Remember him well from theTorch and hadn't seen him since then until a Sunday afternoon in Warrington in the late 80's. I was off the scene in those days and only had a possible annual or biannual dabble in to it
Anyway I was round me mates house and were bored sh)tless and he mentioned about this soul do in a pub/bar in Warrington.
Off we go and find it---and Martyn is the DJ and he was well on form. He had the loudest ,brashest Hawaiin shirt on ever and it was winter.
Anyway he was up and down from behind the decks, going for a slash, stopping to talk to people all over the shop ---and that was during his set
He didnt remember me , but my mate was shocked at his 'wide-eyed' demeanour ---I says dont worry about it--its only Martyn he's ok .
Yes a true 'character of the scene sadly with us no more