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Everything posted by Andyf

  1. Good call on those Gene. Love the Tracey Dey in a girly/poppy sort of way and the Vernon Garrett is pure class IMHO. The flip to Juanita Williams is also worth a listen. A few others: Incredibles - Little Miss Treatment/AllOf A Sudden Therese Lindsey - Daddy O/I'll Bet You Sensations - Lonely World Soul Notes - How Long Will It Last/Don't Make Me Beg Orlons - Once Upon A Time HTH Andy F
  2. Mirettes-Now That I've Found You Harpsichord a go-go
  3. Yes I'd go along with that. Another really good dancefloor is Eastbourne town hall. Re the River Bar dancefloor I always aim to start at the lowest point, cos I know I'll end up there anyway ;-)
  4. Brilliant record. Get's a spin from me every now and then. Probably due for another outing. Was it really recorded in 75?? Andy F
  5. Agree with Christian on the Delegates of Soul. Manship had a Carol & Gerri issue on his auction a month back that went for £450 or summat. Seen demos going for £250-£300 which is still over the odds IMHO Andy F
  6. 'All my get up and go has got up and gone' kind of sums me up at 7am at the 100 Club :-) Andy F
  7. So that's why you were on your best behaviour then was it ?? ;-) There was a photographer at the last Shoes, but I don't remember the punters needing much encouragement to hit the floor :-) Andy F
  8. Cheers Gene

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