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Rick Scott

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Everything posted by Rick Scott

  1. Good Choice Jim, Good Choice
  2. Hi, yes many a great find in that place, very few people importing records and putting out lists in those days, and records so cheap you could take the odd risk or two and come up trumps, amazing place indeed. Rick
  3. Yes but who would they get to play HIS part, and who would want to?? Any nominations?
  4. Yes But The Sound Quallity Was Bloody Awfull, Doing Them Was One Thing But Did He Ever Do One That You Could Actualy Use???
  5. Hi Guys, bought my copy from John Anderson (Soul Bowl) In 1975, my self and Chris Dalton used to always go down there on the saturdays the Pier Niter was on so that if John had any new discoveries and exclusives we would have first play of them that nite, you can immagine the squabaling over stuff if there were only a couple of copies of sounds and fellow DJ's were there too many a time Rick Todd, Ginger and Dick Jervis would be there too hopeing for that exclusive track or two for the night to play, happy days but getting back to the record in question i have never seen an issue in all my travels, would be a nice prize indeed On another note while on the Soul Bowl issue i used to buy records off John pre Soul Bowl when it was Groove city and even earlier Lynns Discory (as in Kings Lynn) Another name from the past who i bought a a lot of my top sounds from was Graham Warr Records (think i have spelt his name correct) any one else remember dealing with them? and who remembers Jack Bollington with those very dodgy accitates he used tout at the all niters to sell? over to you lads!!!
  6. Hi Jim, just dug out my uk demo copy of this with M.D.R. Of Love on "b" side. (ftc 147) 1977 hoping it may have album details on label, sorry to say nothing mentioned about album it may have come from.................Rick
  7. Hi Frank, yes, i know just what you mean, you just had to be there and be a part of the Legend that was, even though it was only for those short few years, i would not have missed it for anything, and like you and the rest of the crew was very proud to have been a part of the experience, oh to be able to turn those clocks of time back ? ho hum Rick
  8. Good Morning Malc, Hope everything is well with you and yours, First time i can relate to or remember the term "STOMPER" being applied to a record from a DJing point of view was after playing "So is the sun" by World Collum at the Pier, and every one remarking how you could feel the dance floor bouncing up and down whether you were sitting, standing or dancing, and also people queing up outside to get in on a night would smile and remark "Just listen to that stomp stomp stomp,I bet they're playing "So Is The Sun" That for me is my ealiest recolections and would fit the bill with Ton Of Dynamite,Cut Your Motor off,The Champion, ETC, ETC, ETC Rick
  9. If you could create your own legendary band from the just plain brilliant, dead or alive, who would you chose. lead vocals, backing singers, drums, bass palyer, lead guitar,sax/horns orchestra the ULTIMATE all time mind blowing band, who would do it for YOU!
  10. Have a UK Demo on BULL DOG Records by T n T Title escapes me, any connectin lads, could have been them moon lighting, can't remember what it was like, one of those odd ball things i got when on President Records Mailing list, will have to dig it out
  11. Never seen or heard an instumental, You Sure ?
  12. Hi Kev, Yes, used to play this at the Pier on a 12" promo with extended strings and things in the instrumental break, not too much to spoil it either, great track and have to confess not seen too many of these since, one to look out for me thinks, Rick
  13. Seem to remember Kev Roberts having the instrumental on acitate mid 70's, got "I have faith in you" inst. and The Hurt (Hurt on the other side inst.) Sidney Barnes Orchestra acitates off him, but missed out on flirtations inst This was during his frequent record buying trips to the states at that time.Used to come up with some awsome stuff back in the day, I have got the vocal on multi coloured festival though, top tune
  14. spencer davis group "This Hammer"
  15. Cal Djader - Soul Sauce (jazz?) Cut Your Motor Off - Black Nasty (funk?) Roger Troy - Don't Put The Blame On Me Baby (country?) Tommy Navaro - cry my life away (Latin?) Not Northern ?????? and these are just a few Rick
  16. Rick Scott

    Rick Scott

    Doing What I Do Best
  17. Any Chance of a sound bite, sounds very interesting? Rick
  18. Was always under the impression that the long spoken intro on "What shall i do" was o the import demo copies only, short intro on US issues and UK Phillips and i believe Pye Disco Demand, i have an issue copy i first started playing at the Cleethorpes Pier All Niters and it's an issue with the long spoken intro, any one shed any light on this one........Rick
  19. Hi Benji, Any idea how much this is worth nowadays? I have a copy in my box upstairs used to play it at the Canal Tavern Nites at Thorne so will have to dig it out and give it a spin, Maybe tempted to part with it if the price is right, don't know at this point, did toy on letting Manship auctioning it a few years back but changed my mind (as you do)
  20. henry atkinson has got a white demo for £75 htp://www.soul45collector.com/monthly.htc Rick , Good Luck
  21. Bloody Hell Rachel, you did well, a big want with collectors these days, would need a lot more dosh than that to prise out of my mits, not worn it out yet then
  22. Full version of "I'd rather loan you out" on the album far superior to the 45rpm and an awesome SOUL track i used to play at the Canal Tavern (Thorne) back in the day along with "People do change" well worth checking out if you don't know it.........Rick
  23. Would be interested to know how much this goes for through Manship, Was a big spin for me back in the days of the Canal Tavern Modern nites at Thorne, Bought mine off Garry Smelt (Black Knight Records) probably for £8 (must check out his lists as i kept them all) Must say took a long time for it to catch on like a lot of others from those days so no change there then as they say, even Sam can be behind the times lol

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