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Captain Haddock

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Everything posted by Captain Haddock

  1. https://getpocket.com/explore/item/inside-otis-redding-s-final-masterpiece-sittin-on-the-dock-of-the-bay?utm_source=pocket-newtab
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  2. you'd better investigate ... https://www.cnn.com/videos/tv/2020/11/19/bottoms-trump-would-eat-his-own-children-if-he-found-it-prudent.cnn
  3. Yes .. lived in VW until about '85 Younger sister named Christine Don't rem you .. you got any photos from waaaay back? - Haddock
  4. Certainly remember Barry .. good friends for a while. Don't rem Gary Baker or yourself .. got any old photos you can scan and post? Yes .. was an extra in Q during the stuff they shot in London .. good money .. was at college at the time. I would go to classes during the day, then do the shooting at night, then straight back to school .. good training from allnighters!
  5. Myself (David Grigglestone) from Virgina Water Steve Leonard, Nick Swan, Paul Regan, John Law from Guildford Jez Bishop Steve & Gary Jeffries from Aldershot Ian Stewart & Jasmine from Weybridge Richard Morriss from Addlestone Andy Kaine & Nicky Davis Ann ? (hung out with Ray) from Kingston I think Elaine or was it Helen (was with Kevin for a while) John Buck see also the following thread: /index.php?showtopic=88235
  6. Anyone remember a version of "I'll be seeing you" .. I remember hearing it back at Bisley in the 70's. Can't seem to find details anywhere on the net. thanks, Haddock
  7. I was in there .. somewhere .. remember her crying after being on stage, overcome with emotion. She did a short lived "one way out" solo ('coz the band and her backup were clueless!).
  8. Boris .. awesome .. I could not rem their names and then you provide pix too! So next question of course; any idea where any of them are now?
  9. Added a few to: /Late-70...-album2242.html Please add names where you can .. my gray cells can't hack it anymore (too many years living with Uncle Sam). - Haddock
  10. Captain Haddock

    Late '70's

    Some images of early years
  11. From the album: Late '70's

    Iain & Jasmine research new 'norfern dance moves .. I don't remember it catching on
  12. From the album: Late '70's

    Bisley or Weybridge (prior to Ken's coach to Yate?).. help me out here?
  13. From the album: Late '70's

    (re)name those dudes
  14. From the album: Late '70's

    Posing for a dental advertisement?
  15. Jeeze Boris ... where did you dig up that photo from? And Boris who? (the spider?) Got anymore you can post or email me? (btw its David Grigglestone, alias Haddock)
  16. Guildford Plaza .. what time frame was that? .. I remember going to a pub on a hill overlooking the A3 on Sunday evenings in the late 70's .. I think it was called the Bridge (although I don't rem any such structure in the immediate vicinity).
  17. Yes, yes .. I rem Tony and Ian .. I have a picture of them somewhere. I rem driving to Yate with them once .. think it was Tony who would drive all the way up the Motorway in the center lane ... "less chance of hitting the sides"
  18. Hmmm ... kinda rings a bell, but I'm not certain .. it was right on the A30 at the western end of town center .. I remember it was upstairs (maybe above a shop front).
  19. What was the name of the tiny venue in Camberly, Surrey that we used to hang out at when not traveling north, west, east, or the ends of the world? Do rem picking up the Aldershot coach there sometimes. Also what were the names of everyone that used to take that coach? Rem some: - Ray and Ann from Kingston - Kevin, Elaine (did they get married?) - others from Bagshot, Guildford, Winchester, ... And what a riot the driver was .. seem to rem he was doing it on the side .. did he get in trouble with his employer eventually? (sure was good at turning a blind eye when needed!). - Haddock
  20. Linda is my cousin .. totally lost touch with where she is (I now live in the US), but I'm sure I could find out if you'd really like. Way back I had no idea she was into NS, then bumped into her at Yate one night (there were a bunch from Norwich that traveled down to Yate from what I remember). Small world. - David (Grigglestone)
  21. Hmmmmm .. where on the east coast? I didn't think there were any souls here. Haddock (greater Boston, MA)
  22. From the album: Late '70's

    Inspired by Brad's/Clog's Dellorto twins from Scunthorpe .. thanks Brad!
  23. From the album: Late '70's

    Inspired by Brad's/Clog's Dellorto twins from Scunthorpe .. thanks Brad!
  24. From the album: Late '70's

    Inspired by Brad's/Clog's Dellorto twins from Scunthorpe .. thanks Brad!

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