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Everything posted by SHEFFSOUL

  1. Searching for soul patches..Carlton Club, Steam Machine, VA VAs, West Midlands soul, clean Wigan Heart of soul , Samanthas. Leeds festival 74. Can buy or trade for patches (records?) Thanks in advance Elvis
  2. yes...you are correct i bought the pussycat boot in 1974 for 85p..however i think some bought it a good while later for much more thinking it was an original
  3. looking for original soul patches from the 70s..to replace ones i lost along the way.. Wigan casino 1st allnighter 23th sept 1973 2nd anniversary heavy steam machine west midlands soul club (red white black carlton club allniter talk of the north (red/yellow map?) blackpool soul casino or mecca I can buy or trade for other 70s patches...
  4. i think it may have been Wigans Ovation..who had recently released 'Superlove' as a single..
  5. me neither..can anyone expand on this?
  6. fantastic..do you have a date for this performance?
  7. Acts WITH dates if you can..thanks again...
  8. Does anyone have a definitive list of dates/acts that appeared at Wigan Casino? Soul acts as opposed to Rock..
  9. can anyone recommend a particular DVD that features live performances of the classic disco era? I'm thinking mid to late 70's Chic, sister sledge, Rick James, Ike n tina..the soul train series seems a good bet but the artists genre are a bit scattered..and i need the emphasis on black disco..thanks in advance..
  10. I raised this question some years back..Neil Rushton who had i think had it booted/reissued of only 200 i think, also added his comments...a search should throw it up...
  11. Epson V700 perfection scanner wanted in Good cond or better. Can paypal or cash n collect if not too far from Sheffield. Thanks in advance. PM's please.
  12. ha ha..another mystery solved..i first saw him at Wigan early 74..and obv took notice because of his erratic dancing style..is he still about? i think he used to post on here some years ago..
  13. this looks like it might be him..bottom just right of centre with white shirt..
  14. wanted 7" EP vinyl..pms please with price.thanks in advance
  15. yes..my earlier comment..the Gabrelli Brass..Polydor UK
  16. Don't worry Steve..his cards been marked!
  17. i had a version of 'tears of a clown' by the Gabrelli brass..an album which came out on Polydor..popular early 70's
  18. well said spain Pete!!
  19. No offence intended?..are you kidding..just for your info THIS IS A FORUM..where information and opinion are shared and by the existence of encouraged. Ive contributed to countless threads since i joined in 2008 and thought the thread would benefit myself and others..sounds like you are only interested in your own desire to bag a bargain..you are so wide of the mark its untrue..information has been shared on northern soul since its beginings..YOU i suspect are at odds with that...
  20. cor yeah..the Cleethorpes monster that never was..mind you does go a bit 'loungey' in parts..
  21. nope..few copies about..mostly beat..but Wilsons version a very close second...
  22. try Discogs or music stack...
  23. i don't understand your comment..please explain..
  24. fab inst track..is this available on vinyl?

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