Good topic with some quality spinners being mentioned. Here in london from a Modern/Crossover perspective the following immediately come to mind, Tony Rounce,"Mental Soul`s" Gareth Donovan, Niki Golding and Mole, Steve Cole,"Soul Intent`s" Simon Murray,Paul Phillips and Gary Lee,Neil Forbes, "Soul of the Barrio`s" Dave Taylor and Roger Sanchez, Ivor Jones plus quite a few local collectors with excellent records who only occasionally get the chance to spin.Outside of London i have a lot of time for Andy Etheridge,Dave and Jordi Ripollis,Brian Goucher,Mick O Donnell and Steve Jackson.
As for Girth,s point regarding overseas dj`s at Monumental Soul i would welcome it. Maybe an increase of £1/2 on the admission for the night would help in covering the costs. I for one would have no problem in paying a little extra.
Mark Houghton