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Rick Scott

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Everything posted by Rick Scott

  1. Was played by myself at Cleethorpes Pier/ Winter Gardens & Prior To that gave it a few spins at the Friendship Inn (Keadby) Soul Nites so was on some early US Sales lists which is where mine possibly came from although could have been a UK purchase, a lot of water gone under the bridge since then for me
  2. Yep i have lol so Thanks for that, I know now & What makes me laugh is i have the Otis Clay Version Too so Ta Muchly
  3. That looks Nice Julian I have never come across one of those in my years of collecting
  4. Reading all the comments left by YouTube Viewers/Listeners with the video goes to show how far apart they are from the people on Soul-Source who have Lived and Breathed NS From the Birth of the Scene and Beyond. There wasn't one Negative Comment, not their fault by the way as to them this is how they perceive NS because of al the media interest\interference over the years, and don' worry about the current wave as i am sure there is more on the way such is the way of the world, as a POP record it works but that's it, a POP record and it will have fans and get plenty of airplay on radio stations that play this sort of stuff. More damage to an already damaged Scene
  5. Don't know if this has been covered before so apologies in advance if it has, I Have a UK MGM Demo of this and is credited on the label as being a Heritage recording which as we all know was Booted on That label in a variety of variations. So, did it ever get an official release on that label ? and has anyone got one or seen one or is it just something related to the MGM Label or Music company. I'm Sure this is something a lot of Collectors and DJ's Have pondered on over the years. Thank You In Advance.
  6. Rainbow people - Living in a dream world UK PYE '69 Rainbow people - The Walk Will Do You Good UK PYE '68 (I have this on a UK PYE Acetate That is un documented) Inner City Express - Spring Rain UK Ebony '78 Annis - Don't Play Your Games - GTO '80
  7. Kenny Shephard - £366 Newby & Johnson £204
  8. Thanks John, nice to hear from you Always great to be able to share with others on things like this and i will certainly have a listen to them as sure they will be up there on youtube etc, everyone has different tastes and may take a liking to at least one of the alternative versions we have mentioned which would be good to know
  9. mmmmm very interesting and thank you for your input so far Guys And Gals Pretty much as i thought. Always thought was a great song and was covered by numerous other Artists with different variations of Lyrics and title. Gordon Waller - I was boy (when you needed a man) (Bell USA & UK) '69 Billie Shields - I was a boy (when you needed a man) (Harbour USA) '69 Bobby Hebb Cadet - I was a boy (when you needed a man) (Checker USA) '72 Maybe more out there but these are ones i am aware of.
  10. A 7" single which has been recently released On a USA Audio Disc called If i was a boy by Arthur Prysock and flew out within hours. But the thing is to my ears this is The Allan Scott album track "You were a girl when i needed a Woman" from the 'I needed a Woman' LP (Tower USA) '69 which i used to play out back in the day. So was this just a Cover Up played here in the UK as Arthur Prysock that some one had done in the States? It has been quoted as a very rare acetate on the nett, Thoughts anyone? can't be Arthur Prysock surely.
  11. no worries hope you get lucky for Him/Her
  12. Have You Seen The One Sean Chapman Put Up Today Good Luck
  13. fair enough Mike Please remove it Thanks
  14. You know, those every day things that just make you Spit Feathers, (can be anything but not People Please) as i don't want to upset anyone, but i have to say there are a lot of celebrities out there who i could have a field day with I'll kick it off with this one from me. You buy your self a new Shirt or Tee or under wear (Boxer shorts etc) or you get them as Gifts from Loved ones and the first time you wear them, it starts, that Itchy-Scratchy Label scratching away at the back of your neck or below your back waist line scratching making you sore, and you have to resort to removing them because it just makes them unwearable, This is tedious and not that easy in itself if you don't have some one to do it for you (with the correct implements and i have made a hole or two in items in the process and i am sure Women have the same problem as us men do. So why do they use that sort of material in those sorts of places is beyond me.
