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Everything posted by Jordirip

  1. Bordering on fanatacism and illness.
  2. Yeah, it was all about the fact that every single northern soul fan in the UK was a miner living up north and if someone from the south said 'what's northern soul music?', the last thing they would see would be a coal dust covered fist coming at them. It's true.
  3. But only certain bits from their full repertoire of material is in a 'northern soul' style. You could also say the same about Jackie Wilson, Major Lance etc.
  4. I think you're getting a bit mixed up. As you mentioned, the term 'Northern soul' was coined in the UK and referred to the geographical area of the the north of England's appreciation of a type of music that was made mainly in the USA, mainly by black artistes though far from exclusively, and from all geographical areas in the USA, north, south ,east and west. Your reference to Northern soul brothers and Southern soul brothers is geographical. And as Dean said earlier, there aren't 'northern soul' bands or artistes, just bands or artistes that happened to have made within theirs careers a record or records that have been appreciated and played on the 'northern soul' scene. Now, what constitutes a northern soul record is for another thread.
  5. Aretha's version is the best anyway by a country mile, shame it's not on a 45.
  6. Well i struggled to sell a copy @£80 a year or so back.
  7. Why would anyone need time coded vinyl Len? Time code is digital code (hours, minutes, seconds, frames) which is digitally superimposed in vision on a piece of video for editing purposes. The vinyl wouldn't be timecoded but if it was recorded onto a digital file, then that will have it's own digital reference numbers on it for synching up if you were DJing, ie. whizzing it back to the start at 00:00:00 on the time code.
  8. If I decided to go to a nostalgia night up the road, I wouldn't care what the music was played on, I would be there for social reasons and a giggle. To hear the usual requests and top twenty played on any format would be of no importance to me. The time when it was important to hear those tunes was 35+ years ago. However, kids dressed in the circus uniform, encouraged by mum and dad, playing these said same tunes, encouraged by mum and dad is ceratainly not a good look and certainly the beginning of the end of any scene I used to love. I'd be on the first bus back. Youngsters finding their own tunes, wearing their own styles played off any format they want, in any setting they want, danced to how they want, well.....that is more like a healthy outlook. Anyone with taste, young or old, will appreciate a beautiful looking original 45 and understand it's significance. It won't be necessary to lug 200 of the feckers around town on a Saturday night to DJ with though for the new breed.
  9. Agree with you Carty on the Dap Kings instrumentation, but I would rather have Sharon Jones than Amy all day long.
  10. She sounds like a goat.
  11. I've got the Rev. TL Barrett - Lord's Prayer/Said it long time ago 45.
  12. Oops, sorry Mace, I've just got down to your comment saying exactly the same.
  13. Monkeys actually. Or Hey, Hey, we're the.......Monkees
  14. Either the seller has a collection of originals or he is working with someone who is supplying him with the label scans for both sides of the records. What a nice little earner.
  15. I really enjoyed reading that Chalky. It just shows the dedication and passion of the many people involved and the emphasis on quality not compromise.
  16. Anybody help out with one of these? Thanks for looking.
  17. I thought it was a legal re-issue.
  18. Probably a bit rarer than we think I reckon. Just because a batch came onto the market about 10 years ago and certain DJ's got copies and played the arse off them so it seemed like it was everywhere, it hasn't been found in any quantities since and probably the odd one that does come up for sale is from that batch that were found.
  19. I had exactly the same thing happen to me. It turned out it was sitting in a customs pound while they calculated how much to screw me for the privilige of letting me have the thing that I had already paid postage on. Ask the seller if he declared full value on the box. If he did, you can bet it will be with customs or even your post office. You will get a card saying that you need to pay the fee.
  20. That's a great video with a great message.
  21. I wouldn't have thought it was popular enough to warrant being booted. It certainly isn't northern enough to get plays in those rooms. What was the price of this boot? Were they trying to pass it off as original with a price tag to match?
  22. Record shops have always been the home of the socially inept male, but never quite in the same league as those dungeons and dragons type of model shops where all manner of strangeness seems to go on. Anyway, I thought it was a flaying offence to read the Guardian in here.

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