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Jez Jones

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Everything posted by Jez Jones

  1. Quality story mate Not heard the phrase 'blocked' for bloody yonks. Mind ya never been 'blocked' for yonks
  2. I think you are right on that score Max. I seem to remember going to Bewes's record store in Burslem (when keith Minshull used to sell from there) and then going going to ralphs records in manchester and then on to Spin in in manchester and the imports 'list' was very similar within a week. I must say though we were very lucky in those days, it was certainly a 'rich vein of northern soul' in that period. nearly every week something new would 'break' to what would later on be described as timeless classics. As just a collecter in those days it would be hard to keep up I think there was one period within 3 weeks where I bought Fuller bros 'times a wasting' for 25 quid, then the following week i had to buy earl jackson Self Soul........ and the Spanish of Los Canarios and then f**k me if it wasn't the bloody Shakers that broke the week after . Bloody expensive times, but wouldn't change a thing and so much fun doing it ,bloody brill Certainly was a rich vein though 70- 73. Not sure that would happen again ' So back on thread, outstanding list Graham and shall 'look forward to looking back ' when the event is on in July
  3. Excellent. That makes for an outstanding CV for the northern soul scene in anyone,s book . Brings back some memories that little list of vinyl does. God back in the day (197---whatever! ) when I used to collect the odd ditty or two I bought most of them at varying prices ( think I paid £18 for the Tripps and £3 for the whispers ---bargain). When I come to reflect on that list it was quite an amazing achievement 'discovering ' those sounds. As punters and collectors from those days we didn't really have 'celebrity dj's/collectors' to rave about as there are now. Therefore efforts such as this by Graham Warr largely went un-noticed to most of the scene. It would always seem to be 'thats a Mecca sound' or thats a Torch sound or a cats sound' . It is only now with the benefit of hindsight that one can really appreciate what this chap did with regards to breaking 'sounds ' on the scene. There was no internet for research and not much of a template to work from (this was the early days of the scene) so there was probably not much in the way of learning from peoples previous mistakes cos not many (relatively speaking) were doin what he did. Because of his part in that era of the soul scene a belated doffing of the cap is due to him big style from me will try and get there for that night sounds like a belter!!
  4. classic
  5. What a refreshing comment Nice to hear . Sometimes age/knowledge/experience has disadvantages and can serve to blur what the scene is about. Younger people can get invovled with no preconcieved ideas and make judgements for themselves without any outside influences such as the politics and history of the scene (that will come in time like it did to the rest of us ) I am the wrong side of 50 but can stiill remember just 'listening to the tunes and dance' when I was younger. F**king what a buzz that was. Tell yer what i'm jealous of the b***ards now
  6. Woz there one there mate? That is Longton in stoke on trent innit? Queens at Basford also in same city , I wonder if the alnighter was in its heyday as a place where one could befriend grandmothers!
  7. sorry mate I was always sh*te on directions ! Now where are me Clarks wayfarers with a compass in the heel
  8. Got a classic ,chaps How about Flamingo Club in London from the ,60's may have been one of the first soul/rnb/mod alnighters
  9. That would be the Penny Farthing I think!!
  10. A few from the distant past Ambassadeur club -----Bradford Blue Orchid -----------Derby Lord john (Jim????)----Huddersfield
  11. exactly mate In todays language it takes you right out of yer f***ing 'comfort zone'
  12. thats about it in a nutshell mate nice one. Distant memories of after the wheel shut and before the torch started nighters, was Ivor Abadi ,who tried to start allnighters at the Ambassader club in bradford. Remember a few of us going there and it was in the cellar of a terraced house F***ing quality tunes but I was bloody sh*t scared in there. Very itimidating!!!
  13. Good point matey. It does seem smaller--- it used to take yonks to get from one side to the other but maybe that was because it was rammed just looking at the photo does anyone remember them introducing the morning breakfast thingy downstairs just round the side from, the stairs, memory fades now but I don't think it lasted long (wonder why!). A trick they copied from the junction I think and that went down like a lead balloon as well A bloody outstanding venue that just came along right time right place.....................
  14. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury therein lies the case for the prosecution the defence...............................anybody
  15. ooh dear . If they expect their 'oldies' is that what the night is advertised as? The original poster is quite right in saying what to expect from the night through its advertising, so should be no complaints from the attendees(yer gets wot yer pay for) simple as! I agree Deb some people are not up for 'new' stuff and there are plenty of places to go to get yer 'classic oldie' fix but if your 'local do' is one of em maybe its not the right place to try and convert the masses Strange bunch these northern soulies are!! they just won't be told whats best for them!!
