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Jez Jones

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Everything posted by Jez Jones

  1. I noticed the 'Frank' is signed on the sleeve . Save ruining the disc for future auction
  2. Going way back James Carr -------Freedom Train
  3. Yes Malc as far back as I can remember anyway. heres another one on the square that I went once or twice prior to the evenings activities
  4. nearly spilt me tea on the keyboard
  5. here's one of the Sneyd Arms
  6. Very collectable back in the day Probably are now----are they???? Chris Jackson---I'll never forget you---still one of my faves now
  7. Ah Baz---the Sneyd Arms--great minds and all that
  8. I reckon he'll turn up at around 'Pony Time' then will he
  9. Pat, Was Len the one with the pretty thick glasses. Remeber them well. Yes we often went down there as well Was It Max Buckley or Bailey something tells me?? Anyway shame if he's aint with us no more, always got on well with those lads---and obviously had some good times
  10. Yes and can probably organise a few other guys also . as for the gals best leave it with me . Any idea where Paul---was only just talking bout this last week. Tunstall town hall? pm me if you want me do summat this end. Glad its only till 4. Us ole farts need the rest
  11. Bloody Hell. is that a post card---never seen that . Good idea though----'wish you were here' takes on a differnt meaning dunnit?
  12. Well, Malc have had a recent encounter with driving glove/s. Its xmas day and all the family are round and its time for 'dad(me) to open his presents. I duly oblige and unfurl various niceties such as socks,aftershaves etc---you get the picture . Eldest daughter says 'dad you've missed one' So she presents this nicely wrapped parcel to me and I unwrap to reveal a pair of leather driving gloves . They are the spittin image of the ones from back in the day ---black skin tight leather with cut out knuckles. i was made up and spent most of xmas morning parading around the house with one glove on . daughter not impressed thinks I am taking the 'michael' out of her present Anyway , they are pride and place in the car glove compartment and when I remember I put em on. Wife not impressed says i'm up and down like 'Jason King'
  13. mmmmmmmmmmmmm after much deliberation(about a millisecond) that'll have to go in the Northern category . seriously though I know what you mean about different 'types' of music popcorn etc. To me it either sounds northern or it dunna. Mind you Im a thick b*gger anyway
  14. right then I'll start press my last played clip----------fook that was the easy one wasn't it
  15. Somes it all up very nicely
  16. Fantastic Johnny C from 1968?
  17. Hey foooking sterling work That'll keep me busy Nice one
  18. Maybe not earned its stripes yet but certainly due for promotion. Probably victim of t00000 many good tunes back in the day Bonnie and Lee--the way I feel about you baby
  19. Yeah and the classic that goes with that 'why are f*cking caravans overtaking us'
  20. 'Personally I go to a N/soul allnighter to hear northern soul not hard core funk' courtesy of ken 2009
  21. yes every self respecting chemist had a decent 'skylight' in those days Shall look forward to this Paul
  22. Edwin Starr----Time. fast and furious
  23. Yes and after the game there was Get Ready ---Temptations instrumental. presuming a Funk brothers outing . sounded pretty good.

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