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Jez Jones

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Everything posted by Jez Jones

  1. A bad 'un will do
  2. 21 it is then john Tell me he hasn't done a version of chuck jacksons ---any Day Now Just seen it
  3. Good ole Donnie hey . Wonder what link he had with darell and was darrells the first to be recorded . Anyway without double checking I am sure on the UK stateside release of DB it says the title is 'Open the Door of your heart I wonder if Donnie Elbert wrote it he also did a version that would be 21
  4. Yes but can you imagine trying to sort out the playlist
  5. Yes mate I haven't a clue about the sight and sound band meslf. Possibly a Liverpool group from the mid 60's but don't quote me on it On the OTDTYH thingy--i was always a Darrell or Jackie fan--and had forgotten about Doni Burdick, but listening to Na Allen and especially the Little Willie G versions they run them pretty close tell yer what Kev ,if all those posted are correct then 20 different versions of it must be some sort of record(scuse the pun) for a northern track Although someone is bound to come up with something to beat it
  6. Errrr let me think now----Open the door to your fookin heart about 20 times Never mind eh
  7. Kev Can't find 'owt on OTDTYH--but APRIL 1968 FONTANA TF927 A SIDE-------EBENEZER B SIDE-----OUR LOVE IS IN THE POCKET! another one of darrells classics and JJ's and Amen Corner and....... ARRRRRRRRGH. Not doing another
  8. Little Willie G has---But if JJ barnes and Chris Farlowe have done a version then thats 18 I think we can reach 20
  9. Nice one 16 then eh? Do you think we can reach 20??
  10. Whoa there chaps--- lets squeeze another 3 out of this one , then start a 'money' one. I Can't multitask yer know Right then I think ther is a version of OTDTYH by Willie Clayton '70's I think. 15 and counting
  11. From me Cool Jerk days--Aint that the Capitols mate which has already gone?
  12. heard the Betty Wright --I think Come on folks can we reach 10!!!
  13. Just sitting here after being somewhat bored by a works xmas quiz. No disrepect to the organiser --he did a cracking job but couldn't get me head round it . So I hid behind my screen and did some internet hopping on soul music Anyway I came across a few versions of 'Open the door to your heart'. I was aware of a couple How many can you name
  14. HI Dave, Hope you're keeping well. You've captured some valid points there mate. As you say there was some territorialism in those early days ,and it wasn't just locally, I think that was in evidence wherever you went . I remember going to do's outside the area eg manchester and one was often viewed with a certain 'suspicion'. This can probably be attributed to 'headstrong youth' growing up and of course the terrace culture from football. There seemed to be a strong correalation between football and the soul scene in late 60's early 70's. Secondly that naivety you mention underpinned the scene in those days. This fed the excitement and adrenaline rush that was experienced at the well known venues of the time. Northern Soul was 'yoof' culture same as skinheads,hippies. greasers et al imo, Someone on a another thread mentioned the absence of cynicism in those days-----thats probably a result of being young (yer glass was always half full and Never half empty ) if yer know what I mean. As the scene has evolved we have all got older and with age comes cynicism. I know another by product of the scenes evolution is knowledge and it wouldn't be half as healthy nowadays without that knowledge, but that tends to make one more averse to risk taking. It was that risk taking, coupled with the ethos of 'yer don't know what yer don't know' that attracted us all to the scene back then imo. Would be interesting to know what attracts newbies to the scene nowadays. If I may be so bold as to put forward the views of, ChrisL from another thread when he emerged from the Torch and thought what the f*ck has just gone on in the last twelve hours Anyway enough philosophising from me Dave. Keep well , hope you and yours have a great xmas and new year and prob see you in 2009! Jez Oh and I think my 'swords' fookin blunt nowadays mate
  15. You could also add Virginia Wolves ---stay to that. Although it was a 'singular clap'. Back in the day there was the alternative clenched glove fist in the air if you were a bit 'avant garde'
  16. Exactly mate----it was a set of more familiar tunes for Joe Public . Do ya know what though--i kinda miss those types of venues, a bit of comfort ,good view, meal and entertainment. Don't it sound so very '70's tell ya what about that night at Jollees we went as a 4some 2 guys and 2 girls and the lad I was with was into northern but not quite as fanatically as some and he kept trying to impress the girls with 'Wait till she sings My Terms' its great you'll like it. didnt have the heart to tell him............................
  17. Hey up Dave hows it going Thank God that wasn't me hey mate Bootlegs at Bew's . we tended to call them imports Anyway you coming 'home' for any kings hall nighters in 2009
  18. As an old timer I concur they were brill. A few folk weren't particularly pleased at this'non' northern group doing a spot but I don't think anyone can deny they did a seemingly faultless performance of black music rendition Funny that no one has mentioned the Major at the Torch -----possibly cos it goes without saying eh? Anyway possibly only a year or two after the Torch ,I went to a 'soup in a basket do' at Jollees in Stoke and saw the Three Degrees. Again they were at the height of their 'powers' and were spectacular. Waited for 'Gotta draw the line' but it never came
  19. Hmmm What shall i do to celebrate this day Should this be an annual event
  20. Would that be 'Strikes' in Burslem perchance
  21. Glad this thread is running . have been doing a bit of album 'hopping' meself just recently and come across some real good tunes. This one i think is only 2.05 secs but is quality imo----Artistics--On and On from the I'm gonna miss you album (sorry can't post refosoul clip, not clever enough, but its on there)
  22. Sterling work Paul absolutely sterling
  23. Don't get much better than that . Sorry it don't get any better than that

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