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A Bit Of Fun - Help Me In My Quest - Issue 1 Complete
Jez Jones replied to chrissie's topic in All About the SOUL
A Bit Of Fun - Help Me In My Quest - Issue 1 Complete
Jez Jones replied to chrissie's topic in All About the SOUL
right, now then Chrissie, I think there may be one or two here worthy of consideration Betty Swan--------Make me yours Evie sands--------- Picture me gone helena Ferguson-----My terms Clydie King----------bout love Now these crossover into stomper land but---------------- carla thomas--------I'll never stop loving you marie Knight---------thats no way to treat a girl -
Aha yes!!! This was my first nighter since 73/74 casino. I remember having a massive fallout with misses(don't know what over ) and going down to the pub to sink some. Met some guys i knew from way back in there Stan harding ,Sneaksy,and Rob Booth from Congleton and they were going. I didn't take much persuading they sorted me out and off we went to Sneyd Arms. Full of student nurses if I remember from the UNI Got in the event and WOW ----as has been mentioned a sweaty high octane nighter. The music had changed from what I knew but the f**king atmosphere hadn't!!!! . Outside ahving a fag with Stan and the lads just as day was breaking and they said what do you reckon then? Not bad I suppose. Not f**king bad they replied look at your f**king t shirt. It was black when I started but was bloody white now with salt from me sweat Been dancing all night-- totally off it Got back home at stupid o clock next day(walk of shame) and the mother of all bollockings followed for days worth it though Oh and still got me anniv patch somewhere-------great time
A Bit Of Fun - Help Me In My Quest - Issue 1 Complete
Jez Jones replied to chrissie's topic in All About the SOUL
On a damp and crappy morning I put soulclub.org on random for a bit of background music whilst doing a few chores and.... Connie Clarke----My Sugar Baby. That should should sneak in shouldn't it? . Don't be too harsh,not heard it in ages stiil sounds good -
Thanks for the update Amo. Real shame that. Credit where credits due though for Brav for trying to put it on in the first place Would be nice if he continued events at that venue though. I thought it was a real nice venue there at Crewe campus ,,just right for a soul night. Thanks again for the info
Don't know if this is the right place to post this---sorry moderators! Picked up a flyer of this and wondered if its still on. Not heard much about it on here for a few weeks. Went the Maxine Brown one and it was a reet good do Wouldn't have minded giving this one a whirl as well Is it on---anybody?
Isn't there a 'do' in Valencia in October Only kidding!!
Thanks for posting this Mark I couldn't remember for the life of me which one it was. I do like those Al kent tracks and of course I wanna testify ---parliaments is a good'un
Ahh. 'ave been racking me brain for the name of those albums . Bought one back in the day just for parliaments--Don't feel sore at me . Think there were 2/3 other crackin tunes on that one also but can't remember......
f***in classic !
Nice one there Chris, imagine 3 ina row with Alice clark ---you hit me and Lee david---Temptations calling my name. Mention of Chuck Jackson in previous posting 'chains of love . Another excellent outing by him was ' I've got to be strong' . Not heard that for a while. Would sound great out now IMO (probably does but I aint bin where it is played ).
