Some of the comments on here about The Casino on here have been very interesting to say the least, so being someone who went regular to Wigan for the first year (up to the first anniversary with Edwin Starr headlining if my memory serves me well) and remembering being blown away by the atmoshere the first time i went, just sitting on the balcony taking it all in, the dancers, the sounds the people etc but like every thing there were the bad sides like wadeing through piss in the toilets so your trouser bottoms didn't get soaked, having to go to the toilets with mates in case you got rolled over by arse holes thinking you had drugs on you they wanted off you without paying for them, never did the drug thing myself as the music did it for me, then while we are on the subject of music it went downhill when Russ introduced the tailor made Northern instumentals and crap vocals put onto instumentals as supplied by our friend Simmon and just out and out pop music getting played
But on it went, untill realising because of requests for certain tracks at Wigan punters had heard at Cleethorpes Pier/Winter gardens Wigan realised they had BIG competition which brings me on to whether the scene could have carried on in the way that it has without what the Casino had done well, yes it could and the reason i say this is because one particular weekend the Casino hired the Winter Gardens on the SAME nite as the Pier with ALL their top guns djing but the Gardens was empty all but for the dj's and their wives/girlfriends, not even the Wiganites who regulaly came to Cleethorpes deserted the Pier, now you tell me, would this happen to day, i think not, and did the Casino try this with any other venue? NO
So the one venue that was in my opinion (and not just because i was an original dj there) was for me Miles better in the quality of music played (60's and 70's) and could have held that mantel mentioned elsewhere in this thread, the Casino knew it that that is why they did what they did, we were just unlucky that we were closed down by the Council because of presure from the police leading to no more all nite licences being granted, The Casino was a great place to be for me for a while, loved it but it took a turn for the worse but i will always remember the GOOD times i had at the Casino and the GREAT times i had at Cleethorpes. Rick Scott
PS Strange how the Casino survived the Drugs thing, the rumoured deaths due to drugs at the Casino (is this true?) and conspiracy theories as to who had relatives in high places (allegedly) mmmm i feel another thread cominng on.........................