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weetwood white

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Everything posted by weetwood white

  1. 'With Tears In My Eyes' from 1960. Great R'n'B record.Any idea how much this goes for?
  2. Hi I'm pretty sure I have WLP on Old Town - I'll have a rummage in the attic in the morning, Dave
  3. Hi I'm pretty sure I have a German Tamla Motown one with a picture sleeve, if you're interested. Sleeve is a bit worn, but the 45 plays really nice. PM if you're interested. Dave
  4. Hi I've seen them for sale at £40 plus. There are a few for sale on GEMM.com considerably more than that. The price seems to be rising. I've never heard it played in public - is it a record on the up? Having siad that, I'd sell my M- one for £30 (I need some new shoes!!) Dave
  5. Ey up Matt. It was good to spin some tunes with you last week. I have the Marvelettes and James Brown. How much were you thinking of paying? - both are in great nick. I can pop them down the Hifi Club for you. PM me. PS I also have the Ruth brown - Sweet Baby of Mine, if you still want it.
  6. Cheers Paul. Actually, I have couple of copies in excellent condition, and was going to sell one, but never seen one listed. Thanks anyway.
  7. How much does this go for, on Atlantic 45? May have been issued twice? Cheers
  8. Good luck with the Delanettes at that price . I have a M- one for sale, but I think the price would be a sticking point.
  9. Sent you a pm.
  10. Well my mate hasn't blown me out yet, so it's still Wilton tonight (first niter since, er Wilton in March).
  11. The main thing that puts me off is I have two small kids who like to get up very early in the morning, and I'd rather spend time with them, rather than be knackered all the time. It's tiring enough running around after them. I love Wilton, and would go there more often if I could find people to go with. The niter starts at 9, and I bail out before it gets too late, so the next day's not a write-off. Music is awesome as well.
  12. I have a M- copy( originally from Craig Moerer). PM if interested. £75. I'm 99% sure it's the 1960 issue, but will check at home tonight.
  13. Cheers. Have you got a link to the footage at all?
  14. 45 by Tammy McKnight - What's Her Name/Take Away These Chains, on Athens. From New Orleans (I think), and she only did a handful of records.
  15. Levi Stubbs. Quite simply the greatest voice in the best soul group ever. God bless xx

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