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Everything posted by Rick Scott
That's Very Nice Pottsy , Some very interesting Facts come to Light and that's All down to you Guys, Love It
Thanks Chalky.... The More We Know... The More We Learn, Cheers my Friend
mmm, Thanks Alan. So what What does the -X at the end of the 62161-X matrix number signify as the 68922 matrix number doesn't have one? It may be something dead obvious to those more knowledgable than me Or Is it just as you have stated, Two Different years which is how i see it but seems a big gap between each side ? Is This Sort Of Thing Pretty Common Or Not?
Right first off I can't scan it in unfortunately but if my son was here (living in London) i'm sure he could do it when he is on a visit when allowed and he be able to do it for me, am doing Face Time with him this evening so i can run it past him, So dug my original out of the box for Matrix information as requested (Vinyl) On The M B C F O O N Side the run out to end of label is only 5mm wide so writing is small on this side and 2 matrix numbers are MJ-011 And Triangle 68962 on my copy with Mutt & Jeff @ Top of Record label MJ-011 is @ about 11 o'clock The Triangle 68962 is @ 7 0'clock On the I'll Tell The World Side Run Out at end of record 17 mm wide And the Two Matrix Numbers are MJ-17 and Triangle 62161-X and is also a Circle on the run out with what looks like SP in the middle of it, but very difficult to make out it because it is not 100% legible even with my magnifying Glass on this side With Mutt & Jeff At Top of Record Label matrix number Triangle 62161-X is between 1 & 2 O'clock MJ-17 is Between 5 & 6 O'clock The Circle with what looks like SP in middle of it is @ 4 O'clock All the Matrix numbers are NOT Stamped but Very Neatly Scribed in, Not Roughly Scratched on if that makes sense. Hope this has been of some help
New release: DeRobert & The Half-Truths - 100 Yard Dash
Rick Scott commented on Soulstrutter's article in News Archives
My First introduction to DEROBERT & THE HALF -TRUTHS was his 2011 outing "BEG ME" 5 Track EP (GED SOUL records) Just fell in love with the Title Track at the time giving it a lot of Rotation, worth checking it out if you are not aware or familiar with it The Guys Voice And style being so Ear Catching at the time -
Can't be very many people from the UK NS Scene that didn't Know or Rubbed Shoulders with "The Mighty Bub" at some time Or "BOB" as Some Numpty Called him on a TV NS Documentary which i have to admit did make me smile. He was famous for his Arthur Scargill, The 'Coal Miners', And the The Iron Lady 'Margaret Thatcher' Monologues during his DJ sets, he was quite unique, was quite the lad and an expert at cleaning each record before he put it on the decks, a circular motion on the front of his vest or T Shirt, He was always up for a game of footy on the Beach at Cleggy But you went in for a tackle with Bub at your Peril as he was a 'Big Lad', yes a Character very much missed by many who Knew and Loved him as a Friend
New - Michelle Davis & The True-tones - Good Good Good Good - One World Records
Rick Scott commented on Mike's article in News Archives
I'll name that intro in............................ "Wanted And Needed" ......... Now Wheres My Coconut -
Thanks to KENB & TheYank, Very Much Appreciated for your Info so far you Guys, The Bobs Show The Sound Of Blackness Interview very interesing and strange when i put a search in for Al Hunter on Discogs it only brought up the Single I Have so what's going on there is a mystery Rick
This is an artist i am not very clued up about as i only own the One record by him and can not find any other releases on this label 'SOUND OF CHICAGO' (SOC) SOC1189v ( Voc. & Instrumental) Has been a regular play at home over the last few weeks to the point it has become a Firm Favourite after Languishing on my shelves for many years, can only think it would have been a new release purchase but can't say when as no release date on the label but it is a Wonderful Soulful Record of the highest order IMHO,Arranged by Willie Henderson no less, Produced by Ken Neal, Al Hunter, F Watson, Exec Producer D Fitzpatrick. The Song Early Morning Written By L. Simon. Made me smile as it says under Al Hunters name, BIG "AL" The Ladies Pal. So Here it Is, i hope you enjoy it as much as i do and maybe some one knows more about him and the label as i do.
Yes, the Deep Side IS Wonderful Too Which makes it such a great Double Sider and wanted Item the more people get to hear it
Yes Steve Superb, I bought my Original off John Manship at the Cleethorpes Pier in the 70s unfortunately never had the chance of an original of the John & The Weirdest and made do with the 2nd issue hoping one would come my way but it never did unfortunately, it too is rare as you well know, Two Great Singles from One Great Artist
Was going through one of my Boxes this Morning and Pulled out my Johnny Hendley Single My Baby came from out of nowhere 45 and realised what a great and wonderful record it is for its Time, prompted by this searched out John and the weirdest single from my shelves (two great sides on this one) First on Mutt & Jeff and the other on Tie Both released in 1967 and wondered given the quality of both singles what happened to them, did they go on to record any other singles with name changes where they orignated etc.
