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Everything posted by SHEFFSOUL

  1. yes Pete Smith makes this point at the begining of the post..but later posts that according to John Anderson both issues (green/orange) were pressed at roughly the same time...i doubt a second issue was pressed 8 years later unless it was for the northern demand..i bought a white label copy autographed by popcorn wylie from SB around 1976.. i never knew an orange copy existed until 20+ years later..i was with Dave Raistrick who coolly pronounced 'not an original..soul bowl..' i bought it anyway...
  2. not necessarily...some labels were produced as semi blanks..with the logo/address and other constant details ..the artist/title and other details unique to the recording were printed onto the existing label..but i dont think this matters much in this case..just a label change inbetween the presses..the big questions are which was first and the time lapse between the two presses..i always thought the orange was a much later press exclusive to Soul Bowl to cater for the northern demand..but after JA's comment and the info posted here..i believe both are/were pressed about the same time..making it a true 1st and second or simultaneous press...a fairly common instance with northern soul records..and i think the orange press is due a reassessment..
  3. thats a great version/take...think i prefer it..better vocals and tempo as you say..
  4. maybe..it certainly raises a big Q over the both issues..i guess as the green one surfaced first it was assumed it was the original/first press..maybe not..it does appear that both were taken from the same plate..but so were some reissues..i believe the orange and green ones share a similar press time..and wouldn't be surprised to see the orange rise in value..i dont think the green one is mega rare..seen a few of those over the years..and id B&S were selling them at 30p bitd??
  5. orange label..moulded on type..matrix appears as scratched in..(counter clock) 20011 6m 209 malone? labels off centre on both sides..dimples in vinyl both sides...
  6. thats what i originally asked..and its a possibility..or maybe JA recollections of the pressing times are a little off?
  7. no doubt..but the question i'm pondering is..why only green copies surfaced when both colours were pressed at the same time.? (almost)
  8. interesting..although both issues were apparently released almost simultaneously i never saw a second issue orange until they became available from Soul Bowl. Does this imply they were never/poorly distributed..or did anyone have an orange issue around the same time or slightly after the green copies surfaced?
  9. issue or demo..pm with price & cond..thanks..instant payment..
  10. am i missing something...who actually has it been identified as? Art Posey?
  11. Rare WD ..in Ex cond just the slightest edge lift and it almost nothing.Plays great no problems. £2.50 signed for post.
  12. Loma-£70 VG++ KR-£25 VG+ Tamla £10.00 Ex- Okeh ££10 VG++ sold pls PM for details.. Like · Comment
  13. so, there you have it..an almost simultaneous release probably to eradicate the pressing problems of the green issue..however my orange copy has dimples in the vinyl..but plays great..
  14. re..the white so called 'test press'..was available from soul bowl for around £5 sometime in the late 70's..i bought one and it was autographed..i dont think it was a real test press as such..just a white label with popcorns signature..
  15. never knew it was a different mix...anyone confirm or add details?
  16. perhaps someone like Adey Croasdell could enlighten us?
  17. which instrumentals are you referring to?
  18. Carmel strings Ex £50 hard to find Accents VG+ £20 Nancy Wilson VG++ £15 Steve Karmen M- £15 70's Emidisc Danny Wagner/Bobby Jason VG++ £10 pure nostalgia usual p+p rates...PLEASE PM FIRST IF YOU WANT FURTHER DETAILS!!!
  19. any demand for the gospel version by sister lucille pope..?
  20. yeah i get that..but when i started it was the same only earlier..imports were expensive so UK releases were the affordable option, soul city,mojo,Tamla, atlantic/stax..with re to SS..his motivation was money..simple, and at a certain point flooded the scene with crap..
  21. i'm unsure of the connection between the two..i seem to think it was a UK label/outlet to release popular northern sounds with some of SS remixes/tailor mades..a partnership of sorts between Selectadisc & SS..it did little to enhance the northern scene save perhaps to introduce younger crowd to the established scene..Pye disco demmand despite a few turkeys released better songs..
  22. yeah..but imo IL had an outstanding advantage..and i still think most of the classic sounds from that era would have surfaced anyway..not sure of the relevance of the Black Magic comment...
  23. without doubt many record hounds have saved an awful lot of 45's from destruction..but..i dont think Levine/SS were the first to travel to the US in search of the blackstuff.Some would have already beaten a path however small..Graham Warr? and no doubt others unknown to me..
  24. a theory ive often thought about..and i agree. Not to dilate what the Dj's/dealers/collectors did discover and promote in what i refer to as the golden era 73-75, but much of those would have surfaced anyway.Also there were numerous 45's which were discovered simultaneously and sometimes c/u with different titles..in particular Ian Levine undoubtably had a massive advantage in order to find 45's plus he had a major venue in which to play them..and SS was in LA where i guess in 73/74 you were literally falling over stuff..
  25. and a stab at humor...Rocky Roberts (Kev's brother)

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