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Rick Scott

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Everything posted by Rick Scott

  1. Thanks Pat, Will Do
  2. Which k-Tel LP has the Alt. Version of "Too late to turn back now" on it by Cornelius Brothers and Sister Rose Please, Better still has anyone got one for sale ? There is a thread on here but i don't think it named the k-Tel LP it is on just that it was on one of the disco ones or a sweet soul music one ? Please PM me with any info that may be forth coming. Thanks, Rick
  3. For me best tracks off the album and yes Martyn LP only, shame as would have made a great single. Like T C version too but lean towards this version, but both great dancers, and cheap as chips which can't be bad
  4. Also this Jem from the same Album, Again Enjoy, Rick
  5. Not that rare but Quality soul been listening to today (As You Do) Enjoy, Rick
  6. Hi Ric Tic, Used to play this at the Cleethorpes Pier as a brand new release From the LP as did most DJ's at that time, NO, NEVER seen this before and looks Real Nice, Congratulations, will have to look out for one but would suspect it will be hard to find. Have to say strange it has not showed up over the years. Pretty sure "Reasons" was released as a singe as a part 1 and part 2 Single in USA and as a single in the UK. And as you say "Happy Feeling" got a belated release as a 'B' Side
  7. Beautiful moody song/vocals from Mr. King and so unlike what we are used to from him, lovely John and Thanks for Sharing.
  8. One for the weekend from me and and always a firm favourite at Scott Towers with harmonies to die for WONDERFUL N-Joy
  9. Hi SoulFly, Can you tell me what the Obvious Difference is between the Will Sessions/Amp fiddler 1st press and second press is Please, Just wondered as pictures don't seem to reveal anything so is numbering different or matrix numbers different ? Thanks
  10. Hi Mick, Agree with everything you say above, which is one reason i didn't get involved in the bidding as it didn't look right, a friend of mine was interested in bidding on it and i think i said enough about it to put him off , the ticker tape thing as you say just does not look right, so many things just shout at you to leave well alone, Thanks for your comments as i'm sure others will have there own thoughts on this, i hope we are wrong, if only for the person who Won it, So let's see ?
  11. Well, The 60's acetate/Test press went for £200 + on Ebay last nite Where has this been all these years and was it scheduled for a UK release ? if so i wonder why not, or was it just an employee at Shroeder Music who fancied it cut on a 7" Always wondered why it was never pulled off the Album back then as it seemed the prime candidate. Anyone any thoughts on this ?
  12. Hi Scotters, that is why i know the tune lol, i have the Snorkey Norful CD with I've got what you need on it which did indeed come from Fish, so problem solved on that one, Thanks, Rick
  13. Thanks for the info on that, maybe it is the other vocal version with same backing track i am thinking of ( whatever that is lol) yea shame about that as i'll not be able to down load it but never mind.Brill Soulful Tune no Doubt about it, Rick
  14. Thought i bought a copy of this a few years ago on 12" but can't find it (probably off Fish, not sure or could be my imagination.) What's the story on it ? and if any one has one for sale or can put me on to someone who has please PM me with price. Ta Muchly, Rick
  15. Dylan, it is from the " Heart to Heart collect" CD on Black Grape, May be hard to come by now as when i bought that as a new release CD the track was very popular at the time, to my knowledge not available on vinyl, pure Quality that is for sure Rick
  16. Hi guys really enjoying the George Jackson Thread....But my fav will always be this issued in 1993,
  17. Monday morning blues ?........Well James Bradley just might hit the spot and lighten the Load, Enjoy
  18. Would love to know once and for all which of the Val Palmer issues is the Original (which came first) TH - 255 or 5099 B Looking at info we have is looking like 5099 B
  19. Hi Kev, seemed to remember having this LP myself years ago picked from a junk shop, used to see them all the time and seem to remember it as being a UK thing, sort of cheap cover version lp recorded in the UK so don't think for a minute there was a connection to Val Palmer as an artist but just another cover of the same song ? Does that sound about right to you ?
  20. Cheers John, that looks real nice, well done you, so i was right on one point assuming THIS one WAS issued first (because the numbering for this label is sort of all over the place,) I was wrong when i said it was on HIT RECORDS (val Palmer) but i made the assumption that because Richie Brown came out on HIT in it's own right as well as on Twin Hits with Val Palmer that Val Palmer did?, Hope that makes sense lol, Will have to try and find one of these, very nice. Thanks John for sharing. Cheers, Rick
  21. Yes i suspect that is so well after talking to Mary And Colin and their memory on stuff from back then amazed me. As for the badge i suppose that is nothing new as it goers on today with tour shirts and all the rest of it and just someone at the time decided to do a badge for the event, Hey even i got caught out at the time. Would like to think whoever did them was a Gleggy fan too, as the metal badges very similar it would make you think so, obviously from the same supplier, Have to say though Great Days And Great Nites had by all........ Cheers for now Rick
  22. Thats interesting as i have spoke to Mary and Colin And was informed that the white badge was not an official Cleethorpes Badge, she had nothing to do with having it made so I would not have included it on the cover of the CD/Lp.Had i Known, Seems i got caught out on that one as well. I thought Mary had done them as they looked similar to the ones that she used (probably the same badge makers) The red one was Ltd to 100 badges to be given away FREE to each of the Dee Jays and very close friends etc, So very collectable if you have one. Mary bought the metal pin badges and ordered the centre piece of the Anniversary badge from the printers and stuck them on by hand. The red stickers i mentioned i had spares of on a roll or sheet were NOT the anniversary ones for the badge but spares of the stickers that were on the UK copies of the "So Is The Sun" World Column 7" given away free for at the Anniversary. So there we have it, both Mary And Colin have not been in the greatest of health recently but both were very upbeat and and seemed very happy that i had called them and had a chat and am sure they would not mind me sending their best wishes on to anyone that knows them, came into contact with them over the years or may well bump into them any time soon as they still get out now and again but not as often as they would like, So, Take Cheers for now Rick.
  23. One of his hard ones i believe and not heard it personally although the 'A' side is a bit of a funk affair, will have to try and get to hear this Dylan, Interesting, Cheers, Rick.
  24. What ya trying to say ! PMSL - Nice one Pete

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