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Jez Jones

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Everything posted by Jez Jones

  1. Hey up Nogger Ah so he's gone to America has he. I anna seen since the 70's. Used to be the best dressed man at the Torch he always had a white shirt and black trousers on can you remember? We used to say to him 'hey up Phil is that the only shirt you've got' he was a sound youth anyway Phil was Jez
  2. Oh excellent mate ----yes when we meet, the lady stella of artois will be there for you. Got a few stories about Phil but not for 'ere
  3. Paul Would that be Phil Morgan who actually used to live in Tunstall from the Torch days. Not seen or spoke to him since those days if it is him
  4. oh man---excellent view----major ,junior and the rest all on that stage-------what a photo, nice one mate. Dogshit Dave---public enemy number 1 .
  5. Bloody hell---look at the place a reet mess---If I see Dogshit dave tonight
  6. Can you see the 'bogs' bottom right ---below ground level---thats why they always filled up with piss and whatever else----fookin brilliant and dodgy as fook
  7. and possibly even less into RnB, latin, funk y2k etc
  8. Yup , I'll agree on that The best grounding/education for the northern soul 'scene' ever imo. It created a demand after its closure that started the likes of VaVa's and Wigan etc. to satisfy that demand---and the rest is history as they say
  9. Whoops---- careful Steve, could be time for the tin hat
  10. Ohh man!!!!!!! My 2 grown up daughters popped round for a cuppa and this was on I've just spent the last half hour explaining that that aint it when they say to me 'Is THAT what you and mum do at weekends You try and explain to someone after seeing that---- nigh on impossible
  11. A lot of what has been mentioned is desert island disc stuff---- Just add this one to it folks---Make Sure ---The Dells Stops you in yer tracks and yer just have to listen---brilliant
  12. Ah well then---- think of the biggest records on the scene in the last 12 months and multiply the impact on the 'scene' they had by say 5 or 10 and you have.............. Mr Posts catchy little number about a rhino! For a 3/6 month period in '73 probably every major northern soul venue in the land had a rammed dance floor when that was played. not many folks sat around talking when that b*stard came on
  13. Hiya mate, just a tad confused here. Do you mean Casino classics as in label or 'type' of record' Anyway motown/tamla/soul and the like can be a bit of a mine field mate but am sure some kind folks on here with the'knowledge' can put yer right in that area I think yer pretty safe with the LP mate----Brunswick i recall. there's a version of Open the door to your heart on this isn't there
  14. I know what you mean
  15. a few go back to the wheel and a lot were aired at Torch, Cats and early Mecca----- Still bloody good though eh
  16. Just a few personal thoughts here about what yourself Sean and others have touched upon. The OFO route in my opinion has a lot of mileage in it. I don't deny I am an 'oldies' devotee myself. I hear what Steve G says about getting into the scene cos it was underground,cool bucked the trend etc but a common denominator for the majority back in 1970-on was the uplifting sound of soul music later called northern. Now that has never left me and I am sure many many many others. However I too get sick of hearing the top 500(for want of a better phrase--- never liked that description!). I have been to a few 'upfront' venues and heard the rarer side currently. Now this is the crux its only the odd few that float my boat. I have heard one or two other folks say the same. To others these rarer sides are outstanding and mindblowing----and I think to myself--am I too old and fooking boring, I'm almost quite jealous of these people that are getting these orgasmic feelings over tunes. You see I know how they feel and I am sure you do and many others when we heard our oldies for the first time, and I want it again!!! I can't force myself to like a tune--nobody can. Now then, all that said maybe I'm not at'fault' maybe just maybe I just aint heard it all yet(you know what I mean). This is where the playing of the aforementioned OFO stuff could again satisfy that need for uplifting soul music I mentioned earlier. There seems to be an enormous amount out there that isn't played because of the scene 'etiquette' Granted yes it was predominantly OVO back in the day, but there was no competition for listening media----but If we are to proclaim ourselves progressive then surely now is the time to progress the format we play our music out. Myself personally would not want to be denied the chance of hearing a potentially new 'orgasmic' sound because everywhere I went I would be restricted to OVO . For collectors yes lads/lassies its the only way ,always has been --but dj's maybe have got to seperate themselves from soul protocol and open up some new sounds for us dinosaurs Jez