  16. Wonder if his name has anything to do with the date on his Torch membership!!!! That would be my thoughts if i had turned up then
  17. Just listened to that and yes its quite pleasant but....... it doesn't kick you in the bo**ocks like 'northern soul does!! But that is my perception of what I think northern soul is. Everyone will have different perceptions of what northern soul is . This will be as a result from stuff like age , where you live, your peers , even your mood at the time, and where you were/are exposed to it. There will be afew people on the scene that will have the 'same' perceptions of Northern soul due to the above (trick is to get them altogether at the same time and put a soul do on ) Obviously that would prove nigh on impossible. Nearest you are gonna get to something like that is when people put on do's like torch revival night or wheel classics night where people who go should theoretically be there for the same 'type' of nothern soul. even then you get disagreements like.....'this was never played at the wheel .........or never heard this b***ard at the torch' and it goes on and on Back to the sentiment of the original thread 'A Great Shame'. Maybe its not such a great shame and it is just diversity. back in the day I reckon there were very few derivatives of northern soul. every 'new' record that was broke semed to be a 'stomper' . Very few people would say f**k me thats shite, because there semed to be little or no alternatives to the 'stomper '. Now there is so many more derivatives of northern soul and therefore more potential for differing opinions. perhaps when the concept of having 2 rooms at a do(you know one for 'northern the other for modern, RnB or whatever) opened up more choices for people therefore more opinions and therefore divisions, but I think that is too strong a word. Wonder what would have happened all those years ago if the 2nd or 3rd room had not been introduced and it was all in one big room . i think the scene may have taken a seperatist line and divisions would have been rife.(or maybe we would be stomping till we collect our pension) !!!!!!!!!!!!!! So maybe its still one big happy family as Steve said it used to be but like all happy families disagreements do happen (do in mine anyway ) . Now maybe this is another thread but who really thinks that the soul scene is better now than 30 odd years ago. Or is it like 'summers always used to be better when i wos a kid!!! Jez
  18. There goes me chance of hearing American Pie--- Don Mclean then Seriously though everyone must have a couple of favourite classic stompers that they don't mind hearing played out. Trouble is though everyones couple of favourite stompers are different perhaps thats why classic only nights are tiresome for a lot of folks
  19. Well i have heard it described in many ways but.............................. that just about nails it matey s
  20. To be fair the Torch did bring a lot of artistes across to play live and they did recieve recognition in that way
  21. Really really good, thanks for sharing these clips. I think it shows the influence that motown had on dusty's work at this time. i read a martha Reeves book before xmas and in it she descibes how , when Dusty first toured the States, martha kind of took her under her wing a litlle because she was like alittle girl lost and would often be downing licquor in her dressing before her spots to build up a little dutch courage. Anyway cheers for these clips again
  22. Yeah what was it about that night? I can't put my finger on what made it so special. It just seemed that everything come together so effortlessly. The time the place the people ---- the buzz about the night beforehand. everyone was talking about it and hyping it up which sometimes can be dangerous if it turns out to be a big let down, but not this night. What energy in that building on that night! Spoke to an old soul buddy of mine from way back a couple of months ago about this night. He agreed it was really special but added there was a similar night at the Wheel he went to when Junior walker was on. Just so much energy on the night without trying. Funny innit what makes these ---different than the 'normal' cracking night etc. Another point on this, people at the time who weren't into the 'northern scene' were aware of what went on that night. It was almost as though it raised awareness of northern soul to a wider audience around our way anyhow. People who didn't know the difference between mamie galore and pussy galore( and didn't give a f**k anyway) started to ask questions and i'm sure a few more people got into northern because of what they heard about 'that' night. Tell you what though, The Stylistics at the Torch were bloody good also!! Different buzz and build up to the night9as you can imagine but credit where credits due, a really professional and polished performance.
  23. Blimey theres a blast from the past . I have never liked the taste of Coca Cola since. Mind you those evil little Do-Do's were just as bad . felt rough for days after them I bet the chemists in those days thought there was an epidemic of asthma in the early 70's
  24. Deeper in Love-------The O'Jays very hard back in the day to get to grips with. Class tune though Bloody good one to listen when driving though (but not in a jam)!
  25. Yes we did. Went there with a few of the macc and biddulph lads at the time. It used to alternate with the Torch initially if I remember rightly. What I do remember was the bloody breakfasts!!!! I bet the owners couldn't understand wwhy after a heavy nights dancing that no-one was hungry. The breakfast bar was always empty

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