Oh i do like that one Point taken about regional though and even the amount of different dj exposure you get as well. Anyway can any regions cast any light on any of these. Only hear them once in a blue moon so to speak ( but I should get out more anyway ) Johnny Taylor----Zig zag lightening Leroy Taylor------Oh Linda sapphires-------Slow Fizz (and Evil one) Chris Jackson---- I'll Never Forget you Robert Parker----Barefootin Sounds of lane------instrumental Donald height-----Talk of the grapevine Little Richard------Poor Dog
Its been longer than I care to remember since I've heard Sam Nesbitt----Black Mother Goose Doug Banks----Mighty Good way Darrow Fletcher---Gotta draw the Line bettye Swann---Make me yours Lester Young----Barefootin in Chinatown Could be worth a try lads
Articles: The Greatest Record Finds Of All Time 2008
Jez Jones replied to Ian Dewhirst's topic in Front Page News & Articles
Blimey well done that man . What the odds on that happening a lot bigger than Backbeat I guess -
Articles: The Greatest Record Finds Of All Time 2008
Jez Jones replied to Ian Dewhirst's topic in Front Page News & Articles
Ah yes Ian, that jogs the memory a bit. It was An MFP label and I think thats where I got the blue in colour from. Yes i heard it first at the Mecca and you are right the place was electric around that period and like you said attendances were up probably because of that. Just to digress a touch. Around the time of discovering the album a few lads down our way who ran mobile discos and put on soul nights in village halls ,youth clubs (and wherever people would listen ) cottoned on to this and I can remember one of the lads saying since I got this(the R.Dean Taylor MFP) its been bloody heaving cos I was going to pack it in ' its too much hassle this DJ lark . have you got any more like this in yer box. Well it just so happens.................. Allow me a further digression for amusement purposes if you will(R Dean Taylor related). A mate of our crowd who was a cracking lad but rather eccentric was convinced that blue eyed soul as we know was the next big thing. He always said 'Its got that beat Jez ,i'ts got that beat. White men have got that beat as well' Anyway we never argued too much with him and let him carry on his merry way,then one day he come round our house buzzing like f**k. Have you heard this mate. The f**ker put on me record player Cracklin rose by Neil Diamond ' 'Tip top this is brother' ! and i couldn't convince him otherwise. Anyway that Saturday about 3.00am(place was jumping as you can imagine) at the Torch he went up on the stage to Keith Minshull before I could stop him and asked for f**king Neil diamond.!!!!!!!! Oh did we cringe (and no he didn't have it!) anyway undeterred he came round our house the following week with a brand spanking copy on Decca of the Dr Who theme and said check this out 'It's got that beat '. Anyway I couldn't deny it had something! Gradually he sort of left the scene and moved out of town only 'bout 20 miles or so away and guess what....... he had caught 3 different buses to my house knocked on my door proudly proclaiming' I f**king told yer so. I knew I was right. I knew it had summat brother. Guess what he shoved in front of my face with his sweaty mitts ............................Yes you guessed it bloody R .Dean Taylor on MFP. Strange world of northern soul indeed Ian Apologies for that little aside lads(thought it might lighten a Fri pm at work -
Articles: The Greatest Record Finds Of All Time 2008
Jez Jones replied to Ian Dewhirst's topic in Front Page News & Articles
Yeah can vaguely remember a few Co-ops stocking a few sounds. What does come to mind though was Woolworths! Not so much on the singles front but can remember circa 1971ish they stocked a Soul city lp with Gene chandler, Chris jackson etc on. Very strange it just seemed to be a one off run mixed in with Top of the pops albums and the like. Think it was before they even bothered to put albums in categories.then about 6 months later they sneaked in a couple more ,this time 'Motown' lp's one had ghost in my house on and the other(think it was motown although it was blue i think!) had tell me its just a rumour baby on. Again these appeared out of the blue in between rows of middle of the road stuff (literally!).Was the record buyer for Woolworths a secret Northern fan. Maybe this was the start of the cashing in on Northen soul for the masses . I don't know but Woolworths was always 'safe' and this seemed pretty radical at the time. remember lads just going on Woolworth 'hunts' in different towns and snapping up these albums. Not sure if they if they had their own Album charts at the time based on sales but these could have been up there challenging with Zappa and Beefheart that was popular with some folks at the time. Do you think Woolworths actually knew what they were and were they testing the market? Just an idle thought lads -
yeah remember buying a superiors and walking round like a dog with 2 d*cks then realising by daybreak nearly every f***ker had one !!!! . Dottie Cambridge was another (i think) but only about 10 on the night came in(could be wrong though long time ago)
Ah curious objects these!!! I had one, dr love on one side and whats wrong with me baby on the flip came via selecta disc nottingham. Were these the last of this 'type' of pressing? reason I ask is it was like a dangerous weapon . Metal and quite heavy ;you could have some buggers head off if yer threw it, like oddjob I know sound quality wasn't brill and played havoc with the old stylus
