..first thing to remember.. Northern soul has never been exclusively black!..far from it..and trying to separate black from white is virtually impossible..if you go further down the line how many white people were involved with a Northern song? session men,writers,producers,arrangers etc..its always about the record..I still like keith & gary Lewis..more from a nostalgia view..but dont like Muriel Day, Peggy march..and its interesting to also recall those who tried to distance/slag off white northern after they'd been playing it for years..(Levine amongst others)..i stand alongside black and white..there are as many crap black records as white (soul) but 40 odd years after Northern soul became, the pot is drying out..so records never before considered are now accepted and sometimes raved about...i would say if you dont like Paul Anka or Michael & Raymond you are tone deaf! a snob..or have never been to a decent allnighter!