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Everything posted by Jumpinjoan

  1. Ahhhhh, thank you so much everyone. I've run out of likes but will return x
  2. Jeez, what a shock xx
  3. Very sad news x
  4. Brad posted videos of him playing both sides on his YouTube channel, so the buyer knew exactly what they were getting. You could see the tape or whatever it is holding the record together, but sounded ok, lots of cackles, no obvious ticks that I could hear.
  5. Had a wonderful time again, as did the hoards of Kelly's that came with Great tunes all night, and such a warm and friendly crowd. Loved it
  6. How lovely, congratulations both
  7. Really looking forward to coming down again. Wonderful host and residents, great club, awesome sound system, and a friendly, up for it crowd - what's not to love

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