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Rick Scott

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Everything posted by Rick Scott

  1. Quality Records Will or Should get a dance floor reaction based on my own experience, All these Big ticket Shit Rare records are just that, RARE, but can't compete with good quality soulful records with a Dance Beat at more sensible prices, It Should always be about quality Not Rarity, After all, we all know You Can't Polish a Turd
  2. Fabulous Record i confess haven't played out enough, will have to rectify that pronto, Beautiful
  3. Have to say I have leaned a great deal of information i was NOT aware of when i started this thread, so a big THANK YOU for all your contributions, Keep it going Lads And Lasses, very interesting insight to our wonderful Scene.
  4. And We All Lived Happily Ever After
  5. Took The Words Right Out Of My Mouth
  6. Some interesting points, over the years some events preferred to promote their Nites as Rare Soul Nites and distance themselves from the Northern Soul Tag
  7. Well there is a Question to ponder With, seeing as how people like to "Pigeon Hole" Music and everything else under the sun, but it is worth asking, as it could have changed the whole Soul Scene as we know it Today If the term Northern Soul Had NOT been Coined. So, Seconds Away, Round One
  8. Yea, i think it just might ruffle a few Feathers long the way but hey, we are all grown ups Could be quite Interesting.
  9. Dancing styles were very different in the beginning of the N.S.Scene (early to mid 70s) and this records beat caught the imagination of those that frequented the Mecca and Cleethorpes, other Clubs were no quite so Welcoming. There were other tunes that were deemed Outside the Box so to speak, "The Gig" - and "I need you baby" by Sin Guy along with a host of others. The arguments were just the same back then, but Music didn't split the scene, People did. Music was evolving, Soul music is exactly that "Soul Music" no matter what year it was recorded. Back in the early days Soul Sam had a sticker on his record box that read "Stomp Funk To Death! when asked about it he replied as he usually did with a hand over his mouth and with a sly grin on his face, "You don't believe That do you ? " Yea we all knew he was buying New releases and recent obscure 70's releases but then we all knew that despite the sticker. Shame that people couldn't see past the 60's, some still can't but hear is a question which might make a good thread. If the Term "Northern Soul" had NOT came about, it may or may not have changed Musical History on the Soul Scene in the UK as we know it, and maybe it would have been a better place for it ........................... Just a thought.
  10. Ambition Records USA (1980) Silent Records UK (1980) Stiff Records UK (1981) I played this back in the day as a new release (both sides) Heard it on the John Peele Radio show of all places, (Played it covered up as The Carstairs) Cheap as Chips and Plenty about
  11. Thanks for putting this up, i had forgotten just how great this record is, so spine tingly simple but so, so, soulful, you have great taste sir
  12. My name is Harry Worth, I don't know why, but there it is.........................
  13. Somebody is on the ball on Discogs, Only £40 + P&P But that may be just an Estimation errrrrr I'll get me coat
  14. cool pleased you got sorted, Rick
  15. didn't see one on music stack with "revived" so were you lucky and found one on there ?
  16. There are a load of these on Music stack, are there different variations of this CD ? (ERNIE JOHNSON)
  17. That's a Nice Read and a very interesting one, very enjoyable take on what musicians producers and writers are doing from their studio or Bed Room or where ever it may be from or created, Thank you for that insight and opinions on this thread
  18. Sampling - using popular riffts or intros has been a thing that has been happening for many years now to great effect (Like it Or Not ), but do you see it as a good thing or a bad thing ?, are Bands or Musicians being 'Lazy' or just plain "Very Clever" at what they do and see a Hit record probably aimed at a specific Audience whilst being Fans them selves of the Music they Use. Hear is a Great Example, So Let's hear what YOU think! The 'intro' and that 'Sax Lick' will be instant to most of you.
  19. What's the story on the Joe 'Jama' Perales 2001 re- make ****** it's Fab! ****** Love It ******
  20. Haven't Posted anything for a while and have had one of my play boxes out for a in house vinyl session and had forgotten just how good this Robert Banks Produced record is, Yes, Dave Blocker giving it Big Licks and the Backing Girls in Fine Voice, "Nothings Gonna Change Me", Amen to That, Bloody Wonderful..................................................
  21. Just jumping on the thred with this one, Many years ago i had a copy of this and it was more of a Browny Yellowy colour where the Yellow is on the Atco label, it was an issue, was this one the Jamaican copies as mentioned i wonder ? The copy i still own now is a White Demo (Vinyl) It Has Paul Rowans Name Scratched on the run out ( I traded a few records off him backing in the day) he put his name on a lot of his records,The record number on the run out is scratched out both sides and i understand from Paul it was done at the time it was played covered up (The Levers - "My hearts wide open" i think it was) It has all the correct markings left on it, Strawberry with an s in it, an AT and an M or W depending on what way up you look at it and a small LW, It also has PLUG SIDE on the A Side Label for " Bell Bottom Slacks" etc.
  22. This was huge at Cleethorpes Dayers And Niters Mid. 70s coz we used to play it for Mary Chapman Bless her, used to make her smile One of those Instrumentals that sounds Great over a large Sound System Like they had at the Pier, Huge Base - Bins and the biggest horns i'd ever seen!
  23. Yea, That's correct Jack, was great to see the acts live but the place was bloody awful, Seem to remember Tom (JC) and Leroy and the usual Gang were there too.
  24. Yea, that's the one, had a wooden dance floor laid on concrete which was crap to dance on, this was around the time when the country was flooded with the Mirwood label Instrumental backing tracks of well known vocal tracks for the first time.

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