Just a few personal thoughts here about what yourself Sean and others have touched upon. The OFO route in my opinion has a lot of mileage in it.
I don't deny I am an 'oldies' devotee myself. I hear what Steve G says about getting into the scene cos it was underground,cool bucked the trend etc but a common denominator for the majority back in 1970-on was the uplifting sound of soul music later called northern.
Now that has never left me and I am sure many many many others. However I too get sick of hearing the top 500(for want of a better phrase--- never liked that description!). I have been to a few 'upfront' venues and heard the rarer side currently. Now this is the crux its only the odd few that float my boat.
I have heard one or two other folks say the same. To others these rarer sides are outstanding and mindblowing----and I think to myself--am I too old and fooking boring, I'm almost quite jealous of these people that are getting these orgasmic feelings over tunes. You see I know how they feel and I am sure you do and many others when we heard our oldies for the first time, and I want it again!!! I can't force myself to like a tune--nobody can.
Now then, all that said maybe I'm not at'fault' maybe just maybe I just aint heard it all yet(you know what I mean). This is where the playing of the aforementioned OFO stuff could again satisfy that need for uplifting soul music I mentioned earlier. There seems to be an enormous amount out there that isn't played because of the scene 'etiquette'
Granted yes it was predominantly OVO back in the day, but there was no competition for listening media----but If we are to proclaim ourselves progressive then surely now is the time to progress the format we play our music out.
Myself personally would not want to be denied the chance of hearing a potentially new 'orgasmic' sound because everywhere I went I would be restricted to OVO .
For collectors yes lads/lassies its the only way ,always has been --but dj's maybe have got to seperate themselves from soul protocol and open up some new sounds for us dinosaurs