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Pk 22dj

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Everything posted by Pk 22dj

  1. Forgot what price it was. Thanks Paul
  2. Hi Dave Great to meet you in Valencia at the Expo Hotel. I never got chance to get your email, mine is kidd22@live.co.uk. Get in touch. I have had a couple of emails from the states confirming that it is the real deal, also the suggestion that Frank himself wanted the record. What do you think to that? With regards to ever selling this item, I think as you say you would have to hold it in your hands to get the real buzz. It's an honor to own it and to think who's hands have held it also sends the mind spinning. Have you still got the Agents? (The wife's not around). Ha Thanks Paul Kidd Stockport Soul Man
  3. Thank you Bob, that kind of clears thing's up. What kind of price could you place on such a piece of Motown and Northern Soul History. any suggestions. thanks Paul Kidd
  4. I'll take the rainbow people if you still have it. Thanks Paul Kidd
  5. Hi Paul Look carefully at the photo !! It also says reject as well as recoat (in larger marking). I too have never been able to work this out.ie. Did they reject the record for what ever reason. Then were these records recoated and used again ??? no one has been able to say up to now. Thanks Paul Kidd
  6. Hi Baz Just thought I would let you know, some guy offerd me 9000 Euro's. for it through the web site. Turned it down, he was not from the Uk either.
  7. Thanks Dave will check the Cd out.
  8. Very sorry. I would rather not say. I can't afford any more weddings or give any more property away. my missus would kill me for saying that. Cheers Kidda
  9. From what i've been told, there was the 10" and a 7" cut of each record. The 10" had the notes of players / performance scores. The 7" which was cut from the 10" has all the others cut from it. Then both are put away for records etc. Values do vary, I listed not long ago on this site, a Tommy Good acetate " I've got to get away" pure brilliance on 7". Gingers got the other 10" there is not any other copy as it never got issued. I had it up for £2500 I think ?. will have to check myself.
  10. What is any record worth these days, If I had this 30 years ago I might be living in Spain full and not part time now. Villas were a lot cheaper in those days. Maybe someone has a better idea of its value than me. Keeping Stum
  11. Thanks and yes, you may have thought it was me, and not the real Tony Christie performing down stairs ha. Ps are you ever gonna get down to the Blue Cat H moor. 1st Thursday of the month to see the band. kidda
  12. The 3rd copy I refer to was mentioned to me some 18 years ago by a American record dealer, It was not him who bought it, so I can't give you his name, but he did say $30,000 changed hands. The record was never seen by him either, but I had no reason to believe or disbelieve him. I'm sure though but not certain that I also read something to that effect in an American Discovery record magazine around the same time. Im sure it will feature in a Harrison Ford film one day ha.
  13. No prob's my fault read your statement the wrong way. Sorry!1 I also have Dean Balow and hundreds of mid tempo ballads etc. People who know me will say this type of record was pushed by me on the decks for many years . I'm talking about Dean Barlow not Frank Wilson. Thanks Kidda
  14. Frank Wilson - Do I Love You Studio Library copy. Let's get things straight, this record is history and has been talked about far more than any other record on the northern scene. I bought it not - because I wanted to play it every time I went out to DJ, but because of the memories it brought back. At the time nothing compared with the upbeat uplifting sound it gave to us, so please let's not forget that. There are many records im sure, that we may be perhaps a bit ashamed that we ever jumped out of our seats, and darted out on to a full dance floor to give our all, but this is definitely not one. It is a true Northern Soul Record and always will be. Our music has moved on and there are many other types of Northern being played which is a good thing. Now and then it's great to hear something that you have not listened to for years. Last but not least, this record has appealed to so many that im sure that some have gone on to become today's crowd. I'm 46 now but my memories are like it was yesterday. Wigan Casino - The Ritz - Blackpool Mecca - Carousel and many more all fantastic venues packed most nights and always played Frank Wilson. Thank you Paul Kidd
