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Rick Scott

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Everything posted by Rick Scott

  1. Add to that when you have Promoters who also DJ and collect them selves allow DJs ( i use that term losely) To play mostly Bootlegs in their sets, i pulled one up on this and his response was he didn't care less as long as the punters got to hear what they wanted as he was only interested on Filling the Dance Floor.
  2. never owned an original of the record and certainly don't have that sort of money to spend on a record, Chalky is correct about the Scunny and Hull connection, i know the lass from scunny whose boyfriend from Hull bought the record for her but when they parted company i believe the record went with him...... Rick
  3. Nice One, Love it, Nominations invited for who the other two members of his band could be (must be amongst the many who also claimed they were into the northers soul before they were famous) Just for fun of course
  4. Think it's time to lighten the mood lol
  5. Was playing a few album tracks last night and came across this and it still sounds cool today, Love it! Must give it another spin Out "Play It Loud" As Per Usual N-Joy Rick
  6. So Sad. Back in 1970 this was the first Record by Jackie Moore i Purchased and been a Fan ever since (what's there not to Like) R I P Jackie, Condolences to All Your Family and friends at this sad time and MUCH LOVE from all your fans You are really Precious Precious to them
  7. Very Very Nice Mr. Toeman, one for my shopping list
  8. Good Point Chalky....... Spot On!
  9. Yes interesting you say he was not a great fan of Northern but my word the Man had an ear for exactly what Northern Soul fans and DJ's alike were looking for, That said when i asked what HE liked to listen to on one of my first visits to him his reply was the STAX or related sound of Stax, who would have thought,
  10. I started work 7:30 in a morning but my work colleague was very good and would drop me off home waiting outside having his morning bacon sandwich while i got my list and when it arrived looked for the nearest phon box with a working phone, the bloody tension of waiting for the post man with the list (some times it would arrive a day late, ahrrrrrr ) but if all went well getting what you wanted and not getting caught, My, My, the stories some of us could tell all for the want of that wonderful Vinyl
  11. Scotlands Finest, and what can i say other than we will miss you John, not just as the Very Nice Person that you were but as a man for having an incedible ear for many of the greatest records ever discovered, i honestly don't think there was any one to touch you on that score, You just loved to talk music to any one that would listen and share it, his face would light up when he saw the reaction to the stuff he played you, but he had a mischievous side at times like when he played me a record i went Ga Ga over and i said Wow, put that on my pile of records please and he said, sorry but i only have the one of those and i'm saving it for Soul Sam, In saying that he DID eventually find me a copy Bless Him. R.I.P. John.
  12. Yea, Same with Bobby Womack's" Something for my Head" released on this label too so another track now none LP Only
  13. 'Battened Ships' is a beautiful track, I picked up a Japan Mowest 7" Copy back in 2016 with 'Our lives are shaped by what we love' on the other side
  14. Wonderful soul track, never had one of my own and had to settle for the Expansion Soul Sauce LP release to play at home in the hope of finding an Original, Good luck Hope you Find one and give it a Happy Home, For those that don't know it N-JOY
  15. This Is An Interesting New Release by Michael Nau, Just Got Mine On 7"
  16. Different to the old days when you just got new releases which stayed on release until sales dropped off then were deleted,( end of) Just bloody greed now and it is always the genuine record collectors that lose out
  17. And yet prices on the usual sites are unbelievable for the re-issue even now with copies about that are no different to the FIRST Press, record buying/selling today is crazy, seems a lot of sellers have no conscience. Bought my original off 'Voices' (Rod Dearlove) when he first found them like most people For around £8 or £12 Honestly can't remember and he did only have a hand full at the time .Have to say it was a record i struggled with at the time as it all but cleared the floor and dropped it fairly quickly. So when Rob Thomas some years later asked me if i still had it and asked me if i wanted to part with it as he had a buyer (silly Money) i let it go with no regrets Had the chance to buy the Re-Issue but didn't bother because to be honest i just think it is an ok record so wasn't fussed about it but that's just me.
  18. demo or issue ? as big difference in Rarity and price i would have thought, Suspect by description an issue same as my own, seen one or two Demos but never had one but have to say they do look Nice !
  19. Those After Dark Promotions Cleethorpes events that Stevegods put up were Steve Croft Promotions were they not? Correct me if i'm wrong.(Thanks for those bye the way) There were a few people who tried to put Soul Nites on there after Mary Chapman i seem to remember
  20. They should have Both got into the studio and recorded a Duet Version of it, Now THAT would have been interesting!
  21. I remember that weekend well for all the wrong reasons, Was very sad weekend for us all when the news filtered through to the Winter Gardens.
  22. Yea I have just had a chat with Mary about the hand made flyers for Cleethorpes All- Dayer Flyer and the story goes that SHE hand drew them out her self and printed them off on a hand cranking printing machine and mailed them out fortnightly to all the members of the Soul Club, i have some of those myself some where but not many, some contained artist and titles of what would be getting played and if some of the Soul - Source devotes have any of these would be great to see them up here. Cheers, Rick
  23. Just love Billy Butlers version as it is a Classic. But today Jerry Butler Tips It for me, Why? as Mal C says, It's refreshing and i think so right for todays Soul Scene, as never really had the exposure of Billys version and a completely different feel, musically, vocally and production wise, and oh yes, It's Cool As Ice!
  24. Thanks Eddie Which 12" have you got and what Mix does it for You!?

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