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Everything posted by BlueWail

  1. Does anyone know if a copy if the promotional film with sean connery and edwin starr has been relased on any dvd or is available anywhre on the internet? ive never seen it and would love to have a look at it.
  2. Parr hall was the first allnighter i ever ventured to and it changed my whole view on what northern soul was about Sadly the lads i used to go to parr hall with,every last one of them has binned the scene Its wierd how when i think back that we used to wait for the first bus out of warrington in the morning for about 3 hours where now im older and have a few more pennies, i wouldnt put up with sitting at a bus station for hours knackerd ,starving and skint
  3. After reading through this thread I agree with all the folk that say live artists at nighters are a no no But A weekender is a different kettle of fish Two great memories for me is phil perry at prestatyn and jimmy conwell at fleetwood and the thought of seeing ben e king at the wheel...blows me away
  4. High...prestatyn weekender Low...missing the rhyl weekender and finding out that the one a few months back had been cancelled when i was all ready and raring to go
  5. my good lady wife bought me the "strange world of northern soul" a few years back for my birthday And i had the pleasure of watching it all the way through because i didnt want to seem ungratefull for my pressie. At the end of it all even she said what a pile of crap it was Saying that the groovy video effects were preety cool
  6. with never going to wigan i dont give a shite what went on there i cant believe two decades later people are still waffling on about it ill put my tin hat on
  7. I dont think i would go to a venue purely on what dj was appearing But If im in two minds about a going to a venue on a certain night and a top dj who i like lets say carl willingham is playing it will probably sway me to visit the venue where i may not of botherd if a dj whos music didnt float my boat was playing
  8. Soul at the birchfield(a local event in widnes) has been heaving the last few times its been on between christmas and the new year and has been one of the clubs best nights for me personally. this year due to when crimbo falls its been put forward to next friday i do like a nice blast of soul in the festive season though So ill have to search out a do between crimbo and new year to blow away the christmas carols
  9. Your right i wont lose any sleep over the talc floor debate tonight Never used it myself when you see talc appear you expect some fancy hot dangin footwork But lately all i seem to see is someone saunter over to the floor apply the talc then shuffle about on it* *not every talc user
  10. Talc should stay on power lifters hands and babys arses where it belongs Not all over the bloody floor
  11. Thats one swingin tune daddio
  12. The Fabulous Fiestas all 70s releases i think.
  13. Ill pm you About swapping sometime in the week(or pm me with what you want to swap) Doctor Bird DB-1107 1968 So it would probably be classed as rocksteady
  14. pete i noticed the "Doctor Bird" label on your avatar i picked up soul voyage....lester stirling on doctor bird about 15 years ago at a car boot purely due to the soul reference in the song title. The B side is revelation...alva lewis whats it all about? is it a ska style casino classics release?
  15. The fabulous peps "my love looks good on you" isnt as fabulous as "with these eyes" but dayo just beat me to it and ide logged in so decided to post something since ide started
  16. ive seen a few flyers recently for "Soul at Joes" in st helens (st joes catholic club)
  17. The jerry butler thread on here Reminds me when my wife went up to a dj and requested "Dont go stepping on my shoes" by Jerry Butler
  18. Maxine Brown gets around She was working for everton as the head honcho In the season ticket office none of my evertonian friends understood my amusment at maxine brown distributing season tickets for the toffee men
  19. i cant say i have a favourite tune My top tune changes week by week and changes by what mood im in at this very moment in time its Harvey Avern dozen..never learned to dance...uptite probably a new tune will be my fave this time next week and im in a bad mood due to evertons display today
  20. Thankfully he hasnt got a computer, I was thinking of giving the record to him as a 40th birthday present and make out that ide bought if for him. what a mate:)
  21. Billy Stewart..secret love..chess A record my mate gave me over 20 years ago because i loved it so much i still knock around with the lad today and when i ask him if he has a copy he always tells me that he lost his years ago. The record always reminds me of younger more foolish days and i still love the tune.
  22. Ormskirk Skem newtown(mid wales) Kirkby Ellsemere port Widnes Parbold liverpool Frodsham Now north wales mid wales was far south enough for me
  23. I bought it when it first came out Fast forwarded through most of it and havent had the heart to watch it again. But for some strange reason i wouldnt sell it or bin it. strange world
  24. i went to a soul alldayer with 5 other people at the mersey view in frodsham in 1986. We got there about 3 or 4 ish to find that about 10 other people had turned up and to add insult to injury,the alldayer finished around 6 oclock when the plug was pulled on the event due to lack of interest. Cant remember who organised the alldayer but i bet they were well pissed off.
  25. I think it was the snake, in the school dinner time disco it went down well with all the sex pistol tunes being played

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