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Jez Jones

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Everything posted by Jez Jones

  1. Do you know mate I can't remember the Fontella Bass night. I must have gone cos i hardly missed any of the nighters. Anyway Pat being from Leek do you remember a lad from Leek called Max who was also a regular. Seem to remember he lived in a flat in a big old house in Basford (basford Leek not basford of Queens fame ) he used to come with us to the torch on a fair few occasions with Sneaksy and Nova from Biddulph and Dobbie from Congleton. Not seen him since wigan first year. Yep Junior walker night was brill although a mate of mine saw him do a gig at the wheel and he said that was without doubt the best Live performance he had seen (though the torch one was a close 2nd) cheers jez
  2. Spike As far as I can remember mate those Disco demand beasts didn't come out till 1974 and into 75. Trying to bring Northern to the masses Those b*strd bailiffs hey mate---Taking yer records for non payment of rent. Bet one was a closet soulie thinking 'ahh nice one i'll 'ave these'
  3. Hiya Biff Thats another one then for me letter to Santa . don't suppose there was a 45 release of this . Reckon its another unissued from the vaults thingy is it? Cheers Jez
  4. If this is the same guy then he's progressed from barbs . Some folks say he's a 'baghead' now and looks really bad. Showing me age but I used to hang around with his dad and a few others 1970ish. His dad Oscar was a big 'wheel' boy and possibly(allegedly) was not adverse to the odd chemical inducement himself
  5. Came across this. Nice little ditty imo. what dya think
  6. is that Oscar's lad used to live in Buglawton?
  7. Well I can see a little xmas pressie coming my way. Even if I got to buy it for meself
  8. Thanks very much mate----great track imo . Was it released on single or LP only
  9. Was just using the new refosoul video clip thingy from youtube etc and came across this. I thought I was familiar with 'most' of the Artistics work'. (don't be confused with title of the clip) it most certainly aint that however this has got me beat. Its fookin tremendous . I am sure its well known on here lads and lasses----so can you enlighten me please Think I may be turning from a northern soul dinosaur to a northern soul chameleon This is brill thanking you in anticipation Jez
  10. Ahh I wonder if this was what I remembered. Would it have been poss it was' 72 cos I am sure it was in summer the day after a nighter at the Torch. ChrisL-----Bet you can't remember if the one you went to had a pool. Can certainly relate to travelling and dodgy cars Was always an integral part of the scene in those days--fingers crossed and hope you got there . Every trip to a nighter in those days always semed to turn into an adventure ----think that was part of the fun Anyway at the time I thought what a great idea after a nighter-- chill out session in the sun by a swimming pool. Also if memory serves the invite came from a couple of quite handsome girls . but we missed out----always knew allnighters and women never mix
  11. Be even worse
  12. Thanks for the input chaps Think i shall have to get in me loft and rifle through me old torch stuff to se if i can find out about this 'all dayer'. bazrico------vaguely remember Sundays pre all nighter. Defo remember the Fridays though , lot of wheel lads used to go and score there for the Saturday wheel nighters. Tonyp----I can remember the whitchurch ones(but I thought they were run by ISC ). Do you know what--Market drayton is near there and in answer to my original post I am starting to think that these all dayers by a swimming pool (a civic one) were there . Now I am confused!! TIVOLI---- was that beefeater run by the same folks who ran the Place in Hanley and cheshire cat in Nantwich? melandthensome---- Top rank Hanley was ISC run wasn't it and remember Millie Jackson there(Ian Levine DJ????). Oscar toney jnr did a Torch allnighter if memory serves?? Anyway am going to a soul night tonight where there are some other old b*stards like me I'll try and pick thier brains
  13. Just had reason to rack my brains on Paul Donnelly's Major thread@ the Torch. Now then something is niggling me. Was there ever an Alldayer at Market Harborough at a swimming pool down there????. Run by international Soul Club>??? I seem to remember being asked to go down after the nighter finished group of lads and girls from there said meet us after and you can come down with us......... Now can anyone cast any light on this. Me and a mate at the time waited outside and no lift . Anyway no worries we thought then hitched it home It could be a dubie induced dream but I don't think so. Did anyone go. Was Chris burton involved Don't think it would be allowed nowadays---big crowd of soulies amphetamine fuelled dancing round a pool----- Health and safety and all that Any offers guys and girls-----did this happen!
