in actual fact..quite a few 'stopped going' after a remarkably short first visits in early 74 i remember as being fantastic..with many Torch and a few Wheel boys..they were the first to desert..prob around/just after the first anniversary..whether it was age,or the soussan inst's, pop sounds..but they'd had enough..the scene was suddenly flooded with cheap mass produced badges (mostly ISC)..disco demand , soul galore..and when Tony Blackburn completely fluffed the northern soul intro on TOTP..the soul collection cringed!..personally i went most weeks up until 77 then missed a few..when i returned it seemed like a youth club..many of the old faces had disappeared..the records seemed to be more disco driven..and i thought all this for a 400 mile round trip?..f**k it!..i'm certain i had the best years of it..and packed it in before i had chance to resent many have said..'you had to be there'..a completely different experience from todays scene..