Frank Wilson - Do I Love You
Studio Library copy.
Let's get things straight, this record is history and has been talked about far more than any other record on the northern scene. I bought it not - because I wanted to play it every time I went out to DJ, but because of the memories it brought back. At the time nothing compared with the upbeat uplifting sound it gave to us, so please let's not forget that.
There are many records im sure, that we may be perhaps a bit ashamed that we ever jumped out of our seats, and darted out on to a full dance floor to give our all, but this is definitely not one.
It is a true Northern Soul Record and always will be. Our music has moved on and there are many other types of Northern being played which is a good thing. Now and then it's great to hear something that you have not listened to for years.
Last but not least, this record has appealed to so many that im sure that some have gone on to become today's crowd. I'm 46 now but my memories are like it was yesterday.
Wigan Casino - The Ritz - Blackpool Mecca - Carousel and many more all fantastic venues packed most nights and always played Frank Wilson.
Thank you Paul Kidd