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Pk 22dj

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Everything posted by Pk 22dj

  1. Just the one, for my missus Jackie Wilson - because of you Nice if it was a Demo and ex plus, and as always best price poss money waiting to go. Cheers PK
  2. Super record Grant
  3. Have you tried NO NAILS ?? Just a laugh. Hope you solve your proble.
  4. Where would you buy this from exactly. Thanks PK
  5. I will have them if there still on offer. Cheers PK
  6. Hi Ian I'm interested in the record is it on Uk or American and also are you interested in some form of trade or just the cash. Pm me Thanks PK
  7. Hi Mal sorry I got back from Spain on Tuesday and been a bit hectic since getting back, only just rememberd about this record, do you still have it if so I can pay by pay pal straight away. Cheers Paul Kidd
  8. www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEvUb1kbLi8 The Righteous Brothers - Hung On You
  9. I have this record too, the other side is also a Righteous Bros track on Bell I think ? Is on the shelves somewhere. Check out the Hung on you it's fantastic, I watched years back portrait of a legend which featured them and Hung on You was the aside and some DJ played the beside by mistake a cover of Unchained Melody the station was mobbed and the rest is history. I'm sure that's what I remember but the old mind is not what it was. Haha Paul Kidd
  10. I'm a massive fan of The Righteous Brothers due my mother having the Lp You've lost that loving feeling and playing it all the time as a young kid. Years on I have every album and most of their singles, for me there best song is called "Stand By" check it out on you tube also a close second is "Hung on You" both are absolutely brilliant tunes.
  11. I had my say on this topic some time back and my thoughts are still the same. I have not a problem with boots being made especially cuts of very hard to get records for anyone who can not afford the real deal, as long as they look nothing like the originals or have a distinctive difference on the label. I collect expensive records and get pissed off when I see like for like labels when there is no reason for it, they would still buy them on white labels.
  12. Hi Malcolm I will take Bobby (Boris) Pickett and the Crypt-Kickers Monster Mash / Aussie London M- £10 Now £5, and will sort it out when I return from Bspain April 2nd if that's ok. Cheers Pal Kidd
  13. Used to play this at the old Cottons Allnighters in Stockport. This tune is for me his best and I have them all. PK
  14. Hi Rod I have a British HB Barnum RCA It hurts to much to cry EP. no cover but you can print them off the web, Ex or better. would you be interested in that by any chance.
  15. FRANK LYNDON Don’t Go Away Baby / Lisa, UPTOWN 45 no 758 promo Now sorted thanks Cheers PK
  16. Pk 22dj


    Nice one girls :-)
  17. Sorted now thanks
  18. In my box and not one you see for sale very often Pete, hope you get what you want for it.
  19. Ester Phillips, Nobody but you. Roulette White Demo Ex con or better, plus best price please. Cheers PK
  20. Open to offers / Trades on this bunch of soul tunes All US unless stated H B BARNUM - IT HURTS TO MUCH TO CRY -EP but with no sleeve BRITISH RCA Rare COSMO - SMALL TOWN GOSIP - Sound 7 Stage KENNY CARTER - DON'T GO - RCA Demo THE CAVALIERS - I'VE GOT TO FIND HER - RCA Demo BETTY RENNE - YOU ANT SUCH A SUCH - LAWN Demo LOU CHRISTIE - LIGHTNIN STRIKES - MGM Demo OTIS BLACKWELL - IT'S ALL OVER ME- EPIC Demo VERGINIA WOLVES - STAY - AMY Demo THE SHOWSTOPPERS - WHAT CAN A MAN DO - SHOWTIME All ex or better add £3 p&p excepting PayPal Thanks for looking PK
  21. Must be ex or better. Cheers PK
  22. I have a British RCA Demo of "if you love me" and it has never failed in over 30 years to fill the floor when ever I have had the chance to play it. Where as I have played many a big so called Soul Nighter Tune which has cleared the floor. Too many people knock what we used to listen and dance too and it pisses me off. You had to be there back then to understand the reaction to some of these so called pop tunes that still have a place in many of our hearts. Yes we have moved on and we still love everything that's been played since but give it a rest especially if you never went to Wigan. You might be laughing about what your wearing and listening to today in another 30 yrs. That's about the lot. PK
  23. If you want I could sort out a decent trade for Linda LLoyd let me know and I will have a sort out. I have plenty of decent doubles. And top tunes that don't get in my play box.

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