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Everything posted by Jordirip

  1. I'm still no closer to buying a box of Shredded Wheat now than I was before the ad.
  2. I think he has got a cool dress sense personally, just let down by the baggies which was never a cool look in any era on any planet. A pair of Levi Sta press narrow trousers would have looked a lot cooler IMO. Gok Kwan
  3. Nicely shot ad though., just a shame about the baggies.
  4. Gave away piles of boots and pressings for a small 'credit note' to a second hand record shop in Willenhall (Malcolm's) when I had to make room for my first son's bed. I wish I'd known what they would end up selling for later on. Malcolm's shop shut down before i ever redeemed any of my credit note.
  5. I think it's Archie and the boys. Those wahoooooo, wahoo backing vocals make my hair stand on end. Sometimes these tracks are edited and certainly compressed for TV and will not sound how you remember them in a big hall in the 70's. Mind you, that Gil Scot Heron track that has been used recently is definitely not him.
  6. sorry posted twice
  7. PM me your best offer Phil.
  8. What indicates that he's got some stock Dave?
  9. Blimey Nev, I didn't know you had some of those. what a set lad, brilliant.
  10. Ha! Was just going to post the same.
  11. Every track a winner John.
  12. I think he means "What will tomorrow bring". The copy last night wasn't great nick either! I think it could go higher as it's only ever been played on the 'progressive' end of the scene or the funkier events so I don't think it's had full exposure yet. Sam's tried to push the instro side for a while but for me it's the vocal that kills it. Are all the copies styrene?
  13. One of the greatest. Inspired Moog synth mental asylum of a track. Fred Wesley & JB's - Blow Your Head.
  14. Psychedelic brilliance, amazing atmosphere. What a recording, but no 45. When Kool and the Gang were untouchable.
  15. I still prefer this for a tenner.
  16. I absolutely love this 45 and I could never understand why 'The Way you've been acting lately' gets all the plaudits as it's a dull plodder compared to this. IMO.
  17. Thanks Mick, it was good to see you.
  18. I played the other side of this at Soul Funk-Tion on Saturday. Great 45.
  19. Yes, I know what you mean about the drum sound, but the guitar and everything else in it is fantastic. i love the S.O.U.L version too but this was the first version for me and the dancefloor would heave as everyone in the room stomped or shuffled to it.
  20. Limas Toad, not Lomas.
  21. Always a big fav. of mine. This could have been mentioned on the Wigan thread also. Soulful Strings.
  22. One of the tunes that got me into northern (the instrumental). God, how my tastes have changed!! although I definitely still have a soft spot for it.
  23. This was a popular spin for the acrobats. I absolutely loved it. Doubt it gets plays now though.
  24. Kenni Burke's 'Let Somebody love You' was a big current release tune at this time as well.

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