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Everything posted by SHEFFSOUL

  1. no argument..i'm sure you have loads of instrs in your collection..and i love some that other would call dire..( i still play here at Gracelands the first doctored version of Footsee..love it..) and unless you were about during the days when lots of instrs were played and many in preference to the vocal..i think most people would dismiss them..which is a pity..so...greatest of all time for me..BOK TO BACH, BREAKAWAY,AFTERNOON RHINO, DETROIT LANDAPPLES..if you've got those you dont need anymore
  2. NO..but it infers that..
  3. well..c'mon..that pretty well sez it...
  4. FFS!....hey mate if you think that Bari track is the only decent instr...you need a spell in rehab..and recommend the instr version of the Carstairs to kick things off!!
  5. never heard this before..lot going on..would have been tailor made for Wigan..i like it..
  6. wow..that is amazing...i left the allniter scene early 78 so never heard that track out..but pep/max Catacombs played some fantastic stuff before anyone else got a sniff..
  7. thats pants..i love your podcasts and to think people are profiting from these makes me mad..and how many buggers ever contributed to you when your internet costs were actually costing you..grrr..some times it just needs to be said...
  8. i'm sure..but there is a northern soul connection albeit very thin..and then once a rumour gets started..you know the drill...
  9. thats what i was thinking...
  10. i have a 45 by a larry clinton & orch...very early late 50's early 60's..
  11. check out this Russ records list from june/july 1974..he names classical gas as a secret sound...
  12. thanks Phil, that answers my question..i was a swan regular in 74 when i lived there..and spent my day off in Syd Booths..remeber DB well..i knocked around with Marilyn Dale who later married Sid Hopper, also 'Yank', 'Arnie, and few others who's names i forget..great days...
  13. Yes Ian, i remember the concert and have some photos from it..i was wondering who spun it first..as i said DB was quick out of the trap..
  14. just listening to the excellent pt2 Torch podcast by Colin Curtis. Was surprised to see the inclusion of 'Hold back the night'..i thought my memory was playing tricks, so i checked the net. Sure enough,as i thought the track first saw a release on the 'Zing' album in 1975 about 2 years after the Torch closed..so, dredged the memory again..and the first time i ever heard the vocal (to the 1972 released and Torch sound scruboard) was 1975 at Wigan Casino, more specifically Mr M's, spun by Mansfield DJ Derek Banner.He had the 'Zing album on import, a recent release..was anyone else spinning this or was DB the first..i know it gravitated to the main room shortly after, but was not rare enough to sustain its popularity..anyone else shed further light?
  15. yeah..got a pair of tan cords from JJ's..about July '74..
  16. I've a few items on ebay ...some unique items used during filming of the movie 'Soulboy'.. https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/popartman/m.html?item=201190667599&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562 pls click on the see other items for full listing..thanks for looking...
  17. be careful what you wish for!!
  18. when i was designing the costumes for the movie 'Soulboy'...a guy had contacted the production and said he had some original memorabilia..he was from the Wolverhampton area and had come up to Stoke to see if he could be a part of the film. He was introduced to me as Clive Horden, a very friendly guy with enthusiasm to match. He had many original patches inc the 'first allnighter'..i said i'd always wanted one but i didnt start going to the Casino until early '74, i'd seen quite a few on clothing and bags during the first year or so..we got talking and i asked how they came about. He recalled that he'd been persuaded to go the Casino on the first night after attending the Catacombs i think he said.They all piled on a train and arrived , went in to a near empty venue. He told me the story as i repeated earlier..the badges were free..and he didnt think anymore about it after giving his name until a few weeks later (when KR had been DJing for a few weeks) when they were given out...Russ recalled to me it was imply a case of promotion..that people would return to claim their patch..i remember reading mainly thru B&S that things moved rather quickly with the Casino's popularity helped no doubt by the void left by the Torch!..a classic case of right place right time..
  19. here's the story..on the first night anyone who attended was asked if they wanted a souvenir patch..and those who did filled out their name and address.Kev Roberts apparently attended the second week. Russ told me they ordered 500 patches and he designed it (by now KR was DJing on a regular basis) several weeks later the patches were ready and each member was called up on stage to rcv them...ive seen a few over the years and the one on ebay is almost certainly not an original...
  20. me too..they are rare..
  21. i sent the seller two questions which are not viewable on the sale page..i honestly think its a fake..and they may not realise...
  22. doesnt look real to me...at all....
  23. Hmmn..i thought i remember Mr M's being open around the same time as the first Anniversary ( Sept '74) but it was a long time ago..still they played some great records in there..often much better than the main room..
  24. yep..maybe i first heard it at Samanthas?..but i'm sure it was early 75..wasnt send him back later?

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