  15. Frank Wilson 10'' Studio library Acetate Yes this has been in the UK for many years, a photo of this can be sent to you should you wish.Just contact me and I will send it to you, and the story is on the Web site www.casinoallstars.co.uk if your care to take a look and comment. Thank you Paul Kidd
  16. Rufus Lumley I'm Standing - on British Stateside wooooow Yes he's white.
  17. Message For Steve missed your call, let me know if you still want Laura Lee. Lots of interest in this one. Thanks Paul Kidd
  18. Records for Sale All mint / mint- unless stated any good offers will be considered . Sam Cook - That's it I Quit- RCA iss - 40.00. Gerri Granger - Breakdown - Big Top - 40.00. Clydie King - If you were a man -Imp dem Ex - 70.00. Jerry Ganey - Just a fool - Verve dem - 100.00. Sunlovers - My poor heart Breakthrough - 110.00. Kenny Carter - I've got to find her - Rca dem - 35.00. Kenny Carter - Don't Go - Rca iss - 80.00. Herman Grimes -Better than Crying - H+T - 50.00 Edie Walker - I don't need you anymore Mew - 50.00 Peggy March - If you loved me - Rca dem - 25.00 Cavaliers - I really love you -Rca dem - 35.00 Tommy Good -Ive got to get away Jobet 7" acetate 2250.00 Wow only 2 known copies ,this one and Gingers 10" this type or record never comes up for sale.Ring for info. Ed Henry Your replacement is here -Big mac Ex - 150.00 Hb Barnum - It Hurts- EP Brittish RCA without the cover -175.00 Jimmy Stokes - Keep on Going -Sinada dem 100.00 Laura Lee - To win your heart - RCA VICTOR - 250.00 Beautiful label Yes Rca Canada International. I have never seen another in 30 yrs. can send a scan if needed. Jeffry Bowen -I'll get by - rare Black Mercury -180.00 LP. Hi were the Miracles Uk Oriole yes!! Oriole M-/M- 220.00 this never turns up except on Stateside . kidd22@live.co.uk Tel: Paul - 0044 161 320 1616 am 480 3843 pm
  19. Thank's for that Mark and i'm sorry your not DJing as much. Please if you coul send me your address etc. I'm in Denton on Sat Morning, so I'll nip over with the money. ps. I wont be arriving in my City Top.
  20. I can scan it tomorrow at the office if you like, or i'll take a picture of it and email it to you if you like. Please let me know one way or another. plus your email address. Thanks Paul Kidd
  21. Records for Sale All mint / mint- unless stated Sam Cook - That's it I Quit- RCA iss - 50.00. Gerri Granger - Breakdown - Big Top - 50.00. Clydie King - If you were a man -Imp dem Ex - 70.00. Jerry Ganey -Just a fool - Verve dem - 100.00. Sunlovers - My poor heart Breakthrough - 120.00. Kenny Carter - I've got to find her - Rca dem - 45.00. Kenny Carter - Don't Go - Rca iss - 80.00. Herman Grimes -Better than Cryng - H+T - 50.00 Edie Walker - I don't need you anymore Mew - 60.00 Jerry & his Uniques - Yes he will -Lennan - 130.00 (on hold) Peggy March - If you loved me - Rca dem - 35.00 Cavaliers - I really love you -Rca dem - 45.00 Tommy Good -Ive got to get away Jobet 7" acetate 2500.00 Wow only 2 known copies ,this one and Gingers 10" Ed Henry Your replacement is here -Big mac Ex - 150.00 Hb Barnum - It Hurts- EP Brittish RCA without the cover -200.00 Jimmy Stokes - Keep on Going -Sinada dem 100.00 Montclairs - Come on and hold me - United Int Rec 100.00 (on hold) Laura Lee - To win your heart - RCA VICTOR - 250.00 Beautiful label Yes Rca Canada International , I have never seen another in 30 yrs. Jeffry Bowen -I'll get by - rare Black Mercury -200.00 Tel: Paul - 0044 161 480 3843
  22. Hi Steve tried by email Etc I need your address to send money for Patti Austin Paul Kidd If you have sould it then fair enought just let me know.
  24. Hi Dave Yes I Have Home In Valencia And Stockport , My Buisness Is Here In Manchester So I Fly Back and To. I'm Back In Valencia Next MondayFor 13 Days Then Back Again. If you need any further info my email is kidd22@live.co.uk Thanks Paul

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