If I decided to go to a nostalgia night up the road, I wouldn't care what the music was played on, I would be there for social reasons and a giggle. To hear the usual requests and top twenty played on any format would be of no importance to me. The time when it was important to hear those tunes was 35+ years ago. However, kids dressed in the circus uniform, encouraged by mum and dad, playing these said same tunes, encouraged by mum and dad is ceratainly not a good look and certainly the beginning of the end of any scene I used to love. I'd be on the first bus back.
Youngsters finding their own tunes, wearing their own styles played off any format they want, in any setting they want, danced to how they want, well.....that is more like a healthy outlook. Anyone with taste, young or old, will appreciate a beautiful looking original 45 and understand it's significance. It won't be necessary to lug 200 of the feckers around town on a Saturday night to DJ with though for the new breed.