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Everything posted by Andyf

  1. I thought it came out as an anniversary single at some point. Can't remember whose though.
  2. Pretty obvious ones that you've already probably thought of Pete, but there's Clydie King's Imperial recordings and Jerry Ganey Just A Fool on Verve that tick most of the boxes.
  3. Funny thing about this is that there's a bit towards the end, which everytime I play it at work has me thinking the phone's just rung. I need help don't I. On a different drift. Wasn't Sidney Barnes - Safety Zone that I think Flynny used to play at CSC off a Jobete acetate? I wonder why that hasn't appeared yet?
  4. Spot on Bearsy. I remember djing at the Dome and felt it was an enormous privilege to be able to do so. So saying thanks is no bad thing either privately or more publicly IMHO.
  5. Interesting, because there was a Bo Ro and Ninandy on JM's auction not so long ago and it was stated that they weren't the same take. Couldn't tell you what the difference was though. Still one of my all time fave tunes. Don't think my Bo Ro hisses either.
  6. Interplay Stranger In My Arms What's It Gonna Be I Don't Wanna Talk About It Coat got gone
  7. I thought Frankie Vance was a combination of Frank and Vance Wilson when moonlighting away from Motown
  8. Robin Rice - I've Had It. Metro release is a different mix to the one on Crackerjack. Is this correct and if so what's the difference? TIA Andy
  9. I'm pretty sure you're right. There's certainly one full compilation CD on there (Mel Wynn, Tobi Legend etc.), but there's the odd one or two tracks that seem to materialise out of nowhere. Further investigation last night revealed : Cooperates Four Larks Capreez Jack Montgomery Candy & the Kisses And yes I do play them otherwise it tends to be wall to wall Pink Floyd, Dire Straits or Kings of Leon. Haven't been barred yet
  10. We've had a juke box in the pub for a while and it had a bit of northern and club soul (Dobie Gray, Jackie Wilson, Gloria Jones, Judy Street) as well the usual Motown stuff. Recently it was updated and I don't know what's happened but so far I've found: Barbara Acklin (x3) Barbara Mills Darrell Banks (x2) Mamie Galore Garnet Mimms Belles Jackie Lee Invincibles (covered up as INXS ) Baltimore First Class Silent Majority Mel Wynn Bob Relf Dean Parrish Jimmy Radcliffe Tobi Legend Just thought I'd share that with you. Oh and the Four Vandals
  11. Well sticking with Pied Piper, Lorraine Chandler also had a go at Tell Me Your Mine and Cavaliers - Hold To My Baby and Hesitations - I'm Not Built That Way have similar backing tracks (well to my cloth ears anyway).
  12. Tyrone Davis or Soul Inc. ??
  13. Yep, but can we transfer the dancefloor from Scenesville into the Dome as well please?
  14. Karoake in my local looks like it's got a copy, cos Wigans Ovation is listed. And no I didn't sing it
  15. Stone Deaf Village Choir Apparently hadn't talked to their marketing man when they thought that one up
  16. Spellbound came out on Grapevine as well.
  17. Just found this again on an old 80's tape. Any info, label, value availability? Thanks Andy
  18. Brilliant I love this
  19. But to split hairs Dave, since dancefloors aren't human they can't really have human rights. Perhaps wooden rights is more appropriate except for the lino ones of course. As for the DJ'ing I would plan the first two or three tunes allowing for the possibility of them getting played before hand and then go with the flow and enjoy yourself
  20. Incredibles - There's Nothing Else To say Sensations - Lonely World
  21. And was he reading the lyrics from a book?
  22. Issued on Modern 1026 in 1966 with You And Me Together as the flip. Isn't there a later release with the instrumental on the flip on a green Modern label?
  23. Yep me on occasions And the red version.
  24. Midnight Brew for me as I make beer for a living. Tough job I know, but somebody has to do it.
  25. Well I played it at SHS this year. Does that count?

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