the essence of a nighter on paper. If only all poems showed that depth of feeling and emotion.... Thanks for sharing it
  7. Reading this has taken me back! Keele was the 3rd niter I'd ever been to (way back in 1991) and it was awesome It used to be packed and had such a great atmosphere. Can remember everyone being really excited about going - even to the point of everyone I knew really making an effort in deciding what to wear and even getting their hair cut specially beforehand.. and that was just the guys!!!
  8. Cheers for putting this link on - I've been listening to this on the radio at work for the last few weeks or so and managed to miss who it was every time! It was driving me mad! Got as far as writing down Gabriella but then missed her surname ... you don't get many Cilmi's to the pound do you!! Good tune though Also, back on topic, think the Duffy album is great Glad to hear a few female singers coming through who aren't frightened of being a 'bit different' and not all sounding like Beyonce, Maria Carey etc etc

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