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Everything posted by MarkH

  1. How about a couple of beautiful tracks off the Tavares "Madame Butterfly" Lp - "Let Me Heal The Bruises" and "Games Games" Mark Houghton
  2. What terrible news. It`s left me absolutely stunned. Jim was a 100% nice guy and he will be sorely missed. Mark Houghton
  3. Just to clarify things about "A New Chapter" Last months event was called off a couple of days before due to the incompetence of the management (cocking up our dates for the second month running). It`s something i was (and still am) very angry about. I`ve been extremely busy since with other things and haven`t had time to contact Steve or Girth (i`ve not heard anything from them either) to discuss future nights/dates etc. If we`ve been kicked out due to not enough punters then it`s news to me as we have constantly been told that the management were happy with the takings. Mark Houghton
  4. Wow, Well done Paul,sounds like another great Sam Dees track uncovered. Can`t wait for it to come out. Mark Houghton
  5. I`ve got a US 45 on ABC of "Just a little tear "(can`t remember what the B side is) Mark H
  6. But as Sean`s said it as well, it`s no longer a ONE OFF ! Mark Houghton
  7. Mark Houghton
  8. Hi Dave, Wasn`t it on Ardent or Zing ? one of Paul Mooney`s labels (some nice stuff was brought out by them) that released it in the UK Mark H
  9. Dave, i really rate one of the tracks on the flip "Don`t be so eager" as well. Mark Houghton
  10. John,haven`t had time to compare the labels but i think it`s the same Alley Cat Records. "Messing with my head" is a lovely mid-pacer and in my opinion is better than "I got played on" Both sides did get a 7 release on Alley Cat and unlike the 12 i`ve seen a few about in recent years. Mark H
  11. A couple of tracks which seem to be pretty scarce on 12 (at least to me they do !)are James King- Memory- US Pyramid and Lee Morris - I got played on/Messing with my head -Alleycat. Mark Houghton
  12. Hi Richard, It was Tommy who ran it and had the Old Blue Last (he now runs a pub a couple of minutes from mine called The Plaza). Had so many great times at the "Village" .It`s sorely missed. Mark Houghton
  13. Oops, just realised i meant Victor Sanchez (i got confused with the house Dj !), Soory Victor ! Mark
  14. Good topic with some quality spinners being mentioned. Here in london from a Modern/Crossover perspective the following immediately come to mind, Tony Rounce,"Mental Soul`s" Gareth Donovan, Niki Golding and Mole, Steve Cole,"Soul Intent`s" Simon Murray,Paul Phillips and Gary Lee,Neil Forbes, "Soul of the Barrio`s" Dave Taylor and Roger Sanchez, Ivor Jones plus quite a few local collectors with excellent records who only occasionally get the chance to spin.Outside of London i have a lot of time for Andy Etheridge,Dave and Jordi Ripollis,Brian Goucher,Mick O Donnell and Steve Jackson. As for Girth,s point regarding overseas dj`s at Monumental Soul i would welcome it. Maybe an increase of £1/2 on the admission for the night would help in covering the costs. I for one would have no problem in paying a little extra. Mark Houghton
  15. I went to Soul Train 3 years back and there was very little vinyl left. I did pick up a couple of nice Independent Cd`s though. I went there in daylight hours on my own (none of mates were into Soul) and even waited about 20/30 minutes for a bus nearby.Whilst i was wary being in an unfamilier area there was nothing to suggest it was potentially dangerous at the time. Mark Houghton
  16. How about John Edwards- Cold hearted woman/Walls that seperate us Joe Graham -I`m a happy man/Bill Brandon-Let`s get it back together Freddie Hughes - Tonight i`m gonna see my baby/We gotta keep on Unique Blend - Gonna spread the news/ yes i`m in love Hesistations -Gotta find a way/Is this the way to treat a girl Mark Houghton
  17. Another one to add the list of tracks on Duo is "You made me so very happy" by The Love Column. A really nice version of the Brenda Holloway classic. Mark Houghton
  18. The issue of Bobby Taylor "Why play games"has a nice midtempo cut "Don`t wonder why"on the flip. Also check out Ruby Winters excellent "I`m a lovin` woman" Plus, there`s a couple of nice Louise Freeman tracks on the label as well. Mark Houghton
  19. First artist that comes to mind is the great Chicago singer /songwriter Johnny Moore. Loads of great 7`s on different labels but no Lp`s to my knowledge (except Grapevine`s superb compilation CD). Mark H
  20. Thanks Chris. Also, i recently picked up a test pressing of a Soloman Burke LP on Amhurst (containing "Please don`t say goodbye") . Never seen it before. I wonder if anyone knows if it got an official release. Mark Houghton
  21. I`ve also read that Ron Keith had an LP out on A&M. Never seen or heard about it myself.Does anybody know of it being released. Mark Houghton
  22. Here`s a couple of tunes in which i consider the rarer version as inferior Love won`t wear off-Universal Joint . Not as good as JR Bailey I`ll do anything -Lee Mcdonald (although there are other good tracks on the LP) . Ecstacy,Passion and Pain,s version is vocally in a different league. Mark Houghton
  23. Hi Tone, you probably now this already but the "Twinight" version also came out under the name of "Chosen Few" on Bandit records (quite appropriate after your thread on Ivor,s sales post !).Looking forward to hearing you spin at Monumental on saturday. Mark Houghton
  24. For me the 80`s had enough quality for me to see it in a positive light (although the bad stuff was Bad !) For example there was quality major label stuff from the likes of Bert Robinson,Beau Williams,Bobby Womack,Controllers etc ,ballads from Truth,Ronnie Garrett,Levert,Darrell Pediford,Rose Brothers,Ebo,Ortheia Barnes etc,as well as numerous "Modern" anthems. Below are a selection of 80`s tracks i`ve pulled out from my "New Chapter " play boxes. Fabulous Playmates-Don`t turn your back on loving, Larry Buford- I think i`m goona be blue, Little Milton-Guess how much i love you and Survivors of love Ruby Wilson-Love has come Charles Wilson-trying to make a wrong thing right Frank O -It`s too late Sam Butler-I can`t get over loving you Crosswinds-Fire James "Bootie Tuten-I`ll never let you say goodbye Hilights-Bad Situation Louisiana Purchase-Baby come back Conway Brothers-Gonna refuse your love Phil Phillips-It takes more Faye Marshall - Broken Promises Beverly and Duane -Love/You belong to me Gil Billingsley-I`m me just me Impressions- Something said love Greg Clayborn-TLC Tyrone Davis-Just my luck Norfolk-You`re my doll baby Willie Clayton-Love pains and Your Sweetness Shagtime band-Your precious love James King -Memory/Easy Love Gregg Jackson -One for the road Jessie Mitchell-Don`t be so eager Mark Houghton

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