Articles: The Greatest Record Finds Of All Time 2008
Jez Jones replied to Ian Dewhirst's topic in Front Page News & Articles
I agree 110% Bearsy on that. Have highlighted the above really to emphasise that it may not be a case of 'forgotten' but never knew in the first place might be closer to the mark in some respect. Northern Soul as a primarily underground sub culture(no i aint swallowed a dictionary)is awash with hearsay ,folklore, 'semi-explained' history. Obviously none of us had definitive reference books to put the record (no pun intended) straight on certain 'moments' on the scene. Threads like this are really important . In understanding the past one can better understand the present IMO. Me , I was a insignificant small time collector from probably 70-73ish. This is like manna from heaven for me. All this actually 'reflects' what passed through my box back in the day. You know what I mean. It makes yer think 'how did I end up with that,where it came from originally and who it was that was 'responsible' for want of a better word for me buying it. These lads like Ian, Julian, Graham and the rest were really pioneers of that era of the scene.I know it sounds like 'Brave new world' stuff but it really was. To have the b*lls to do this at a time without , and i've mentioned this before, a foolproof template to work from is remarkable. What adventures these are that we are hearing in this thread. Personal (to me and I suspect loads of people at that time)Memories of record dealing in sweaty venues at stupid o clock in the morning with a plastic old fashioned 50 box. Expectant ,inquistive checking of other folks boxes to find that 'elusive' vinyl that you knew was a bargain. Trying to 'offload' a record that you had heard 'on the grapevine' was coming through on import by the bucket load or was going to be re-released and render it not as rare as when you first bought it ...damn or an anxious wait as rumours of someone coming from another club(perhaps the Cats /mecca) with a load of 'finds' and you hope you can get one in the rush Getting back to your home town late sunday wacking a latest buy in a 'discotron' and avail others with seedy stories of how you got it and what you had to swap, beg, give to get it -------- Now , probably, for the first time a thread like this can go a little way to informing us of how,why 'we actually got those elusive bits of plastic and at certain dates and places. At the time we didn't think twice about why did (for eg )15copies of the superiors --what would I do --verve suddenly appear out of the blue at 3'o' clock at an alnighter . but now you can get more of an idea of the backgound and reasons behind it. So without waffling on and boring everyone to death .Massive,massive respect to those that did their Columbus bit and went on journeys of discovery in the new world and thanks for giving me a bit of history that ,later in life, I often wondered but..... History was never this good when I was at school Can i be greedy and ask for more -
Yes you right again there mate. Just Like to throw in Archie Bell-- Here I go again also. Absolutely blew the roof of when that was first released on the scene circa 1972. When I reflect back in hindsight (great tool that is!!) it was a 'modern soul' record but fitted in seamlessly in a northern soul set back in the day but probably (and its just my opinion ) was one of the 'first' of the term 'overplayed classics. Its longevity on the scene back then seemed limited. Maybe 2/3months , but that could be because of the quality of the other stuff that was breaking at the time! Taking this theme back a touch earlier Hot Wax released some stuff back in 69/70 that by definition was 'modern soul' Flaming embers----westbound number 9 Honey cone--------While your out looking for sugar (want Ads also i think!) 100 proof aged in soul----somebody's been sleeping in my bed. These weren't 'monster records' but I think they found popularity on a more regional basis. In fact the embers may have got a spin at the wheel (anyone confirm?) IMHO these records 'suffered' and no doubt a fair few others because of the 'black hole' the period when the wheel shut and the torch (as a nighter venue) opened. So for a period the scene was pretty regionalised I think and records couldn't get the exposure of a major nighter venue. Anyone got any examples of vinyl from that period that didn't get the major nighter plays ?
punters became dj's-----and dj's became punters and had to listen to what they played
Ady, have you tried right click on mouse then open link. (worked for me when I couldn't get in )
Extract from the Northern Soul thesaurus---author/publisher unknown Blocked (in a state of being blocked up)------------------chemically induced euphoria brought about by ingestion of pure amphetamine usually in tablet and capsule form and derivatives of such compunds like benzedrine and dexedrine. These were often inscribed by the words SKF or reiker. These could be sourced from local chemists who didn't bother with security measures such as alarms etc Failing that 'dodgy' blokes on street corners or car parks would exchange 10/15 of them for £1 sterling Yonks------------------------ a phrase associated with an undefined period of time (often referred to as ages) Old 'farts' tend to use the phrase predominately usually because they can't remember events in time very clearly and this covers any discrepancies that may occur Now then that would be a good idea to have a book with a 'glossary of terms' of the scene. Just looking up the word disco............