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Rick Scott

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Everything posted by Rick Scott

  1. So like you say, identical in every way other than name change of artist, over to the experts and the men or women in the know lol
  2. yea mine too, just spoted that as not easy to see, and a very small MR scratched on run out of record both sides, is yours styrene too or vinyl?
  3. My pulsar copy (issue) She 'bout drive me wild record number 2408 underneath that1-43998 (matrix stamped 43998 3) Empty Talk record number same 2408 number underneath 1-44004 ( matrix stamped number44004 5) across bottom of label states manufactured by Mercury Record production inc Don't know if that helps at all Richard
  4. Thanks Mike, That settles it then 2011 it is, funny how the mind plays tricks on you, thank you one and all for all your help.
  5. The plot thickens Richard, well not sure now, with the numbers being the same maybe if the Matrix numbers are different the very clever people will know, i wonder if there is any info in Manships Guides on this, I am very interested myself now on the outcome of this one.
  6. Or put another way was 2011 when it was first released as a 45 as i always thought it was earlier than that, Rick
  7. Many thanks for the very quick response on this guys, so whats the story on the 2011 release of the cry myself to sleep Rhetta Hughes, is the tat a legit re-vamp of the label, legit release As a friend of mine Colin Moss is looking for the first single release of it (Shot 107) and found the 2011 release of it and asked me what i knew about it
  8. What a great record from back in the day and still have my copy, Not had or seen a shine copy before, but with it being a promo copy on the video play clip you would assume that was the first issue and they decided on a name change when they went to the issue release unless anyone has seen a straight Shine issue (none Promo copy) have to say it looks very nice.
  9. Seem to think there was a track listing (discography) on here of all the releases the past but at my age the memory plays lots of tricks on you as you get older so i may be wrong, I think the label started back in the 90s ? and the last release on shotgun i have seen on line was the Rhetta Hughes track Cry Myself To Sleep in 2011. i only bough 2 or 3 releases back then and would like a look back at the releases from then to the present date and who was behind it. many thanks for looking and hope there is some clever person can help who knows a bit more about it than i do, Ta Muchley.
  10. Remember back in the day Pier/Winter Gardens Cleethorpes during one of the All Dayers we went out for fish "n"chips and some pop 'n' sweets in one of the local shops where we spotted a swivel rack with 5 or 10 USA 45"s per pack of records in sealed see through plastic bags for next to nowt so most of us took a punt, on opening my pack found a copy of one of the records i played in my sets i.e. Christopher Cerf - Sweet Music, (AMY) which was covered up at the time as Turn Off The Music by Len Barry one or two of the other lads got copies too, when we went back to the Gardens i played Christopher serf in my set. I announced what we had found in the shop, and how to get there, it was so funny watching so many people making a mad dash for the doors, the packs were mostly country, pop, and a few Stax and Atlantic singles but depending how tight the records were packed in each bag you could see what was in most of them, the lady in the shop must have been wondering what the heck was going on when that lot decended on her shop,A lot of people turned up back at the Gardens with a copy of Sweet Music with beaming smiles on their faces, Happy Days.
  11. Great topic Dean, I loved the hand clapping in the early days of my visits to Wigan Casino during its first year (stopped going after that) and the Blackpool Mecca too. Then we had The Cleethorpes Pier during its short couple of years and of course The Cleethorpes Winter Gardens.There were many other venues at that time that had this wonderful Hand Clapping at all the right moments in a song, why or when it stopped is a mystery to me as the atmosphere was electric at the time. Just may be that some just could not be bothered and eventually it died out, would be great to see (hear) it revived, wouldn't take much i wouldn't have thought. Clapping seems to be now reserved for the end of a tune being played that was well received or with the showing of appreciation of a DJ playing something nice for the first time or a less played quality oldie, and of course at the end of a good set being played to show how much it had been enjoyed and appreciated which also is very welcome, that for what it is worth that is my take on it, interesting point would be looking back would be did the dancers hand clap while dancing or was it just the ones off the dance floor observing or both, fast hand clapping and dancing must be quite hard do do at the same time and keeping in step with the track being danced to would be very difficult i would have thought.
  12. Sorry peter, there are so many versions of this track ( i have a fair few myself ) but was thinking of those no SAX, have an album version some where by a Hippie looking band and female lead singer but can't lay my hands on it but will keep looking, You might try a trawl through youtube but you have probably done that already
  13. Hi Martyn, trouble is you won't find "Grapes to Wine" on there as i believe this version un-issued
  14. Love this track but never had the album, first heard at Rods Soul Nites back in the 90s at Canal Tavern Thorne, Interesting thing is i have a 12" Acetate which i bought from Garry S on one of my visits to Black Knight Records long before he retired due to ill health which is the same backing track but a male version uncredited to any singer with the title "Grapes To Wine", I played it at Soul Essence in a Sunday Collectors Session and caused a lot of interest as the Acetate had a connection to Hi Records people trying to put a name to the voice, Also played a 12" Acetate of Sir Henry Ivy singing "He Left You Standing There" from the same studio recording but with the original working title "Tears In Her Eyes" Thought i would share these bits of info with you and wish i knew how to upload stuff to share but don't know how.
  15. Hey Up Sean how ya doing'?, Long Time No See and all that, Nice post, Have to say Move on down the line, Very nice, very much in keeping with what the Impressions were doing at the time, First class, Rick.
  16. Dead right!!! Was definitely a Cleethorpes Pier spin, missed out on this when on my regular trips down to see John at Soul Bowl at the time when he got the first few in (I think he had about 8 copies , may be wrong) but i remember him saying don't worry though will be getting some more copies, and you have to remember this would have been a very recent/new release at the time but as we realise this didn't happen and when it did turn up for sale was mostly from the first batch found by John re-circulating..Rick
  17. Yes have som real fab memories of The Dodger from the Cleethorpes Pier/Winter gardens Era which is when i first met him, lovely bloke, got on real well with him, Fondist memory was a new twist on "Dancing Around Your Handbag" He used to Dance Around his Record box complete with Flashing Fairy Lights on it, first time i saw this spectacle nearly pissed my self with laughter, great times long gone................Wonder if he sill remembers maybe he still has that famous box
  18. Hope you all enjoy it as much as i have, It is so cool...... Rick Thanks Roburt, Must learn how to put these up on here I'm not very techy minded,
  19. If you haven't heard this... Please, Check it out Africa Calling By Holy Forest (Official Video on YouTube) African Deep Soul at its best, Wonderful, From new album, Just Purchased mine, Enjoy, Rick
  20. Sounds very much like an uptempo 'Kiss my love goodbye' Betty Swann :0)
  21. Loads over the years, and people feel they don't have to explain.... Why?
  22. Not at all Len, very interesting Topic as this is a subject close to my heart that my self and some of my fellow collector friends have been discussing over a cup of Tea and a rather Big Record Box, (OV of course ) The Merrits of Playing stuff off Laptop, Smart Phones And other Gadgets, Got Quite Heated at times as us old sods can't get to grips with it you know
  23. Have you ever watched one of these people DJ????????? They go up to the equipment (Turn table, mixer etc.) 15 or 20 mins before the previous DJ has finished their set) Puts his playlist up on the lap top, then stands there and pushes a button That's It!! oh and most don't know what a microphone is, probably think someone has left their mums Dildo on the stage for a laugh..............Play It, Say It!

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