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Rick Scott

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Everything posted by Rick Scott

  1. Don't do the junk shops/charity shops usualy because there's nowt to be had or Tom Paddisons always been there just before you Was looking for some Hi Fi equipment and spotted a box of 12" singles and had a gander (as you do) Picked up 2 twelves for 50p each (ripped off again) Let me take you dancing - Bryan Adams (voc/inst) A&M US Promo (an old Arthur Fenn spin Tom tells me) Darlin' - Bob Sinclair (Test Pressing) Which i bought as a new release on the Champs Elysees Sampler but very nice to pick up on a test press.
  2. Had a listen when first released a couple of weeks back and wasn't impressed, can't think why anyone would want to record a cover of the song so soon after daffy ducks version, just another new release sounding old (yawn) and why anyone would want to play it out ? Modern Soul for the Northern folk, I'll get me coat
  3. Modern is Modern, Brand New, Recent, Not Old, you wouldn't buy a Ford Cortina and say it's a modern car, what makes music any different, or i've got a Modern house me, it was built in the 70's aaaaaahhhhhhhhhh this bloody subject drags on and on and on "IT'S ALL SOUL MUSIC YOU CAN DANCE TO ANY YEAR ANY STYLE" if it moves the heart, and the soul, and the feet, That is what matters, that is what does it for me, when i was booked at "Northern soul venues" (Hate that term grrrr,) i played and broke the likes of Down to the Bone, Frankie Knuckles etc, etc,etc, at various venues as New Releases, it was just good music you could dance to, and was called a tosser by a lot of people for "Selling Out" And "Spoiling Their Scene", i had those terms and worse spit at me full in the face at a recent Winter Gardens event shortly befor it was closed down and demolished, Funny how these records are played in Northern Soul Rooms up and down the country and readily accepted as such....but to put the cat amoungst the pigeons, are these records NOW Modern or Northern? BE AN INOVATER, NOT A You know it makes sense or am i Where's Me Zimmer Frame
  4. Very interesting thread, and made me think back more years than i would like to admit too, being an old fart, used to play this in my my youth club days mixing pop and soul as Bobby Golsboro was classed as pop in them days, northern soul term had not been invented at that time (should have stayed that way realy as hate music being pigeon holed) it hasn't done the music any favours over the years, caused more arguments and splits but of course that's another story. The copy i have is the original UK Demo, can't remember how i came accross it, could have been one of my local record shops called "Rushtons Records" in Scunthorpe which for some reason used to get loads of Promotional/Demo 7" singles (had a few Promo albums too) which a certain young lady in the shop used to keep for me (that's all you need to know on that subject lol) Anyway over the years i played it in my Northern soul spots at niters/dayers/soul nites etc and was always a floor packer, the thing the thread brought back to me was on a regular dee jaying visit to the K.G.B. I played the B G single and after playing it placed it on a pile of records that i'd already played, cued up my next single tured round to put played records back in box, Bobby Goldsboro had vanished off the top of the pile, just that one single, nothing else, i was quite annoyed at the time (as you would be) and the late Nev Wherry asked me what was wrong, i told him what had happened and he said, "Don't worry Rick, i will get it back for you, of course i thought no way will i see this record again, having had records stolen in the past, but true to his word the next time i was at the KGB he handed me my record, he would not tell me who had "lifted" it but i was just thankful to get it returned, it has over the years turned out to be a hard UK single to find, and far better than the re issued alternative take that got issued due to the Northern Soul demand, so there you go, a little bit of my history that this thread brought back to me, now i wonder who it was that lifted said record and the detective work that Nev did to return it to me still ammazes me to this day, Nev was a Top Man, and had a UK soul collection to die for (99% promos)
  5. Chris Dalton from Lincoln used to give this big spins at Cleethorpes Dayers/Niters early 70's, When i do an oldies spot myself I like to include this as it is one that does deserve more attention, used to see a few kicking around on UK DIRECTION which is what Chris's and mine are on, not as easy to find as you would think..RICK
  6. Mate of mine back in the 70's (Mick Byrne from Scunny if i remember correctly) got an original of this out of a John Andersons Soul Bowl Soul Pack which he sold on to Pat Brady for a tidy sum, John obviously didn't rate it at the time 'till it went massive at Wigan........ RICK
  7. Hi Dawn, And a happy new year to you and those close to you, Hope to catch up with you at a do soon maybe? Sound like you are quite like me on the shoe front, if i find a pair of shoes i like and feel right with i go back and buy a spare pair, do the same with clothes, cost me a bloody fortune though but you can't trust the old devil that lurks in the washing machine waiting to ruin your favourite shirt befor hitting the soul nite!
  8. That is absolutely brilliant and so so typical of what we are about, great post, made me chuckle, made my day
  9. The backing was absolutely awsome as you would expect, Martha Reeves was........em....... yes the backing band and Jools Holland R & B orchestra was the dogs bollocks
  10. Hi Boba, not as far removed from the post as you might think and very interesingly funny, we are all very strange beasts in the way we try to hold on to things as long as possible no matter how old, battered and worn they may look, sounds so familiar with the Northern soul lads and their all niter bags used for change of clothes etc, nice one, take care Boba, Rick
  11. Bloody hell 35 years, i take it when you say they are a bit small now you don't wear them? or do you squeeze them on and say "what the hell"
