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Rick Scott

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Everything posted by Rick Scott

  1. Just had a listen on YouTube and as expected .....Not Good, Well, not for me any way
  2. Thank You For your Kind Words and I am so pleased you are enjoying all the lovely Tributes to Mary and the Late Colin, and the Glowing comments and messages from all of her wonderful friends in the Soul Community here on Soul - Source. Mary and Colin are both Extremely Well Thought Of ( as you can see) As are Their Other Two Babies, 'The Cleethorpes Pier' And 'The Cleethorpes Winter Gardens', Without Mary and Colin we would not have had such Iconic Venues to listen to the Music we Love, and such Brilliant Memories, even people who for what ever reasons were not able to attend speak very highly of them wishing they could have been there after hearing from friends what it was like to be on those Dance Floors and the countless tributes in print. I could go on and on but you can see for your selves and feel for your selves the love that people have For Mary, The 'Queen' of Northern Soul And Colin who was always by her Side. Rick
  3. Yes it was called a Phone Box that doubled up as a toilet It meant getting up out of bed all hours of the morning to ring the states and the same phone box to ring for those in the UK until i got married and my Mrs had a phone put in.....
  4. Very interesting question this, from a personal point of view i started collecting records at the age of 13 or 14 (1963/64) and first DJ'd around '67/68 ( I was 17 \ 18 years old then) Whilst i liked to go for obscure releases (records I didn't know but looked interesting and asked to have a listen to over the phone) usualy from record lists from the USA & UK obtained via Music mags (Soul And Pop) using the back pages advertisements, then as we know the term Northern Soul became a thing with it a lot of Snobbery creeping in and your 'oooooh you should only be playing Rare 60's records' and the purists who wouldn't have anything do with 70's (new releases or other) I got a lot of stick as did a lot of other Dj's did for being open minded and embracing records from any era old or new, my policy was i bought and played records i liked, not what other Dj's were playing just because they were BIG as a lot of BIG records played wern't my cup of tea and regards of Price or Rarety of records (many a cheap record were so much better than some expensive ones so it never bothered me) i just went my own way tried to find the best records i could find and just took it all on the chin
  5. Would still like to know what you're favourite track by this wonderful singer is Soulsides seeing as the music video is blocked. Just For The Record Mine is Touching And Caring. Ta Muchly, Rick
  6. Thank You for Posting This Roburt One of the best Covers of Sunshine, no THEE Best Cover of this song i've heard, what a Voice, what a wonerful Human Being, I wish Archie all the Luck in the world what ever he does, All too often these sorts wrongs that happened to Archie happen all the time and it Has To STOP!
  7. Happy Birthday To Your Mum Annie Drew And I Hope She Gets a Card From The King. She Certainly Deserves One *Have a wonderful Day*
  8. All very confusing regarding the TV viewing Plans for Northern Soul at the BBC Proms 2023 as i too checked the TV Schedules and found Nothing so not at all sure what is going on
  9. When Aired on the 15th July i will watch it and form my own opinion of the Show like most people will. We have all been there befor with these sorts of shows , documentries etc. so why should this one be any different, we will just have to wait and see, if the Scene subject is treated with the respect it deserves we may all be in for a big surprise and it may come out smelling of roses, i really do hope so.
  10. Big, Big Cleethorpes Spin from 1976 from The Trammps Zing Album (also spun at numerous other events like Blackpool Mecca etc)
  11. To Be Fair if you go and have a look at Johns description and information on the single and i quote it from it from that, is that he said, "It Became An Instant Cleethorpes Dance floor Success" Thats's it. He did not mention or Imply it was an All Nghter Play or An All Dayer Play (although yes, it did get those it's plays on its release) And that is the only reason i made a point of reply to Solidsouls Post. As we all know Cleethorpes went on long after the Pier All Nighters ended. The Winter Gardens of Course had one or two All Nighters and Regular All Dayers And your usual Northern Soul Nights along the way until it was closed, turned to Rubble and became a Car Park.......Shame Been some Interesting and Informative replies from members on here including Solidsoul and i thank you all for them all.... Rick
  12. Defo played at The Cleethorpes Winter Gardens On The Rarer Orange Label as i used to play it (and still got it) Just for the record looking at a poster on my kitchen wall which reads, East Coast Connection *Soul Club* ALL DAYER at "Winter Gardens" Kingsway, Cleethorpes On Easter Friday 24th March 1978 12 NOON - 11PM RICK SCOTT-JOHNNY MANSHIP- POKE-SOUL SAM-CHRIS DALTON- PAUL ROWAN-BUB (Northern Souls Mascot) (Note- No All Dayer Easter Sunday) Normal Fortnightly All Dayers From 9th April Great Memories Of An Iconic Venue
  13. well there you go, solves that one so it is all as clear as mud, thank you for that one Thank You TIscapital
  14. Mines is an issue Chalky, Should have mentioned that, isn't record collecting wonderful ? Going back to the one sided disk each number/letter looks like it was hand stamped on individually as it is not uniform, not level, but does look raised. Just does not look right to me at all so none the wiser and am certainly no expert, some wiser people than me on here.
  15. while the first question being answered anyone any thoughts on the extra letter on this single
  16. An odd one this thought so have dug my large 45 original out of my box for a look at the run out. Scratched ZSP - 117416 followed by scratched 1B 0n 'I still love' you side. scratched ZSP- 117415 followed by scratched 1B on 'I'm no stranger' side. ***just as an extra bit of info i noticed while doing this an additional J on the record label for 'I'm no stranger' side as in JZSP-117415 where as 'I Still love you' label is ZSP-117416*** Checked another OKEH single and didn't have an extra letter so not sure why that should be.***
  17. Many thanks Johndelve and i have to admit i had forgotten about "Home Of The Blues" Well done that Man
  18. thank you for that but unfortunately i am not a face book member as i left it after being on it for a month or two and found it wasn't for me, maybe some one involved with this thread who is on face book would like to do that for us because he is the one person who would have all the answers, Thank You Rick for that, Very Grateful
  19. I'm With You on that one and you can put your wellington boots on and muddy the water on this subject as often as you like as i like you would like a diffinitive answer, 'uff said (for now Ha Ha)
  20. not sure we have got to the bottom of this one but hey, thank you one and all for your very knowledgable contributions x Soul Source Members Doing What They Do Best Rick
  21. Very Nice La Tasha sings the song effortlessly and very soulfully, production top notch too, so for me one of the better new releases, can't fail to do well (imho).
  22. mmmmm, i always thought talking to other soul folks way back when Blues And Soul appeared that Stars and Stripes was a mag in its own right that looked like the Blues and Soul publication and dealing with music and this other Stars and Stripes being referred to was a "News Paper" with nothing to do with music,
  23. Seem to remember reading some where that Stars & Stripes was aimed at American Servicemen stationed across Europe and UK which i suppose would make a lot of sense.
  24. Would love to hear from anyone who bought this magazine way back in the early days of Soul And R'n'B or has more Knowledge about it than i do. I never owned a copy personally but bought Blues and Soul, and Black Echoes from way back then and l was always led to believe that Blues and Soul was an off shoot (or name change) of Stars and Stripes. Maybe you Could Share Images and content with us and how it differed from Blues and Soul as it must have Pre Dated the Birth of the Rare Soul Scene And well before Northern Soul and must be a very collectable Magazine, So over to you Ladies and Gents, thank you in anticipation.

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