  17. Thank God for that Sean, I started to feel quite inadequte after reading down that list
  18. Or vice versa perhaps. There's gonna be a showdown-----archie bell and the Drells 1969 sounding like a 70's
  19. You are possibly/probably correct Rod. My memory seems to recall a light blue colour though. Probably an example of how poor these pressings were in those days simple black righting and no info at all on them!!!
  20. hi Ian This was probably 1969ish wasn't it? Seem to remember leon Hayward on this---anyone? Anyway wasn't there a run of Old Town pressings 70/71 ish. Saw dean parrish ---tell her on this?
  21. Yes yes I agree on what you are saying---in fact it was because those said dj's at torch,junction or wherever stopped playing them when they became for want of a better phrase up for 'public consumption' that stopped them becoming played out oldies at the time. I suppose that is where the 'underplayed/rarely heard stuff from today originates from. Am just pondering then on that. records such as for eg Leroy taylor...... Oh linda if it was continually played once it became easily available' could have been a played out well worn oldie in 1972!!!!!!!!!!!! That sell by date comment you make is interesting in the fact that nowadays what is seen as 'acceptable' time for a mega rare record to be played out. I haven't a clue. Is it 3, 6, 9 months or until the punters get sick of it or can you still play it out cos its like a dj's signature tune. I really don't know. records back in the day would have a shelf life of what 3months max?
  22. Point well made there Sean. UK first originals were played out a lot in the early days of the scene and not frowned upon' I'm talking here before the 'crate diggers' (late sixties). Also same with Soul City releases. In my recollection if you had a tidy collection of Soul City stuff it was quite a big deal then and they would be bought and sold quite openly in sales boxes along side the 'big hitters'
  23. Ah now that would be a interesting list Erm let me think soul night dj's Evison, Ginger, Neil Jones, Sean chapman,Chris king,Blue Max, Minshull........... Wouldn't it be strange if there was 'crossover' One camp claiming one dj over the other
  24. Rod If I'm reading you correct a lot of that rings true in my experience. I can remember folks(myself included) collecting maybe 100 or 200 records but they were always rotating in the quest to get hold of the 'next big thing'. Folks swapped/sold or wahtever ovo to finance the latest big hitter when they heard it. Prices for said original ovo would plumett accordingly when a large quantity came out. Eddie Parker 'love you baby' eg and there were more---------but having said all that things are different nowadays and re-releases ,boots emis whatever were available quite readily and seemed to be everywhere . I think it was more 'cut throat' in those days. You had to keep your wits about yer and ear to the ground or you could be lumbered with a once rare/expensive original vinyl and the following week it worth half what you paid cos the 'market' got flooded with 'em. But difference was every week quality was getting discovered and I mean every week!!! So you would win some and lose some and by the end of the month that rare ovo you lost money on was a distant memory cos you could get the next big thing and if there was 2 you could sell one on Now the venue thing about ovo's or other?. I can remember(bet others can to) start of the 70's and a local village hall soul do dj would happily play pressings etc to bring the music to his 'flock'. You could be there one night and philip Mitchell and Jimmy Conwell etc would come blaring out of the speakers and you just knew he had been to the local record shop that week to get a 'jayboy' fix . However no fooker rushed up to him and said why yer playing this. It was almost as if 'those that knew' couldn't give a fook cos they knew where to get and hear the 'real' stuff . On reflection it was quite elitist-----so nothings changed Interesting point though, he would never be caught playing an 'emidisc'. Why--cos I personally found the only places to be offered these were at the 'upfront' venues of the time Torch. Junction, Cats etc. Strange innit. Bet yer wouldn't see one in sales boxes at todays upfront venues

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