  12. I sure have, i play the double bass at the same time with my teeth
  13. Good Afternoon Malc and how are you? Well I hope, To answer your question my son who is 25 now used to have dancing lessons when he was very little and the requirement was to have Jazz Shoes to dance in, i bought a pair myself and they were brilliant to dance in as that is what they were designed for, They look a lot like what Bruce Lee used to wear in his fight scenes, You see he was very clever, he could dance and kick the shit out of you at the same time
  14. Do you still take those all important most comfortable dancing shoes whether they be brougues or jazz shoes or what ever with you where ever you go?, you know the sort, you would not get rid of or part with them coz they are just the dogs bollocks to wear on the dance floor, how long have you had them? let's see if we can find the oldest pair of shoes still in good use on the soul scene today, they could have started on the Northern Scene and now graceing the Modern Soul dance floors, We could probably get odour eaters to sponcer them A Very Happy New Year To You All
  15. Used to play Give me some credit at the "Canal Tavern" (Thorne) many years ago, was unaware of the Back Lash issue, Interesting , Another purchase from Black Knight Records back in the day, Rick
  16. Mario Bondi is in good hands it would seem and quite rightly so, so no worries there then. I have been spinning this since 2004 (Was a Bee version) Purchaced from Crazy Beat Records. I have also reserved a 7" demo but rest assured it will still be getting massive spins from me. As for going Mainstream by being played by i assume Mainstream DJ's when were they ever responsible for making the music WE love Mainstream hits? The reason this record is being disscussed on here in the first place i believe is because it was heard played out at some of our soul venues and also at a weekender not mainstream radio, i would have thought Mainstream radio has had ample time to spin it by now what with all the different releases /mixes being made available over the last 4 years, obviously does not fit in their play list (Too good and not commercial drival) When you go back a few years to the rare occasions that "Northern Soul" made the charts (Then removed because they were classed as reginal hits) They only charted because of being played on the "Northern Scene" NOT Mainstream radio. When the Trammps made the charts with "Hold back the night" again The "Northern Soul" scene gave them a HIT record here in the UK and elsewhere too, more power to their elbow, this as Malc Burton will back me up has been disscussed on here many times befor.
  17. Now, this is very funny but TRUE, Jack Bollington back in the 70's used to do EMI Discks, 2 sided tracks of your choice top Northern Tunes for a fiver, a guy asked him to do one for him and one of the tunes he wanted was The Jewels "togetherness" which (as you know) has the long break in the middle which everyone claped too very fast in unison, the said person took the EMI Disk back to the next all niter and said, " i don't want this, i want the original version, you know, the one with the hand claps" MMMMM PRICELESS
  19. No coz i don't buy them anymore
  20. A few interesting points of view to this thread and yes it was the Castle Park i was on about and was not going to name it but it came up so......... John and Terry are sound guys so no blame there, and as it was in the Modern room and one of the young DJ'S who was on at all the times i was there so i assumed he was a regular DJ as apossed to a guest as i was and yes it has happened recently where the pcture cover of a 12" single was taken from my box to save writing down the info which pissed me off (left it stuck up while the record was being played), 12" no longer available so no cover which is always nice from a collecting and selling point.On another point i was trying to put over and again has been answered on here a DJ'S taste in music is reflected in what he or she plays, I only buy and play what i like as a record not because it fills a floor, that is NOT me, i must be one of the only people in the country who has not bought or played the Neo track Smile, i think it is pants and does nothing for me but others do and that is fine, you see, records fit the DJ 's personality and so it should......
  21. A few years ago while DJing in the Modern Room at a Rugby Club near Doncaster i was cueing up a record and turned round to clock one of the resident DJ's knelt on the floor going through my 12" record box, pen and note book in his hand happily writing down all my lattest big titles etc, i asked him what he thought he was doing and he said, you play some awsome tunes and i'm off to see what i can find, i explained i had to find these tracks by trawling the nett etc trying to find tunes that people had missed, so go and find your own, he went on to explain, i never buy my records as new releases, i see what other preople play and buy them out of the bargain racks cheap,For once i was speechless,if he had been a punter i could have undersood it to a certain point, but from a DJ i'm sorry but i find that unacceptable, as stated on this forum befor, people follow DJ's as they like what they play and it reflects their personality in the music they play but a DJ that can not be arsed to look for his own music and just relies on what other people play should not be DJing in the first place i m h o.... What do you think ?
  22. Thankyou Mal, It was a pleasure working for you, a very special venue with like minded people who knew their SOUL MUSIC, I could, and did play what i wanted to play and the crowd always responded, We were spoilt a bit back then were we not Rick
  23. Hi Mick, have this on SIDRA, without me looking is it green? don't regard it being booted just not that rare but a very nice record....Rick
  24. Ian Clarke used to sell these at the Yarmuff Weekenders either £5 or £8 can't remember off hand, with having it on jerhart did not bother with it as was told it was a reissue ? Rick Scott

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