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Everything posted by Andyf

  1. Errrr 4 Vandals ???? Sorry Brett couldn't resist
  2. On the basis of what Ady has turned up in the past couple of years I think there is still class unreleased/unheard stuff out there. Still remember the first time I heard the unreleased Nancy Wilcox tracks, not to mention the Thelma Jones C/U I was gobsmacked (still am really)
  3. Maybe his deck was inadvertently set at +9 Course none of us would ever do that would we??
  4. Why is it when I read the title of this thread all I can think of is the Popular People's Front Of Judae? SPLITTER
  5. So it's a British recording/production then? Why the US release, any idea? Cheers for the info guys Might have to borrow one of Janine's welsh hats next time I give it a spin
  6. Tried posting elsewhere with no success. Love this belting mid-tempo/beat ballad. Has it ever been played out anywhere? Any info on the artist as well would be appreciated. Ta muchly
  7. Spun fairly regularly at These Old Shoes and even got an airing at Soul InThe City last time Great tune
  8. Rock Candy/ Contemplations still current I thought. I gave Glories-Give Me My Freedom a spin at Shoes a few weeks back and had people saying they hadn't heard it in years
  9. Si Bridger spun it at the last alldayer I think
  10. I'll bring mine up on the 30th Brett Remind me sometime next week
  11. Can't do RA's It's on Parrot Maybe a bit poppy for some, but I think it's gorgeous
  12. At the moment it would be Mia Lewis-This Is The End Can't get it off my deck at the moment
  13. You could understand what Keb was saying??
  14. Again not a different take as such, but Sylvie Vartan - I Made My Choice issue is a few seconds longer (so I'm told) than the demo
  15. Agree about Melba Moore Also Brendetta Davis Can't Make It Without You
  16. Is that the one Mick H is spinning Chalks?
  17. You managed to find it Mikey. I thought some EU types had manged to lose the whole of Wales.
  18. Coincidence but the opening bars of HDYSIDLYA appeared in Speed Sunday on ITV yesterday afternoon. Strange but true.
  19. Well as t'other Andy has nicked Andee, I'll have to settle for Drew Andrew F
  20. All the best Mikey Staying with Jessica and Greg? You're brave
  21. And there's me thinking you were a man of education Mr Tyler It's actually Senatus Populusque Romanus Close but no banana
  22. I thought they all did Andy F PS Mine does when I'm DJ'ing but not at home (weird);-)
  23. I always thought that Ruby Stackhouse also recorded as Ruby Winters, could be wrong though. Love the flip to Please Tell Me Andy F
  24. Jean Stanback isn't that cheap anymore :-( Great tune though that deserves to spun more IMHO Andy F
  25. Errr - I was being understated :-))) PMSL Andy F PS Being truthful I prefer "You Knew" of the two

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