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Everything posted by Andyf

  1. Challenge with Comin' Down With Love as t'other side?
  2. No Chalks. Completely different backing. Lady is more mid-tempo/beat ballad good, but not as good as Lazy IMHO. Flips the same for both.
  3. Don't think I had much joy with it at These Old Shoes either Dave As you say no taste
  4. Love the flip Baby I Need You as well Other girlie greats Patti Austin's Coral stuff Clydie King's Imperial stuff Barbara Banks - River Of Tears Minzi Berry - Don't You Dare To Cry Halos - Just Keep On Loving Me
  5. Wow
  6. Yep Dave lovely tune
  7. 8. I'm Coming Home-September Jones 16. Love Slave-Antellects Both of these have been released on Goldmine CDs I think
  8. So that'll be a Barry White song then
  9. Yep I loathe Love Bandit as well. Another one that has me running to the bogs to throw up is Wake Up To The Sunshine Girl Rather like Shadows and Reflections, The Action's version knocks spots off the other one though.
  10. lyrics go.....'You're the guy,that put tears in my eyes.....yeh,you're the guy' That's Argie and the Arkettes - You're The Guy
  11. There's a third version, but for the life of me I can't remember who did it
  12. Me And would I???
  13. Is that the one that starts off with The Lornettes Rach?
  14. Yep I got one of those. Listened to it once, then it got turned into a frisbee
  15. That'll be a touch of Infatuation I'll get me coat
  16. Thought the Brainstormer's one was a stereo mix Great tune though good to see it getting some recognition
  17. Talk about great minds
  18. Yellow one seems to be the rarer allegedly . But wasn't there a suggestion that the yellow one may have been a later re-press? Are there any other Swan yellow demos?
  19. Seem to remember these filling the floor at the Dome (that well known R'n'B playing venue ) Louie Palmer - Don't Ever Leave Me Curly Moore - You Don't Mean It Robert 'Red Top' Young - Your Future (not sure this out and out R'n'B though)
  20. Well I didn't have much luck on Wednesday night either One bloke danced a bit and there was occasional clapping from around the corner, but not much else. Quite glad to get off by the end of the set to be honest. And no there wasn't too much R'n'B either
  21. Now this is getting wierder, cos I've got the speeded up version on a tape somewhere, but the white label sounds at the right pitch, well to these cloth ears anyway
  22. Not the same as mine Hmmm curious
  23. I've got the white label as well and as far as I know it's the original mix, definitely not the same as the UK release. I have a feeling these were done as a batch during the 80's along with a few other unreleased Motown stuff. This is assuming the labels the same as mine ink stamp with the artist and title with So Long on the flip. Think if it's got addresses and other details it may be an actual Motown test press. Chalky may have a better idea than me, because my memory's shot
  24. Respectively Yes it was Yes it will be and on Saturday at Derby too perhaps And yes it was

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