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vince ayres

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Everything posted by vince ayres

  1. some nice bits tonight,please click on "view items form vinsoul65" below,thanks for looking, vince
  2. please click on "view items from vinsoul65" below. cheers vince
  3. please click on "view items from vinsoul65" below,some real bargains,thanks for looking,vince
  4. hi pete,whereas i appreciate your views you have to understand that im losing a fortune on some of thes records and the only solice i get is being able to get a little back from the p&p.Its also worth pointing out that i only use brand new mailers with 2 brand new inserts and they're not cheap,i think that £2.00 +0.50 for additional records is not the cheapest but is at least fair. There are lots of sellers that cut up an old box for packing and charge the same as me if not more,anyway i needed a bleat and get that off my chest,all the best vince
  5. hi, i think the alternative is called collectors frenzy though i dont think its as exhustive as popsike,hope that helps!
  6. please click on "view items from vinsoul 65" below,cheers vince.
  7. why not set fire to the record aswell, then take it out mid atlantic an sink it just to be sure
  8. i always clean them as all my records are put on ebay with soundclips,im sure most wouldnt sell if they were covered in dust.
  9. you asked me if i would accept a paypal payment from somebody else as you wanted to bid on fascinating musical experience on honey and i refused this,however eventually you got me to agree, imagine my astonishment when you never even bothered to bid on this record instead you chose to bid on the projections on blj.After winning the projections 45 you then informed that you made a mistake because you had recently bought it from craig moorer.How much messing about can you give one person bearing in mind it was a listing with subtitles that i now have to re-list at great cost to me in time effort and money.Most people would realise their mistake and simply buy it as a spare copy especially as it was $19.95 yes thats right $19.95.I hope that you dont mess anyone else around,thats all i have to say on the matter!
  10. the chances of someone having the same user name on here as on ebay is extremely unlikely given an name like psamsara,i think youll find hes from serbia and doesnt have paypal,if im wrong i will give a full apology.I just dont want any members being messed around like i have
  11. come on guys pull your finger out,some nice bits ending very shortly.Dont miss out
  12. i dont feel good about this as its always nice to welcome new members with open arms but probably best to steer clear of this guy as he's truly buggering me around on ebay,just thought it best you guys know
  13. plus friends no you no me on up- miles stone on monogram-comer money on tomahawk plus many more,please click on "view items from vinsoul 65 below",thanks for looking in,vince
  14. ive managed to sort out quite a few wants for people so please keep them coming,i have obviously sold quite alot but you never know i may have that elusive 45 you're looking for,thanks for your time,vince whilst you're here please take a look at my ebay items,just click on view items from vinsoul65 below
  15. i had the al williams on palmer a few years back,think isold it to manship for about £800 but the biggest laugh was swapping my alexander patton on u k white demo for a copy of the martin luther king album on uk tamla as i was trying to collect the full set,what an arse!!!
  16. please click on "view items from vinsoul 65" below,cheers vince
  17. please click on "view items fom vinsoul65" below,cheers vince
  18. quite a few obscure odds and sods tonight all with soundclips,please click on "view items from vinsoul65" below,cheers vince
  19. please click on view items from vinsoul65 below,cheers vince
  20. please click on view items from vinsoul65 below.cheers vince
  21. some real gems ending tonight plus loads of new stuff over the next 7 days please click on view items from vinsoul65 below,cheers vince
  22. blimey dave,perhaps i'll get a couple done next time im over the pond,do you think i'll get away with it? Not bloody likely!
  23. please click on "view items from vinsoul 65" below, cheers vince
  24. hi ian,someone else said the same thing last week,it certainly works okay from this end.Are you clicking on view items from vinsoul 65?Can you let me know if there is a problem so i can sort it,all the best vince

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