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vince ayres

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Everything posted by vince ayres

  1. pm'd you
  2. please click on "view items from vinsoul65" below the scans, some real blinders this week! Thanks for looking, vince
  3. mike, there is ofcourse a simple solution to your buying problems! Buy from me Hope alls well with you and the rest of the welsh crowd! all the best vince
  4. hi pete,there's no writing on the other side its very clean except for a faded area where a sticker has been (same as the other side) atb vince
  5. Marvelettes, decisions, wynder k frog amongst others ending tonight!
  6. some really nice bits to start the new year all with soundclips, please click on "view items from vinsoul65" below the scans.Thanks for looking and a happy new year, vince
  7. crikey bob, i didnt realise that was you, i've been sending you 45s via my ebay site for a while now (vinsoul65) great story my friend and keep at it! Nice to see you apppreciate a record on its true merit and not it's value, you have my thumbs up mate.
  8. The bit i dont get is why on earth he chose to bid on only 2 of them when he could have bid say £500 on all of them and really hacked me off. None of it makes any sense, like was said previously aint he got nothing better to do, sad wan**r!
  9. yes i always thought it was someone in mexico but these two accounts are registered in england, so is someone else at it?
  10. yep! they're at it again, names this time are as follows gorbyn and sigrorom, seems to be just on the ska 45s i was selling last weekend. Has anyone yet worked why they do this and what on earth they stand to gain as it's beyond me. Anyway i thought it best to post this up so that other sellers can put them into their blocked bidders. vince
  11. loads of new stuff up, some really nice motown and general soul albums, some sealed! Please click on "view items from vinsoul65" below the scans.A merry xmas & happy new year to all my customers and thanks for your business
  12. hi andy, i have a mint- copy of teddy and pandas for £25, let me know if you want atb vince
  13. hi mark, i have a vg'ish copy with an ex sleeve for a tenner + £3.50 p&p if you want it? let me know atb vince
  14. hi mike, thanks for your help, can you pm your email addy and ill try to send pic and soundclip atb vince
  15. please click on "view items from vinsoul65" below scans. Thanks for looking,vince
  16. hi chalky hope you're well mate sounds too complicated to me, does this mean there is no way of putting soundclips up in soulsource anymore?
  17. i would like to put up a soundclip of a cbs acetate which is just entitled hipster image and would like someone to identify the track but i'm not allowed to put soundclips in certain forums, can i put it in this forum? Any help greatly appreciated. cheers vince
  18. the usual mix of northern, modern, funk etc, please click on "view items from vinsoul65 below scans, thanks for looking, vince
  19. just found this! now before i'm bombarded with pm's it's utter shite atb vince
  20. a right mixture of soul 45s with a handful of uk issues.Please click on "view items from vinsoul65" below, thanks for looking vince
  21. some great stuff this time round and i will be adding new titles daily so be sure to keep a lookout. Please click on "view items from vinsoul 65" below, thanks for looking, vince
  22. Bought this 45 myself many years ago, the irony is that you've really been had over as this is a reissue, the original if i remember correctly is on josie

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