  14. whilst I'm on---hows about those 'Vibrating' Vibrations and Surprise party for baby ----hope she's gonna show up
  15. Shall look forward to it mate Funny when I logged on the thread title said 'Dec 9th 1972'. Now that date sorta sticks in yer mind and without thinkin yer know its gonna be about the Major. For those who don't like 'live acts' as part of there personal fix of northern soul---listen to that b*stard Good luck with it Paul
  16. and another Darrow Fletcher---------Gotta draw the line another Chuck Jackson------------Chains of Love Gets coat and badly fitting cap and runs to the door
  17. Probably never get revived but it needs to Fantastic Johnny C---Some kinda Wonderful
  18. Another one for the 'Wombourne Whacker' Gotta have your love---Sapphires. One of ny better 'alfs faves but I secretly vomit
  19. Ahhh good old frantic early 70's northern. Top sound and very fast
  20. Remember him well from theTorch and hadn't seen him since then until a Sunday afternoon in Warrington in the late 80's. I was off the scene in those days and only had a possible annual or biannual dabble in to it Anyway I was round me mates house and were bored sh)tless and he mentioned about this soul do in a pub/bar in Warrington. Off we go and find it---and Martyn is the DJ and he was well on form. He had the loudest ,brashest Hawaiin shirt on ever and it was winter. Anyway he was up and down from behind the decks, going for a slash, stopping to talk to people all over the shop ---and that was during his set He didnt remember me , but my mate was shocked at his 'wide-eyed' demeanour ---I says dont worry about it--its only Martyn he's ok . Yes a true 'character of the scene sadly with us no more
  21. Is the 'Wombourne 'ammer' sturdy enough to cause irreperable damge to Sugar dumpling---Sam Cooke
  22. That would be northern soul 'For Millionaires Only' then
  23. Not even bothered to mix 'em up---top 50 straight from KR list ---whoa wait a minute I've seen that tracklisting word for word on someones web site icluding the price examples.!!
  24. Jayne ,Hi Yeah baffling indeed. I mentioned in my 'wheel' bit about the atmosphere being a 'draw' but as you say its probably loyalty to the venue/ethos of the place. Now you mentioned Mark b and his thoughts on too many factions. There certainly is and established venues have an ever decreasing smaller and smaller group of loyal 'fans' -----as options increase on where to go. Mentioning the atmosphere thingy again, I have been to the Greatstone a fair few times(and I'm an oldies fan )and thought the atmosphere was spot on and would go again cos its a good atmosphere. Another do that seems always to be pretty packed is that Guild hall at Stockport---been a few times(although one room does tend to be quite discoey ---is that a word) . What seems to work also(although again it may be loyalty) are nites that run to a theme. I go to Neil Rushton's soulvation nites in the west Mids and they can have nites like a 'Cats' Special or Mecca memories and so on and they are well attended. In that way the punter knows what they are going to get and can make an informed choice(if yer see wot I mean) In fact BazM on here is doing a ritz oldies special in december at Prestwich so I will try and get to that and I know what I 'm going to get. Speaking as a punter in times of credit crunch etc it may make more sense to spend yer dosh at venues what yer know is going to deliver what you want(removes the risk of wasting yer hard earned ) perhaps 6/12 months ago yer could take a risk with venues 'cos hey its only money attitude prevailed. I think nowadays some folks want more of a 'guarrantee' of having a really good night. Another one that is rammed is Brighouse---but thats another story and area!!!................. I don't think there's a magic formula I do feel sorry though for established venues (irrespective of music policy)that are feeling it a bit tight at the mo. I can't for the life of me understand why people open new venues nowadays that offer NOTHING different. Who wants another WMC whether it be the rarest of the rare or club classics --it just dilutes the scene . Choice is good but this is gluttony Jez(bored at work and thinking can I afford Brig this friday )

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