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Crystal Tipps

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Everything posted by Crystal Tipps

  1. RIP Freddie Houston. Sad news indeed. Thanks for the music x
  2. This is the one .... if that helps at all! https://www.discogs.com/Supremes-Four-Tops-A-Taste-Of-Honey-Knock-On-My-Door/release/4365219
  3. Neil's birthday is fast approaching and I'm after 'A Taste of Honey' by the Supremes and Four Tops as a pressie. I've been reliably informed that the the best version is a Dutch 45, looks exactly like UK Tamla Motown with proper fixed centre. Any help would be much appreciated - thanks
  4. Thanks for that - it goes against the grain but might well have to do! Cheers
  5. Oooh - that's quite a bit more than I'd planned on spending (obviously my hubby IS worth it but ...!) Thanks for your input - will have a good old think and see what my bank balance looks like if I manage to find a copy
  6. Had heard that this was a tough one to find ...
  7. Wondered if you could help, I'm after a copy of Gabin Feat Dee Dee Bridgewater - Into My Soul on vinyl (obviously!) don't suppose you know of anyone with a copy for sale do you? Was hoping to get it as a Christmas pressie Thanks Chimene
  8. Why did I think I'd get a reply when I posted it when footie was on??!! Anyone got a copy?? Thanks
  9. Hi there - wondered if anyone can help please.... I'm after a copy of Who's that Lady by the Isley Brothers (United Artists 1964) for a pressie would appreciate any help please Thanks in advance Chimene
  10. Can't believe it was 5 years since the last one in Sydney!! Doesn't time fly.. If you've never been before - get a flight booked now!!! An excellent weekender definitely worth the jet lag!!
  11. Thanks Tony ..... any idea who he is on Soul Source.... I did know and now can't remember!! D'oh
  12. I Know!! I did say to Neil that it was a bit odd to buy it as a pressie .... but he said he was happy about it being by the Joys of Life!!! Who am I to argue.... it is his birthday after all So .... does anyone know of anyone with one for sale??
  13. Still on the look out for the Joys of Life if anyone can help please ...... Thanks Chimene
  14. Boo - it's sold already.... Oh well.... will keep looking! Any help is much appreciated - Ferrett's birthday is fast approaching so if anyone does know of a Joys of Life for sale...... Thanks
  15. Hi, Has anyone got a copy of this for sale please. Wanted for a birthday present. Please send me a PM Thanks
  16. Those we love don't go away, They walk beside us every day, Unseen, unheard, but always near, Still loved, still missed and still very dear. Dave So sorry we couldn't be with you, your boys and your many manyfriends today to help celebrate Margie's life. Although we didn't know her that well, she was always there with asmile and a chat for everyone and even though she's gone, your memories of herwill last forever. Thinking of you. night Margie - sleep well and rest in peace. Love from Chim¨ne and Neil xxxx
  17. Only knew Alan by sight but he was obviously well thought of judging by all the comments. A sad loss - RIP Chim¨ne and Neil x

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