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Rick Scott

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Everything posted by Rick Scott

  1. Does it matter if it is " Deep Fried In Batter" Hope you find one , in the mean time i'll get me coat
  2. So i was told Chalky but judging by this info may not be the case, certainly hope so, people ringing you up and giving wrong info or just rumours, Rick
  3. Also already mentioned in the Record Theft thread on here last week . yea i did see this but thought it was something different as a person was supposed to be found dead according to what i was told this morning, so hope this not the case as know some collects and DJs living in Skegness...... Rick
  4. A Friend of mine just rang me about a Phone call he received from a guy out Car Booting with some colleagues about a NS DJ/ Collector Being Found Dead after not being seen around for a few days (From Skegness) He was found dead after the door was smashed in to gain access.The house was re sealed up to make safe but a couple of days later Big White Van turns up and Clears the House of All The records, Unfotunately that's as much as i know, just hope it is just a rumour and nothing else.
  5. The Pervis Lee track was Put Out in 2014 on a rather expensive test press?? (around the £80 mark) so is this just a 2020 Re-Press of that at 1/2 The Price, some one on here may have a bit more info on this one than me as i have always wondered, it is a nice track by the way.
  6. Cheers for that, Good to Know, Rick
  7. Hi Rob, WOW! That's quite an interesting looking Track list, looking forward to that one for sure
  8. Another fabulous release from "Legere Records" Getting Rotations on my Turntable as we type, a beautiful SOUL record the stands out above a Glut of not so great new mainly retro new releases kicking around at the mo and new labels just shoving stuff out willy nilly, personally i would rather have Quality rather than Quantity. Mammas Gun - " This Is The Day" Bloody Wonderful, Gets better with every Play, Turn up the Volume and let it wash over you, but be Quick as don't think this one will be hanging about for long...... Cheers, Rick
  9. Cheers' glad i could help in some way, "Go back baby" is 1st and second track on my CD Copy, so wrongly titled?, When given the CD it just said Sy Hightower from Promo Acetate on it so had to put on it what i already Knew the time and guess the on others. The Guys on here are very Knowlagable on all things Soul, and then some.....and always ready to help in any way which is cool. Cheers Rick.
  10. If it's the same as Rod Dearloves one sided acetate (Presumed to be one side of an LP) 1) I ain't Playing 2) I ain't Playing 3) I've been Thinkin' 4) I know your' leaving 5) I wonder why This was given me back in the day from a friend of mine who was quite pally with Rod.( A CD copy of it) Hope it helps.....Rick
  11. Nothing new then, OK we got to know who 3 people were in a photograph at a last Wigan All-Niter as it was felt the need to track them down and identify them and talk to them, fair enough job done, nice guys who are still on the Scene enjoying and supporting the music. A nice touch when they were photographed together as they are now and they looked very happy about it and will obviously remember it all for a long time. Was it just an "Inside Out" News Report or Something else that may be in the Pipe Line for future viewing, One for the Conspiracy Theorists to think about I thought i saw 'Captain Obvious' Lurking about, or did i ?
  12. Seems to me that issues like this are viewed in different ways by different people. Mostly it seems that people who are relatively new to the "Scene" don't have issues with the music used in TV Programs and TV Commercials and are quite surprised by it where as people like myself who have been into Soul Music since the mid 60s long before it became the 'Northern Scene' aren't. You have to remember it WAS an 'Underground Scene' Born without all the Publicity and in the beginning Created in the main by 'Word and Mouth, when the TV Cameras were allowed into the Casino it was seen as an Intrusion by the Faithful and we were more than aware what would follow, Site seers and divs dancing (i use that term loosely) with drinks in their hands and a fag hanging out of their gob on the dance floor, not a great site, view it in a different way, sad as it is over the years the damage has been done, it is irreversible and sadly something we now have to live with it, like it or not..................
  13. Hi Loced out, If the other tracks are as good as the Black Day Light track we are in for a treat, Many thanks for Sharing, Really hope you and Ady can work something out, He's a 'Top Guy' and above board with everything he does, Oh and a big pat on the Back for Sabastian for being Quick off the mark, Nice One Thanks. Rick
