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vince ayres

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Everything posted by vince ayres

  1. to be honest steve i can remember having the drapers but i cant remember who i sold it to,so im pleased it was you and im sure you bought it for a song,off subject i know but do you still have it and is it worth much these days or just another one of those "time and place" 45s
  2. great minds think alike as they say,you've totally got where im coming from on this post
  3. thanks for your help mate but i think i would be able to do this on my own as im sure that anyone falling for the aformentioned record buying remit would surely not understand that they are about to be shot and would gladly stand against the wall and await their fate "lambs to the slaughter" etc. however there maybe some stronger willed types who may need holding down and for this i would greatly appreciate your help so that i will be able to do the "kindest thing" so to speak. Of course it would only be fair that we take it in turns i'm sure you would agree
  4. unbelievable!
  5. crazy innit wait for a record to go big pay top brass for it then watch it go out of fashion and stick it in your £5.00 sales box. Anyone found collecting using this remit should be taken outside, put against a wall then shot as this would be the kindest thing
  6. come to the uni in bournemouth tomorrow i guarantee that will be a great night and im not the promoter before you ask
  7. point taken but i should have pointed out that ive played records to people over the years and the reaction is something like "well, its alright but not for me" and then some time later the record goes big then they want to buy it.That makes no sense to me me whatsoever
  8. like most other dealers/collectors ive had endless records go through my hands that i cant seem to give away until someone starts spinning it.The fact is that the record is still the same but the mindset is different,surely a record is good or it aint and no amount of time should change that.So the basis of my argument is if a record sounds good to your ear and its cheap then buy it now because as sure as my hat is black someone will be spinning it in the near future and the price may well go trough the roof. It will then become"in-demand" and the world and its mother will be after it and lets be honest about it you dont want to be one of those people who says "i could have bought that last year for a fiver" do you?
  9. blimey! He even states it is a reissue and still gets 3 times more than original is worth,whats that all about?
  10. crikey keith,i'd hate to be the guy that bought it,did he have dark glasses and and white stick!
  11. i only wish i had a handful to sell to the underbidders
  12. might buy you a half if you behave yourself!!
  13. ive sold 2 copies of this in the past and neither fetch more than twenty quid,mind you im not complaining!
  14. couldn't believe my eyes when a copy of eddie parker im gone on awake pressing i put on ebay just kept on going up and up eventually selling for £117,just wondered if any other boots or pressings have sold for similar silly prices? thought it might be worthy of discussion.
  15. please click on "view items from vinsoul65" below,thanks for looking,vince
  16. please click on"view items from vinsoul65" below, thanks for looking,vince
  17. please click on"view items from vinsoul65"below,thanks for looking,vince
  18. some real crackers tonight! Please click on"view items from vinsoul65" below,thanks for looking,vince
  19. please click on "view items from vinsoul65" below,thanks for looking vince
  20. i've had close to a million u.s. 45s over the past decades(not all soul) and can honestly say that i hear a new sound virtually everyday or a label i've never seen.The musical output from america is truly stunning and in my mind seems to be a bottomless pit although i do believe the days of the big "warehouse" full of undiscovered soul records are long gone.
  21. blimey tim you're sounding desperate, do you you really need the money this bad if so ill give you a tenner
  22. some gems tonight! Please click on"view items from vinsoul65" below,thanks for looking,vince
  23. sidney hall-im a lover always gets me from the day i first heard it.May have to sell it shortly which will only add to the problem
  24. this is the reason i've stopped listing low start prices,the sheer apathy out there means that you can end up giving records away.Have to say that the shipping cost to the uk is nothing short of daylight robbery but still a cheap tune!

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