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Everything posted by Jordirip

  1. Also, you can adjust your bid amount lower or higher nearly all the way up to the end without you having commited yourself to a high bid where you start to shit yourself and hope you don't win it, or think b*llocks I haven't bid quite high enough but nobody else has bid yet so if I bid again I'll be bidding against myself and won't get the bargain I'm hoping to get....damn it!! Sniping does away with all that mental trauma.
  2. Yes, that's what happened to me last night. I wonder if there was a mass attack on accounts last night. Anyone else have their account blocked?
  3. Totally agree Pete. Although last night I had a snipe ready to go on a want record and when i woke up this morning the snipe hadn't gone off. It turned out that Ebay in their wisdom had decided someone was trying to hack my account so put a block on my account which meant that Gixen couldn't snipe. I would have won the bloody thing as well!! I wasn't happy as it hardly ever comes up for sale. Where's the red angry smiley?
  4. I wouldn't disagree with that at all in principle.
  5. I think you've got to be careful that you don't scare off the people who sell stuff only occasionally. For me, the most interesting sales are from people who don't do it very often and it could become boring as a buyer if only the sellers who regularly sell, and have paid their £25 subs, become the only source of vinyl on here. I occasinally sell stuff to fund other purchases, but I wouldn't bother if I had to pay £25 a quarter as it wouldn't be worth my while.
  6. THE ALPACAS - LOVE IS A WINNERS GAME / SOMETIMES I LOVE YOU GIRL - DOUBLE TAKE VG++ £230 SOLD wow this is an incredible double sider from the Carolinas, one mid tempo and the other crackin uptempo can't remember the last time I saw this one for sale, grab it quick. A couple of scratches on the flip that don't cause any problem. Paypal friends and family. Normal postage rates. PM please. Thanks...Jordi
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  7. Hard Drivers was a bargain and a half for someone.
  8. Any vinyl Dave or is it just CD?
  9. Get in line.
  10. I'm sure there's a dance class nearby that can help you with that.
  11. Exactly. If it was an opportunity theft by some chav/scrote it's quite possible they were thrown over a fence before they got to the next 'Subway' sandwich shop.
  12. What were the circumstances?
  13. Just think it's a dumb comment that sounds like something a school kid would say. You can't write off a whole genre of music as shite, it's ridiculous. As for jazz influenced artistes as opposed to actual jazz artistes, I'm not sure of the relevance. What ends up on the record is what we're talking about. Does it mean that he hates all the many northern soul records with jazz overtones? Towanda Barnes, Ramsey Lewis etc. Anyway. I'm not having an argument about it, but I do agree that Nina Simone should not have been played on the northern scene although I did have it on the 10" UK EP at the time.
  14. Terry Callier, Cal T Jader, Gil Scot Heron, Lou Pride, Soulful Strings, Celeste Hardy, etc, etc etzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  15. That Billy Young 'Suffering....' was cheap if it really was an orig.. It must have been affected by the identical looka like boot that's also for sale.
  16. He can't be surely. I thought Steve Jeffries was selling his DJ collection of unnamed carver boots on ebay. What will he DJ with?
  17. Don't forget the Mighty Bub.
  18. It's a different mix of "where are we going" though. It's got Marvin whistling on it which isn't on the other version. It's a fantastic 12", "Woman of the world" is sublime and should be a massive tune. The Mizel brothers and Marvin are a partnership made in heaven for me.
  19. Just remembered, it was Jaspers.
  20. There was one in York that i used to go to all dayers, forgot the name now.
  21. Gorgeous flip on this 45.
  22. I thought about getting some done to be honest. The main reason relates to the higher audio level you can get with the wider grooves of a 45 compared to a narrow grooved lp track. The wider the grooves, the louder the record which is why 12" singles sound so good. Now the reason I nearly got some done was because some of the equipment that you have to use when DJing is very poor and doesn't have the necessary b*llocks in the amp power, so when you turn up your narrow grooved lp track to give it the necessary volume boost to match the level of the previous 45 you've played, you get an almighty howl or hum of feedback coming from the speakers. So you then have to start dipping the bass down and messing around to try and get the thing to stop feeding back. If you've got a good sound system with a good powerful amp this won't happen as there's always some juice in the amp to cope with turning it up for your lp tracks. Jordi
  23. A lot more shelf space.
  24. A Dave Welding tune for me back in the late 90's. Jaw dropping tune with an equally fantastic slowie on the flip.
  25. Decent little written synopsis I thought there. Shame about the Russ, Levine and Pharell trolleys being wheeled in.

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