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Everything posted by ZapatootheTiger

  1. These have now been claimed and await collection later this week. Thanks for your interest
  2. *** FREE *** (collection only) Hi, I don't know if this is the right place to post this, but I have a large collection of Blues & Soul magazines to give away. I started buying them in early 1971 and did so until late 2001 (I think), although I never managed to get hold of issue 500. We are moving house in early December and won't have anywhere to put them, so I am offering them here...if no one wants them, I'm afraid they will have to go to the tip. They have been kept up in our loft since the late 90s, but as this has been and still is, both a music room and my current place of work, the conditions have been mostly ambient. I have been able to reach a couple of them (dating from 1971 and they seem to be in excellent nick). Since these are housed neatly in 4 plastic crates, they aren't practical to post or have shipped, so it's collection only (I'm in NW Surrey - KT16 at the moment). Happy to take a photo or two of them in their crates... Thanks for reading - Joe
  3. Good tune and recently discussed over on Pama. The Gaylads vocal (BOOGALOO WITH YOU) is a belter...
  4. Controversial? ...not in my house - I'm with you. Yet I have more Soul singles than Reggae/JA
  5. I have a handful of Bush Chemist tunes (some of thes on the Dub Convention album) Nice stuff, though I only listen occasionally - reckon I should dig some out and give it a go B)
  6. Plenty of Ska and other re-presses down at Peckings (Askew Rd. Shepherds Bush London W12)
  7. Also check Phil Etgarts's ebay listings (google Enthucol) https://www.google.co.uk/search?sourceid=navclient&hl=en-GB&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4HPEB_en-GBGB256GB256&q=enthucol
  8. The other Blue Beats tunes I have BABY WHAT YOU DONE ME WRONG and GO PRETTY BABY, GO are both pretty lame, Dave - I hope RARI' is better!!!
  9. LOVE IN THE AFTERNOON appeared on the Westside CD "Top Deck Vol. 1 Ska-Ra-Van" (WESM509 / 1997)
  10. I try Gordon. Also, Trojan and (separately) Pama forums are useful sources information, knowledge and dubious wit (plug plug) https://www.trojanrecords.co.uk/forum/index.php https://s7.zetaboards.com/PAMA_FORUM/index/
  11. I hope you've got this sorted, Teresa.
  12. I always liked that one - but have successfully "avoided" getting it so far, for some reason
  13. I saw this for £8 quid - looked to be in decent nick - back in the summer (Blue Beat 93) on a market stall just in front of Brighton's West Pier. I didn't have the cash to spare... Nice "lazy" rhythm (I have it on a CD-R).
  14. Mine is an original issue, but due to popular demand, was subject to at least 1 extra pressing run at that time - the first run had the "usual" 4-pronged centre. The matrix number for this one is noted on the label (TMX72 - Return of Django is TMX73)
  15. Did I sort this for you, Pete? I thought I did, but now I'm not so sure...
  16. Also on Aladdin (an Island subsidiary label) From Tapir's... WI 612 Lord Kitchener - Dr Kitch // Come Back Home Meh Boy 1965
  17. ...and RUNNING FOR MY LIFE (on the rhythm for Phyllis Dillon's DON'T STAY AWAY) can be found on the excellent "God Is Greater Than Man" CD - Cou$ins COUDCD046 - 2007
  18. From Tapir's...I don't have either, but suspect the Pama Supreme issue had strings added. Pama Supreme PS 327 Tommy Mc'Kenzie & His Orchestra - Eastern Promise // Tommy McKenzie & His Orchestra - Fiddle Sticks Produced by Pama Records Production 1971 Pama PM 720 Tommy McKenzie - Fiddle Sticks // Please Stay 1968
  19. I could never get on with this song. Still can't. Got shot years ago.
  20. I'm no expert on original (or not) JA presses, so can't really help. However, it may help others if you could advise of the matrix numbers in the "dead wax" for both sides of each and also post label pictures. Those with a discerning and knowledgeable eye should be able to advise. Hope that helps
  21. Hey Dave! I've seen Pete's radiogram and it isn't to be sniffed at! I don't think
  22. I didn't buy it, but got it as an asked-for birthday present - handy, cos there were half-a-dozen of the newer tunes I didn't have. Impossible to condense 50 years into 50 tracks, so there's always room for "questions". It's also likely that some tunes that appeared on UK Island in the 60s were not made available or the licensing paperwork could not be found or arranged - Universal are a bit keen on paperwork.
  23. It's great, isn't it? (posted at Trojan a couple of weeks back) I guess with the right music editting software and a good ear for tunes wot might go together, it wouldn't be that difficult
  24. One of 12 favourites of mine from the Tighten Up Vol. 1 LP Great version of the Sam Cooke song - did G A. Penny record anything else?

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