  15. As the picture above shows a 6 Pence coin (also known as a Tanner), if you had a Shilling Coin it would be worth 2 of those and a half crown Coin was worth 2 Shillings & Sixpence (2/6) old coinage from the 50s & 60s Mick, those were the days for all of us Old codgers
  16. And Thanks from me to Mike for putting this up as i don't watch BBC Breakfast........... So after viewing the feature we keep hearing the statement all the time that "Northern Soul Is Back!" from the Media and People Like Stuart, i think the question that we ALL would like the answer to is, "WHEN DID IT GO AWAY?" When was there a weekend (or week day) for that matter we could not put our coats on and go out to a Northern Soul Nite any where in the country over the years........... Or am i missing something i don't know, along with a lot of other Soul Minded People? Seems now there is going to be more and more of these sort of Events taking place up and down the country and if people want to go to see them then that is up to them, their choice, just not the sort of thing i would go to, that is also my choice. Going to be interesting what other people will make of it after viewing the BBC Breakfast Feature as well.
  17. A Side X-16611 X-16611 in other words this is etched on twice plus 3 letters in fancy print app ? or arp very hard to make it out and what looks like a tiny hump back bridge sign with a tiny horizontal line above it B SIDE X-16612 XX-16612 And the same follows as above Above info from Blue Vinyl Issue hope this in some way helps Adydj
  18. If You Are At a soul do and just bought yourself a Drink and you are on your own BUT your All Time Favourite Soul Record Comes On What Should You Not Do? What Is A Paper Soul Bowl Known To Be Used For Or Ask The Question Does Anyone Really Know What Time It Is and What Does It Mean To You?
  19. Sadly in life we don't miss something or Somebody until they are gone and assume they will always be around us. This is a very sad Era which we live in and our Heroes are leaving us when we least expect it, but we forget they were older than our selves when we were spinning their records or dancing to them when we were out every weekend and enjoying their music. To say i am very sad at this moment is a huge understatement. And I suppose we can all be Grateful Tony and all our other heroes have Left us with such wonderful Music to remember them by, Thank You One And All for that, RIP Tony Middleton A Big Man With a Big Heart and a Big Voice and a wonderful soul. Gone to join all our other long lost Heroes. Condolences to His Family And Friends
  20. Wow! so many extremely knowledgeable people out there responding to my Original Post and i have learnt so much much about all the various labels and artists with connections one way or another, brilliant, please keep 'em coming as it seems there is so much more to this story than meets the eye, ' Thank You'
  21. And Don Storable Produced and sang Cool Jerk (Capitols) and Rumoured that the Funk Brothers (secretly ) provided the Backing Track
  22. Thanks Peter Hope you are well too, in answer to your question that's a case of a record with the same title but completely different, happens a lot I used to play the instrumental B side of the Clarence Jackson Single which was my preferred side whist everyone seemed to be going for the vocal, check it out on YouTube Fabulous Detroit Sound
  23. Having 3 Records on the label One by Clarence Jackson and two by The Fabulous Apollos I decided to have a look at the Record Listing on Discogs to see what and how many other records they had released over the years ( total 9 And i Missing number) that being Record Number 104. Does anyone know if there is a release for this number or maybe owns one to share info with us as i know many people collect Detroit related Label/records. An interesting fact on the label is that the Clarence Jackson's "If It Don't fit don't force it" Voc. & Inst. (Valtone V 106) A 1974 release, shares the same backing track as Andre Williams "You got it and i want it" (Ric-Tic 124 released May 1967) for those who may not be aware.
  24. The Rainbow People * The Walk Will Do You Good * (UK PYE 1968) A Record i enjoyed playing as a new release off a lovely PYE Acetate which i still own. Wasn't a fan of * Living In A Dream * World though
  25. Sorry Mike And apologies if any members were offended by my Talc Post.

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