  14. It Seems every Day now 'Shit Happens' and today is another, I'm gutted at the the Passing of Michael Proctor. 'Love Don't Live' was Massive for me from Day One of release both in Northern Rooms And Modern Rooms as it sat comfortably in BOTH Camps, An absolute Floor Filler! My condolences go out to ALL his Family and Friends, A talent and Respected Vocalist who will be Missed But Not forgotten.
  15. Record selling / buying new releases has changed so much these days its a bloody Nite Mare, coloured this splattered that, this mix that mix, Ltd this Ltd that, big hole, little hole, there definitely will be no re-press (Yea Right!), anyone else get a bit frustrated with all this or do most people not give a "Daffy Duck".
  16. Saw them at the Fiesta Club (Sheffield) back in the 70s and loads of other great Acts, That will do for me , They were fabulous too, fond memories of the bus trips over to the Sheffield Fiesta Club, anyone else go?
  17. My My My. ***2001 Black essence*** (from '74 if my memory serves me correctly) One THEE Best cross over soul records Ever and Rod Nearly took the roof off with it. Rick
  18. As you say Dave "Happy Days" Was a lovely venue and if i say so myself thought the Music played there was Excellent (as Mr. Burns would say) Only Downer was the Bloody Dance Floor that was put together like a large Jig Saw Puzzle, Tripped on it many a times when i Danced on it Cheers, Rick.
  19. Apologies, I made the same mistake as i thought she was a Young Man (did see the ear rings but lots of young people male or female wear them these days) it was the shirt that made me think wrongly but as we all seem to agree "WHAT A TALENT"
  20. BlackpoolSoul, naaa, i know as much as the next guy and always learning, My copy of 'Teasing You' is real nice vinyl as i said but label has slight fade and wear but not bad wear (Damage Etc) and i think you are dead right with your comments above
  21. I've got a near mint vinyl of Teasing You Again and can't that price in the States, (not for sale at the mo by the way) but here's the thing a lot of the Green Gatur releases labels from what i have seen seem to suffer from Fadeing or Light superficial Damage to rough, whether it is down to poor quality paper used or just the way Americans Treat their Vinyl, the exception being "Concentrate" which has the more Modern Label and these always seem to fare better, maybe because of a laminated surface to the label, what do you think you guys?
  22. some one needs to get this young man in a studio and record this song his voice is unbelievable, don' know how old he is but he has an incredible voice, this sort of talent is our future! He Should Be A Star!
  23. Sad news Derek Good Weekends had at Soul Essence when i used to go down there With Jeff and Ann Langton and Henry Atkinson. All the banter we all used to have when they used to have the Soul Quiz, You Know, North V South And all that, Happy Times. R.I.P. Chris.
  24. Only 40+ years down the line and Authorities only recently beginning to take notice, Wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that it is affecting well known Pop Stars now would it? or is it that not many other records fetch the sort of money Northern Soul Records now sell for and it is not like they wern't aware of it surely ?
  25. Let's not forget also that the biggest losers here are also the Artists themselves who have never made a Penny out of these peoples activities, They had a Dream to have a hit record and a good living for themselves or their Families, The cost of Studio Time for a single artist who would need to use a House band to play the backing Track and maybe some backing singers, and the pressing up of as many records as He or She could afford at the end of it all, some times the records would be hand printed on machines you pressed individually by hand to keep costs down, Not so bad for those who were a band where Members could Pool their Money together, but most Singers were on their own. We are all aware of the records that we revere and the Artists that we Love and Idolise to this Day but most of those are gone, no longer with us, without knowing about the Soul Scene in the UK who Started playing THEIR MUSIC that they had invested their Time and hard earned cash into, all those Classic Record and Artist we Still Love Today, It's such a Shame you Know that PARASITES were the ones Making VAST AMOUNTS OF MONEY off the back of these People without a Thought or Care in the World, Greedy Bastards! And that is just the music that came out of the USA.

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