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Everything posted by SHEFFSOUL

  1. not as soulful as DH...you'll know it i'll bet..
  2. right..recap...big cleethorpes tune bitd, not a weirdo inst like al foster or astral trip..very fast almost funky beat, only for the swift of feet..with a distinct intro/refrain..probably a one hit wonder not a 'name ' band or artist..i keep comin back to black nasty but its not it was faster and is similar to Raw soul the gig...and almost certainly a male vocal...
  3. Baz..how'd ya think i feel....anyway ive got dave rai on the case..the more i hum the intro the more i think i'll get it..i'll prob get it at 4am..if i do..shall i call you?
  4. getting warmer...same speed
  5. aarrrgh........what the F*** is it???????????????
  6. can't remember the lyrics..prob a male vocal...
  7. ok..forget the morse code bit...its pullin in the wrong tunes...
  8. the intro had a beat similar to morse code..not the actual sound but the speed..
  9. have extended the request to FB...i'm sure we'll all kick ourselves when we figure it out..
  10. right era..wrong tune...
  11. no..this was a thumpin' track..i just cant remember anything except the intro..a big tune for a short while...someone must know it...
  12. could be either..depending on where you're from...
  13. its similar to 'the gig' raw soul...
  14. ..also , can't say ive heard it for a long time..i cant imagine its rare just forgotten...
  15. some great tunes..but not the one i'm looking for..so, recap..more of a fast funky shuffler, you had to have very quick feet to dance to this..distinctive intro..
  16. close but no cigar...maybe more of a cleethorpes sound..
  17. yep..its bugging me...can't find it amongst the mecca playlists on YT..and i can only remember the intro..but it was massive and i dont think its rare...
  18. no sorry...played same time as liberty, Hosanna, babe ruth , jobell etc...
  19. sorry no soundclip..i'm putting together a set for a pal who like the 70's mecca/cleethorpes new type sounds. i remembered a track that was a fsst suffler with dadah dadahah dadha dadha.. repeated intro about (four times). Pretty sure it was a vocal and maybe inst flip..very popular about 75/76 and very quick beat...anyone..
  20. rare enough..and on black iss too...i'm impressed!!
  21. Anyone recommend where i can buy those instant pop -out frames that hold 12" LP's?..a good value well made type please.Similar to one shown...
  22. now then..behave!
  23. yes..that suits me...on a final note..ive considered the possibilities since this transaction began..and i still think ive called it correctly..
  24. yes i agree..i meant that at least hes honest about the REASON to want to return ( again i agree with you once its bought its his)..
  25. who knows..i refunded all his costs..( i'm out two way postage)..and if he'd said look ive changed my mind cos i found it cheaper fair enough..but to LIE?...

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