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pogo paul

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Everything posted by pogo paul

  1. Pete is right, U.K. record collectors have been using the 'Record Collector' grading system for years, it's what i have always gone by and can't see any need to change :thumbsup:
  2. This is probably the true story. or a mate bidding it up!
  3. There will never be a younger crowd attracted to our music. Like it or not it's for an older generation although there will always be a small minority interested in it Someone else who can see in the future ?, never say never.
  4. Peacock , some cracking tunes on this label.
  5. Big Demand for Cash at the moment !!!!!! Am i wrong, part of the fun / thrill of collecting is getting a bargain. It seems some people have more money then they know what to do with it?
  6. Can I have the dog?
  7. Hit the nail on the head, spot on
  8. My first "Up North" allnighter, went to the first one on my own, on the coach from Torquay (when most people were travelling down for their holidays). Allways a great night,fantastic atmosphere,sweat dripping off the ceiling, met some good mates, bought and sold some great records. The sounds played were the top newies of the time, mixed with well known,and lesser known oldies.Great dj spots, favs were Butch and Tim Ashibende. Preferred the smaller social club type rooms, to the gym like venues later on Keele, Abraham Moss etc. Me and my brother used to go all the time, could never get to the boxing day ones, with transport problems. Great memories thanks for posting this up.
  9. If it is a small collecting scene , explain the high values these discs achieve, and the demand for them. Look through the listings of the classic British labels, are you seriously suggesting you wouldn't be interested in a mint demo of a Northern classic. The rare soul scene is a British phenomonon, these records are the roots of the scene. Your posts are irratating and come acoss as a wind up.
  10. He's got the right name "Eddie Parker" 'cos looking at these "I'm Gone"
  11. Weren't much cop, is too polite, they were dogshite and now for sale at £2 in every supermarket in the country. To a lot of people this is there introduction to the music and just like this karaoke crap a complete mockery.
  12. These two have showed up and won a few i've been bidding on recently, all sold for extortionate prices, must have bags of cash
  13. It was meant as a joke, wasn't aware of that. Ignorance is bliss
  14. Sounds like a case of the "emperors new clothes" to me. After that recording he should have been taken out the back and shot, to stop the cats whining.
  15. That's £6.50 too much, they are all knackered 'cos the guy can't sing Gotta agree with Pete Smith on this one. Terrible record.
  16. Roscoe Shelton came out on a Charly LP, Rare Soul Uncovered. All brilliant tracks, taped it meself, fave track was "first time" Also have a tape of Tim Brown on radio 1 about the same time.
  17. The article contradicts itself when it describes the fashion on the dancefloor, which is generally Mod. There is no doubt with the advent of Kent records, and like minded people finding real RnB/ Soul, brought in new blood, who have remained to this day. Most people i've met on the scene have links with mod or scooterist backgrounds. You still have people today who are very precious that it's their scene and are negative to new blood.
  18. Here's a scan of my copy, has Stereo / mono sides. It has Mick Viggars scratched in , with GSFM 1179 and PB in the grooves.
  19. Can't understand the logic of pressing exactly the same, why not put on one new label. The same people would buy them, maybe more.
  20. Agree 100% to this post, spot on Tim
  21. Great post, sums it up for me. Don't know why they bothered Waste of time and money, Voices of East Harlem - Cashing in, should be the title track
  22. He has sold 147, judging by his feedback, at £16-99 a time, the guy's making a killing

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