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Everything posted by Petedillon

  1. Still looking for a copy of'She Never Really Loved me' Pete
  2. Can you PM me regarding the record Pete
  3. Sorry I was wrong it went for £45 Pete
  4. I am interested though it would depend on price . I just missed one on hear this week for £30. Pete
  5. pmd you
  6. How much is the Lou Courtney album? Pete
  7. Pm'd Des
  8. looking for any repress or re issue' boots of ANY Appreciations 45's..other than the Soul City release. . Also original 'She Never Really Loved Me'
  9. petedillon@ntlworld.com
  10. somethings burning 2009 Loma reissue of right price please. PM me
  11. It's Steve Luigi ! Would be interesting to hear why indeed!
  12. Percy Stone! I've just got one but its so good I nearly bought it again!
  13. Pm'd you Des
  14. Pm'd you Des
  15. Do you got any other CDs for sale?
  16. anybody got one to sell? Came out a few year back.

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