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Everything posted by SHEFFSOUL

  1. ok..it doesnt appear that there is a winner..certainly not me..as i called the buyers 'bluff' he then faced a dilema, should he keep the uncracked record and swallow his failed attempt to force a discount or return for full refund? He chose the latter. As you say he may have thought he paid too much (doubtful) or simply changed his mind..or another reason/whatever..to fabricate a situation to try and cover his tracks is the fraud..and ive made that clear..
  2. at a record fair in Birmingham Ala..last year..a guy asked me if i'd used this method..i hadn't..he said it doesnt work as well with styrene discs?..it sounds great in theory..but ive yet to try it..anyone comment about the use of glue on styrene?
  3. not anymore!
  4. yes i got the tune back.. but its still a lie..dishonest..and for me that excludes the feedback system..ive exposed a dishonest buyer who lied about the condition of a 45..
  5. i did consider it might arrive ( damaged) that i'd completely missed it even after cleaning and test playing it..so i suggested to the buyer that he return it..and i'd contact the PO about claiming for the damage.Which i wouldve done and also would have been guided by the PO as to how the damage happened.The record arrived back ( you can draw your own conclusion) in the same condition as it went out..
  6. that doesnt make sense..i assumed it had been damaged in transit..i suggested he return it and i'd try to claim through the PO...he even had the cheek to say if i needed him to confirm damage to the PO he would do..
  7. tbh..i thought i'd easily find it..now, in the past ive received records that were damaged..and ive replied with a photo of the damage asking shall i return or will you replace/whatever..
  8. the thing you are missing is that the buyer lied about the condition of the record he recieved..this is not about a difference of opinion in the condition ( for example his VG+ versus my VG+) its a blatant lie in an attempt (in my opinion) to drive the price down..its similar to saying you never recieved it..its a lie..and think that unless this practice is exposed it will happen again..
  9. agree..but its the principle..he'll think twice before he tries it again...
  10. agree that he has the right to haggle..but he claimed it was cracked..( a half inch crack would be pretty noticeable)..which it isnt..so, to be specific it was an attempted scam..if i had offered the disc at discount due to 'damage' then thats a scam..because the 45 clearly wasnt/isnt cracked or damaged.i think he tried it on and came unstuck..thats my point..hes gained nothing really..and ive lost 2 x postage ( no big deal) and hes wasted my time..i cant see why you can't see the unfairness here..he claimed it was cracked..by quite a margin..if he'd have said sorry but its not in the condition i expected fair enough..but he's lied..simple...i stand by my naming and think its time to stop this kind of behaviour..
  11. After a recent bad experience with a buyer ive decided to name and shame after well known and respected dealer encouraged me to do so.A week or so ago i advertised a bunch of records here on soul-source. A reply came with 'whats your best price' (on one 45), i said as advertised as i'd seen it for twice the price. Second reply ' i know its cheeky, but will you inc post?', No i countered its a great copy plays superb. 'ok i'll have it.Money rcvd by paypal and 45 sent.End of story i thought. Wrong, few days later a new message ' its got a 10mm crack, pls advise'. My suspicions aroused i suggested to return it.At no point did he say where the crack was, or if the 45 played or skipped or any further info. The 45 arrived back today..and guess what? NO CRACK. Ive inspected the disc thoroughly under strong light..still no crack. ive refunded the buyer inc his return postage.i dont sell records often thru soul-source and this is one of the reasons why (not soul-source fault) so ive decided to name the buyer hoping this will alert other sellers and deter scammers.its not an uncommon thing which is why i'm naming.. Buyers name Ciro Affronti, from Kettering..on SS as big-c
  12. as far as i can remember..Mansfield DJ Derek banner was the first tp play this off the album..he played it in Mr M's..
  13. Shirley & Jessie sold Pat Powdrill sold The Present sold Johnny Moore on hold
  14. EX- 30 SOLD VG+ 20 VG 15 VG+ 40 VG+ 10 VG++ 15
  15. Same here..once in Feb and then March..
  16. VG+ 10 VG 15 VG++ 25 VG++20 VG++ 30 Held VG+ 25 £2.50 UK recorded.overseas email for rates etc..Discs graded for play quality & visual.Please ask all Q's before purchase...more to follow VG 15 EX 30 VG+ 40 VG+ 30 EX- 20 VG++ 35 EX- 40 sold
  17. hang on..didnt i say this already!!!..obviously i have no reputation...
  18. well..the first boot was the plain yellow label i'm sure..so why boot again when there were plenty copies available? and later i think the green ones came along, so there seemed to be plenty of originals (yellow & green) plus the first boots..it seems a similar situation to the Soul patrol discs..more likely original that boots...
  19. it cossed my mind as well..so i sought advice thru a well known guide ..which is not always correct. However, i always thought the yellow with red label text were original.This is based on the fact i bought a copy from a well known DJ in mid '74..and a month or so later it was booted on the pale yellow /black label text..to which he apologised and said he had no idea it was to be pressed.i think it had two different label designs..this and the green version..i stand to be corrected..
  20. also was pressed (demo) with a nashville matrix..
  21. Ha Ha..my daughter text me to say..be better without bono chippin' in...
  22. in the late 70's..i think Skegness collector Shaun hogan (mogul) bought a demo from kev Roberts who had recently unearthed a copy in the US..£30..he later sold it for about the same price. i spoke to shaun about it when it was valued at £1000..and now..it would be like losing a winning lottery ticket!!!!
  23. hopefully i can put a little more perspective onto this thread. Ive worked at the top end of the film industry for 25 years, from big budget blockbusters to small indie movies.I costume designed the movie ''Soulboy'.Been a soul/northern fan from around 68/69 and attended allnighter from early 74-78. About 25 years ago i wrote a stage play about 2 young men caught up in petty crime then murder in 1972, set against a background of northern soul and set also in the north of England.Eventually it became a film script, and as i was working in the industry i was able to show it to the right people.It came within a whisker of getting funded by RCA who wanted to license the music.After many tries i gave up, i hadn't the free time it demanded and although it received many complimentary remarks about the storyline..the overall feeling was ( around 2001) that the northern soul angle wasnt commercial enough.My experiences proved that it is extremely difficult to get a script off the ground and into a film.However once you have completed filming it can be even harder to get a distribution deal.Ive worked on a few where after filming the movie disappeared..leaking out in a cinema for a 5 day release then sunk.Its a common occurrence .I suspect this may have happened to this latest attempt. Money is usually (or the lack of it) the cause..everything is cutback..and it can suffer..its like trying to build a car with a too small budget..with help from friends and goodwill etc..very hard.Often films are built/budgeted around a strong cast first..but even then things can soon wither away..an actor may agree to be attached to a production but with no commitment things can soon plummet. By comparison the movie 'Quadrophenia' was a full on production with many upcoming actors as well as 'star' sting and the backing of the Who with a soundtrack release guaranteed.A different story, literally.I had no involvement with the recent northern soul film, once was enough for me.I wish it success but i can imagine it has been a trying time for director/producers..
  24. mine plays a tad muffled..and it sounds too fast..flip is clearer..

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