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Everything posted by SHEFFSOUL

  1. great scan..karmen ghia..forgot about those ...we used to stock those as well, think they did a cord bomber as well..
  2. another old souler seems to have faded away..i was living in Sheff at the time and did hang with Barnsley/Rotherham gang..legger,adrian,nurse jeppo,karen, chloe(can't remember her real name) anyone remember??
  3. nice pic..do you remeber a guy called Alan Fleisher from Rotherham..he was an early Wigan goer plus Sammys he was a hoot!
  4. as you've a great memory for soul fashions can you remember the dragonette tops from 74? I had the short sleeve type with V neck which I bought in Leeds afer the Queens hall niter, theres a pic of a guy wearing the vest type on an early pic from the casino, a good guess is summer 74 as i think it appeared in the sept 1st anniversary advert in B&S.
  5. Nah, but what you're saying is mostly true.Thing is its not just northern soul. Its the world we live in..too many cooks..once upon a time only the serious & dedicated usually succeeded now info & knowledge can be cherrry picked from the net.As Warhol said " Everyone will be famous for 15 mins.." Competition is intense, & of course the result is ..it gets diluted.Glad I enjoyed Northern in its heyday..or at least I thought so..72-75.
  6. saw you are in Staines..I'm in datchet. Whats the lightwater do?
  7. yep, also had it ..prob my first 'northern' LP before 'live @ torch/Ric Tic relics' DJ colonel custer who spun the sounds in the Maple room at Skegness around 72/74 always played every night to get the dance floor going.It was many peoples first intro to northern. I found another copy last year at boot sale v good nick, havent seen the one with purple sleeve before.
  8. Let me know if you get a scan of the first nite casino patch..also i had a steam machine hanley patch..a Wheel patch which someone gave me..& VA-VA's all of which I'd like to aquire or at least a decent scan...if anyone can help
  9. I'd be interested to see the skinners label, if you could send a pic..not many people seem to remember 'em. I recall the most popular colour was white, did they use other colours??
  10. yes...I moved to mansfield briefly from Skegness around end '74. Worked at the Mansfield shoe corp. Used to go to the Swan..Derek Banner DJ'd I think..bought Manifesto off him for £3.50. Also did Syd Booths, guy called Phil Kingswood ran it..other faces were Sid, Yank,Marilyn...great time. What about Julian Jeloneks?????
  11. looking for pics & memories of soul fashion from early casino days...anyone remember Julian Jeloneks in Mansfield? He made some great soul trousers way before Spencers...also the 'Dragonette' tee shirt/vest...Roxy Threads..Nottm...
  12. fantastic..its in much better condition than mine
  13. back in 73/74 we had a shop in Skegness called 'Blue Serge'.We stocked the Frank Wright shoes & I had a pair of the blue/black with diagonal pattern, I called 'em diamonds & the name stuck. Anyone remember the 'dragonette' t shirts/vests from '74? don't suppose anyone has one, or a decent pic?
  14. I saw said gold badge sometime around '74 prob at the queens hall..
  15. thanks for this..i have a pendulum patch from way back & thought I'd embroider it to preserve the colour..got halfway & still never finished it...
  16. I saw Mickie Champion about about 10 years ago at a small club in east LA. She didn't know her 45 was popular in UK.She could still sing well enough but must've been 65+ then, also told me that the recording session for 'what good' was from the late 50's, I always thought it has a rocking rythmn.She also said she only had a few maybe 3 recording sessions mainly for Modern records.
  17. anyone out there wanna share pics (j-pegs) of original classic soul patches? I have some pretty good ones & am looking for decent pics of original wheel & 1st night casino patches plus others from that era. datchet soul

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