Was discussing this with a fellow Record collector over the weekend as he had same issues as me regarding records advertised for sale after making a search only to find U.K. Sellers have record Advertised for sale, But NOT Available for sale in United Kingdom, If there has already been thread on here regarding this subject then i do apologise as i may have missed it, so any one know more than i do on this subject? as something i have only noticed in recent Months Thanks In Advance, Rick
The fact the instrumental was laid down at all tells us something, it was made maybe to Loan Out to other record Labels to put theire own vocals on which was done quite often in those days as you all know OR, it was done that way when 'Thank The Lord For Love' was conceived to use until they got the vocals laid down how they wanted them. Other examples of this are, Frankie And The Classicals - What Shall I Do (CALLA) 1966 Honey Townsend - The World Again (MALA) 1966 Laura Green - Moonlight, music, in you (RCA) 1967 The Subway Riders - After The Session (MOON SHOT) 1969 Then there was another track with Farm yard Animals over the instrumental too but Glad to say i can't remember Who Did that one, Ha Ha There are Loads of Songs out there that Share The same backing tracks, And maybe there are Some out there STILL waiting to be Discovered, now THAT WOULD Be Something!
Yes, Very Nicely Put, Went Once Too, Dusty concrete floor to dance on, Acoustics Appalling, Only good Thing Was Seeing The Acts that Turned Up, Oh, and leaving the building at the end for the journey Home
Would seem so Alan and thanks for that Video of her, looks fairly recent and you are right not a lot around about Her, She must have been Quite young when she recorded "Don't Say no" and she has still got a good Voice, of course this is all goes work on my part. Wonder if that Music Store she is in is owned by Her or She Just works there and Took the Opportunity to Knock a Tune Out, nice to see she is keeping an interest in music by the look of things Cheers for that Alan.......Rick
Was playing this at the Weekend and thought what a nice Raw Funky record it is, called "Don't Say No" Released Twice On RE-Cord Record Label Jan 1975 No. 1- WB Which States A Side - Don't Say No Vocal & B - Oh Darling No. 2 -WB Which states A Side - Don't say No Vocal & B - Don't Say No (Inst) * I Own The Vocal And Inst. Release * Can't find Sound Bite For Oh Darling To Confirm If This Is A Different Song ? Does't Always Crop Up In Good Nick These Days But certainly sounds good to me. Rick
You and me both my friend, It all just works fine for me, love it, Cheers
"John Edwards" was the version i used to play but chased the "Satin" One like everyone else at the time only the Voice on the other end of the Phone always Said, Sorry Rick, It's Gone, Hey, So many Great versions of this Song and All Belters, James Phelps, Magnetics. Probably heard Satin The First time at The Canal Tavern Thorne....Could have been earlier, It's all a Blur And Yes the Mystery ? Men Plot Thickens And More to it Than meets the Eye, Thanks!
Yea! Tell me about it
Top 50...Newly played out in the last 5 years
Rick Scott replied to Tomangoes's topic in All About the SOUL
I Actually posted this up in "New Releases" Post back in January around The 19th And didn't get ONE Bite, Not a Nibble This was a 7" Single Put out by The Preservation Project Record Label in the USA on a 7" Single and was supposed to be unavailable for sale outside the USA although some made it to the uk but disappeared almost Immediately. Both sides Un-Released Before and Both Sides Artists unknown Top Side 'Suddenly' - 'B' side 'Just Another' (which is a very good ballad) Cost me Grand Total of £17.49 with p&p In UK Sound Quality not the best but Hey... A Great Tune I Put in My Original Post that 'Suddenly' Put me in mind of 'Set Me Free' By Ralph "soul" Jackson Hope This Has All Been of Some Help Rick -
Sorry I just dug the box out with it in and yes you are Correct "PINK" is the one i own. Think my Brain Cells are on the way out Would have been a rare one if it was Orange
I Have The Pink Label Copy of "Thank The Lord For Love" Which i played at The Cleethorpes Pier All Niters and Cleethorpes Winter Gardens Dayers And All Niters Circa '75 To '78 Onwards, It was Massive at The Blackpool Mecca also as mentioned Earlier and other venues too
Good Question as can't find a sound sample anywhere Seems like this one is comparable to the 'Subway Riders' "After The Session" When you bought it back in the day, you never knew if you were going to get the Instrumental to 'Moonlight Music In You' Or Not ?
Went up to Soul Bowl every couple of weeks or so never offered one to my knowledge, and had lots of Soul Bowl Soul/Northern soul Packs back then and don't remember getting a copy hence this Thread, But john sent out loads of those packs as Clear outs as much as anything so maybe someone will shed some light