Personally if the alldayer was back on (which i very much doubt will happen)
I wouldnt bother
I was attracted by LA being announced and even with LAs cancellation i still would of turned up to an alldayer
Now i have cancelled my hotel with the booking fee gone for good
cancelled the in laws who were coming to watch the kids whilst i went down to nottingham
and have to arse about,sending tickets back for my money back.
Im sure a fair few people who were going wouldnt bother now
with an its on, then its off, then its on again vibe
I have had an email from the promoters about returning my tickets
They say in the email
That the event has been cancelled due to poor ticket sales
Build it and they will come
or maybe not
Im going down to nottingham to the alldayer
The worst thing that can happen is that i will spend the day at an alldayer that has cost me £15 plus travel costs
It has made me give a few nights out a miss,nothing to do with the music or the venue putting me off
just cant be arsed standing outside for half the night so i seem to be venturing out less
It hasnt been a conscious choice,just something that has evolved since the smoking ban was enforced
Ive always been a 60ts with the odd 70ts track northern stalwart for the last twenty odd years
but recently ive been listening to craig charles soul and funk show and am starting to appreciate the funkier side of things more and more when i listen to his show.
then the other week a mate of mine gave me a load of drum and base stuff which i must admit isnt as bad as i thought it would be
Its probably just a mid life crisis im going through
My thoughts exactly
A ten min slot on a tea time show with some decent chat at the start then it finished up with a comical car crash type dance off style cheese fest
It will probably keep people away more than attract them
I went to an allnighter up in newcastle in the late 80ts and the place had a balcony round it.
Cant remember the name of the venue though
Funilly enough someone took a dive off the balcony the night i was there.
I have just watched it
and it was very good
Very informative and very sad in parts
Plus some fantastic footage
The booker T "time is tight" clip especially
a few reasons it hasnt died out yet
the folk who have never left the scene
the influx after the mod revival in late seventies
the scooter boy influx in the eighties
the returnies who re found northern soul after the nappy changing"going down the local disco"fondue party years
can you really see a big influx of young people wanting to take over a music scene that is fourty old?
Im not knocking young people joining the scene(i think its a good thing)
Not enough young people are going to get into northern to keep it going in the future
The old chestnut of young blood getting into the northern scene keeps popping up
There is no way in a million years that enough young people are going to take over a scene populated by middle aged people
the golden rule dont get into what your mam and dad are into
still rules
As an eleven year old in 1977 at the school dinner time disco
Thats when i first started to apreciate soul
For me and my mates it was all sex pistols,clash,uk subs ect
this strange northern soul stuff was more the older boys sounds
many yaers ago
My dad owned a pub in liverpool and decided to bar CC
When the barring order was announced
CC asked was it because he was black?
My arl fella replied
No..its because your a gobshite
In CC,s defence,he was in his scouse poet mode back then
And for the record
I like Craig