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pogo paul

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Everything posted by pogo paul

  1. 45cat.com
  2. Bought John Bowie for £5 in the mid 80s and sold it later for £90, needed the money. Will always be in my top ten, recently bought the lookalike for £7, because I will never be getting that one back!
  3. Doesn't matter who is, doing a great service by posting great records!
  4. https://www.channel5.com/show/lost-worlds-with-ben-fogle-detroit-aad439a6-3efa-4ac0-bfa9-a82dec2a1a39
  5. By rights the Divs should be better dancers because they have all had lessons. LOL
  6. I vaguely remember a Northern night near Peterborough where they were mobbed by skinnheads and got "trashed", late 80ts i think. Was anybody there ? I was at a niter in Peterborough at that time, a gang of local skinheads tried to take over, sieg heiling on the dance floor. Didn't last very long and from what i remember they got kicked to fcuk. Never saw them again.The only racist incident i have witnessed and not soul people. I
  7. I did exactly the same, sold both with a big mark up, but nothing like they go for now!
  8. If no transaction taken place, goods belong to seller and there is nothing you can do, need to be a bit more sneaky in future.
  9. pogo paul

    Don Covay R I P

    So many great records, a true legend! RIP Don.
  10. https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=tamla+motown+500+series+pictures&qpvt=tamla+motown+500+series+pictures&FORM=IGRE
  11. The Temptations did a song called "That will be the day"
  12. Viagra - Spyder Turner - "i can't make it anymore"
  13. Bought the first 3 or 4, ripped them up now,still have the back page hitlists. Still got all my copies of "Shades of Soul" that was a far superior fanzine.
  14. Is the clue in the title? lol
  15. Must be him paying the big bucks on Manships auctions?
  16. You won't get in,its not there anymore. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Repro-Wigan-Casino-Membership-Cards-/191446559415?pt=UK_Records&hash=item2c931aaab7
  17. Buddy Holly cover, who used the classic Bo Diddly riff and made no secret of it.
  18. Good question, the nostalgia scene is built up with people that were never there, explains the need for dance lessons,the stupid prices paid for pressing and getting the clothes wrong. When asked i just say into Motown. The post above sums it all up for me.
  19. Old clips of Major Lance, James Brown etc. all show them doing kicks while performing their songs. Probably seen on stage at places like The Twisted Wheel and fed down to the dancers. Didn't see the other posts, so agree with them.
  20. If you like the look of something at a car-boot , buy it. Got some great buys on a whim. Might be still there next week.
  21. I dunno that " Spark - Northern Soul" label, probably did the same thing.
  22. Exus Trek better than vocal? no chance! both are brilliant, but Luther Ingram has a fantastic voice and has to be one of the best records ever!
  23. Awesome, Thank-You
  24. South African / Australian

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